Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Failure to Scurry (D)


Not much going on this end of the wire. Worked at home yesterday, the usual dinner out. Today Bill had to be in ungodly early, so I took the day as vacation. Only, I ended up working again-- both days on the presentation for the Library. Why, oh why did I ever agree to do this? An hour is too long to try to hold people's attention, let alone the toll on my voice. And it's a terrible room for this kind of thing. I must be out of my mind.

I dusted today, but did none of the other Blessings. (Well, I did the sheets and towels yesterday plus bathrooms, so guess that counts for something.) Tonight when I should have been scurrying around, I read in the new heap of magazines Bill brought home from the P.O. Not really ready for tomorrow's shopping, either.

I didn't bother with anything green today, since I never left the house. We are having beautiful spring weather the past few days. It was nice to be able to spend a bit of time both yesterday and today sitting outside. The cat and I both enjoyed it.

When do you leave for your California trip?

Meanwhile, back in the early '50's ...

Wednesday, November 5, 1952
310th Day--56 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning was of course very dismal. I wore my Stevenson Button to School anyway. Mr. Kallenbach told us yesterday that he voted for Stevenson. Isn't that a mirical? He didn't look to happy this morning. Mom had to take us to School we were so late. We walked home. Tonite we had a fire in the fire place tonite complete with ice cream and everything. I Like Steve Better! Suzy

Thursday, November 6, 1952
311th Day--55 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we went to school. We played teather ball & 4 square at P.E. I stayed after school for dramatics club. I probably will have one of the comercials. Sandy went to Joyces on scout ubsiness. We were talking about having Faye come to my Slumber party. That will make a total of 8. 4 6th graders 4 8th graders. I got a pic of Polly Bergan the other day. 52 now. Suzy


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