Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Poor Pitiful


Great headline, Mom. Shore is Purtty indeed! Obviously Charlie was able to get in to see about your fallen tree today, so the roads are somewhat functional-- I wonder if Marty was able to go to work?

Poor Neil. He lives outside Minneapolis, and left for England just before the blizzard. He'd been commenting about how it was spring, with crocuses and stuff.

Poor us. Premature summer. However, we did get some much needed rain today.

Poor me. Working on the next show-and-tell night and day. It was officially announced via the "ALL Library Staff" list today. That's probably why so many people suddenly noticed me sitting in Special Collections working on "my box" and had to stop and ask what the hell I was doing. Even Bill dropped by! The attention is nice, but when doing this kind of data drudgery, any interruption is multiplied by a factor of 5-10 because of the break in rhythm, plus all the surge of inner voices that chime in with, "What the hell ARE you doing anyway? You must be out of your mind! You'll never finish this in a million years!" Etc. Takes a few minutes just to strangle them back into silence.

Think I have a reasonable set of 170 (!) slides assembled, and have been working on patching together a reasonable narrative to go with them. And keep reminding myself that the point of this one is to ENTERTAIN, first myself (since I love talking about this stuff) and second the people who come to check it out. Don't need to teach them anything, or convince them of anything. And luckily, I have two enormously entertaining individuals, Neil and Lynn Johnston, doing the heavy lifting for me. Worked on it an hour or two tonight.

Got home late, both of us frazzed. Bill sneezing. Decided a pot of recent crock soup from the freezer was in order, and added half a package of broccolie slaw to it to simulate noodles. Worked rather well for a brainless meal, along with bag salad and some of those nice TLC crackers Sandy left. Carrot loves the crackers too. Still keeping up with my new post-dinner habit of sweeping the floor whenever I cook as part of the kitchen cleanup routine. What I've not been keeping up with is putting stars on the calendar to reflect this.

Enough. Will skip the diry tonight, since there is so little of it left.


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