Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


A drift on the east side of our house.

Well, it was/is pretty indeed. We got about half the snow that RF did, but that was fine. Spectacular full moon on snow last night -- one of our most beautiful phenomena, moon shadows. The moon on the crest of the new-fallen snow, etc. -- CC Moore knew what he was talking about, as it does indeed give a luster of midday. Charlie got me out of bed as soon as he got up this morning to see the terrific moonset in the west.

I left at twenty of eight yesterday, and drove over pure glacier until I was just a few miles east of RF. Couldn't face the interstate all the way in, but it would have been better. Twenty-nine (the road by our house that goes to RF) had been plowed a little, but there wasn't an iota of salt or sand anywhere. It was awful. Took me 45 minutes (normally 20) to get to RF. Low gears are handy. I didn't touch the brakes once.

I was headed for the east side of St. Paul, and once I got to RF the roads were o.k., though traffic crawled most of the way on I 94, due to slowdowns for spinouts (new yesterday, not from the storm day, I think), most particularly a semi in the median which closed the left lane. Very, very slow. I had two schools to visit, and miraculously made it on time, since I'd anticipated delay. Trip that normally takes a little under an hour took a little more than an hour and a half.

I am sorry the Diry is coming to an end. I want to go back and read it all again. So many things in that year! You know, after hazing (there's no other word for it) Patty Mersman so mercilessly (and she took it so well), I don't think we ever told her the secret letters. I hope we did, but for some reason we never really wanted to let her into the inner circle. Kids can be mean. And we were really at the end of it then. I'll bet the summer and fall of 52 were the end of the club. Wish I knew for sure, but I think that we began to go our separate ways about then -- I became friends with Susie Sponsler and moved away from the neighborhood kids. Who were your friends in eighth grade, Suzy?

I haven't done much fancy cooking since I got back, with the exception of a nice coq au vin on Saturday, at Charlie's request. The fun part of it is lighting it on fire after browning the chicken.

I also assume Marty got to work o.k., since the roads were decent, and she is better at driving in crap anyway.


At 9:40 PM, Blogger Suzy said...

Sandy, I think you're right that we never let Patty Mersman in on the Big Secret of the club. What little shits we were. I didn't like her because I thought she was stuck up-- and that her family was higher class than ours, somehow. And I agree that the club broke up right about then anyway.
My friends in 8th grade were Thelma Elliot and Trisha, at least at the beginning of the year. Nancy Hughes sat in front of me in Kallenbach's class, and by second semester, she and I were best and inseperable friends, much to the displeasure of her other friends.


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