Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Failure to Upload (D)

Hey, Mom-- the kids in Funky Winkerbean agree with you on the spelling! (hmmm... can't seem to get the picture uploading to work tonight. Oh well. Maybe I'll try again later.)

Usual Saturday routine. The kids are still out of town for Spring Break, but the Gator Nationals (drag racing) crowd are still around. Mostly the clog up the roads with block-long RV's and cars on trailers. Not much sign of them in Publix. In fact, Publix was downright dead. Tomorrow will be a zoo, though, when the kids all come back and do their shopping. Won't be long now before they're gone for the summer.

Still nice weather, cooler than yesterday, breezy, perfectly clear. Could do with this kind all year, although we do need some rain. The bit we got earlier in the week was not nearly enough.

I too enjoyed the account of Thea's birthday party. You don't suppose Grandma went all out like that for every kid's every birthday, do you? I love that they had a "peanut hunt" and that they danced, sang, "spoke pieces," and marched to the table! Thanks for doing that, Sandy.

I have only a dim memory of a large birthday party. Just that there was crepe paper on the table, and that Joanne Hazelaar was there. (Whatever happened to crepe paper anyway?) Was it 5th grade, perhaps? I would have been 10 that year, I think.

Started watching the Wallace & Grommit movie tonight. It's a hoot! There are a million wonderful little things about it, so it's hard to pick out any one. Seen it yet, San?

Didn't touch my presentation today-- but did spend time reading some strip history books, R.C. Harvey's in particular. Trying to get the basics down as background. I try to remember ODO (Outcault, Dirks and Opper) followed by Fisher& McKay. I'm still fascinated by Roy Crane-- reading some old Wash Tubbs/Captain Easy stuff. So many strips, so little time!

Friday, November 7, 1952
312th Day--54 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we rode to school on our bikes. Mom promised she would buy me a pair of shoes like Sandy's or some brown & white Saddle Straps. She didn't, tho. I hear Frank Sunatra & Ava are back together again. Also Lex Barker and Arlene Dahl will get a divorce. They were so sure it would last. Ha ha ha. Suzy

Saturday, November 8, 1952
313th Day--53 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we got up at 8:30 and did our work. Joyce came down & we had a club-meeting. I got some brown & white Saddle-strap shoes plus some more greens for Meesie & Yousie. We got some snails, too. Dan & Pa came down & brought me an electric popcorn popper like Pa's. Also a slug of pictures. Moppet came down & Mom & Dad went out to din. We saw "Brewster Millions" boy was it swell. Suzy


At 10:37 PM, Blogger Suzy said...

Ah, I see Neil can't post pictures tonight either, so it's obviously Blogger screwing up. I feel better now.

At 9:17 AM, Blogger Sandy said...

Yeah, my favorite part of that narrative was always "spoke pieces." That and the snapshot of our indignant baby father.

At 10:25 AM, Blogger Suzy said...

Yes, I meant to add something about baby Glenn already capable of indignity at age almost-three!


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