Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Fly Guy Rules! (D)


Why do I keep having Panic dreams? Last night it was the old familiar big- test- tomorrow- haven't- studied /haven't- a-clue one, this time a college course in archeology. The night before I woke up in a panic, sure I had a paper to deliver later this week-- it took a long time to work through what day/month it was and realize the next real paper is mid-April, and it is essentially the one I've already done. It did make me realize I need to do something about the Library show- and- tell. Today I made a brief outline and gathered together the three PowerPoint presentations I've done, deleting the stuff that repeats in each one. It's going to be longer than an hour, as is. Must shorten-- my voice will not hold out for a whole hour!

Came home at noon to be here for the dishwasher repair guy. He showed up on time, but the damn thing REFUSED to leak, no matter what he did. He said it is most likely a failing gasket, but did not have one with him, and at any rate, would not want to fix something that is not actively broken. He told me where to buy a new one, if it leaks again. Said they are very cheap and easy to install. That was nice of him-- he could have just said to call him again if it leaked again, and charged us another $48.00 plus a ridiculously marked up part charge. I immediately ran the load of dishes that's been in there nearly a week, and no leaks. Nice to have Mrs. Higgins back in operation.

Being home in the afternoon allowed me to get a couple loads of laundry done, plus get started with the mis en place for dinner at a reasonable hour. I had some broccolini I was going to fix Sunday, but realized I had no idea what to do with it, and my cookbooks were no help. It looked kind of tired, too. I almost tossed it, but in the end, rebagged and stuck it back in the fridge. Happily, Fine Cooking (#78) arrived today with lots of good looking stuff, including "five bright sauces for veggies"... and one of the veggies was broccolini. I trimmed the stems and soaked it in a big pot of cold water, and it perked up hugely. I steamed it, and made their Basalmic-Bacon Vinaigrette Sauce, and it was lovely. Spozed to be good on brussels sprouts, potatoes and green beans too, and I believe it. Want to try some of the others.

With this had what turned out to be one of Leanne's better efforts, and very easy: flank steaks sauteed in olive oil with a little garlic, topped with lime juice, lime slices and chopped cashews.

What elaborate plans you had for the Iowa house, Mom. Right down to measuring inches. What derailed the plans-- Dan's death? I would think that would have made things easier for you, if that was indeed what you wanted to do.

Bill is decluttering his magazines like a true Fly Guy-- ALL the cardboard holders under the north windows are empty. And now gone, too, as I moved them back into my study to help me get a grip sorting my own shoulder-high stack of 'zines hidden in a corner. He is determined to get rid of them all, even the ones under the bed. (!) I don't know what has come over him, but I like it! Very inspiring.

And now, a word from our sponsor:

Wednesday, October 22, 1952
296th Day--70 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning Pat & I rode to school alone Cause the rest of the gang went to scouts. Patty Mersman got a chain letter. She gave one to Sandy & she's giving it to me. It is for postcards. Our store friend Jim is leaving. Boo Hoo. I want to get his autog. Sandy is sick. That fouls up our party plans. Suzy

Thursday, October 23, 1952
297th Day--69 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning I rode to school. I gave my speech on William Howard Taft. Today was Hamberger day in the Cafe. Gym cloths are in. I'm getting mine Sat. We had an emergency club meeting. Pattys Dad isn't going. I'm wiring this in the dark. Can you tell? Suzy

Sandy, I'm sure you will remember "our store friend, Jim." I almost do. Wasn't this one of the check-out guys at Rancho Market?


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