Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Monday, October 01, 2007

So Long, Castor


Begging your pardons, once again, for another non-post. Discovered there is no such thing as a Maytag repairman anymore -- there's no such thing as Maytag, period. No one wants to work on them, and it costs almost as much as a new one, even if you can find someone.

We went to Lowe's, picked one out, paid for it, and now have to wait 4-5 days for delivery. Plenty of clean sheets and towels, way too many clothes of all kinds. Only undies could be eventually a problem, but those are easily washable by hand. No need to panic yet. Nor to head for the dreaded laundromat.

Grabbed dinner at Crispers on the way back. Last night i made a broiled tuna with basil/lemon sauce served over spinach. Green beans with it, which I plan to turn into an interesting sounding salad.

While watching Monday Night Football, I cut up half a chuck roast to make into a Thai crock pot thing on Wednesday.

Too much football! And now for a month, too much baseball too! Oh me, oh my.

While going through paperbacks to donate to Library book store, I ran across The First Wives' Club, and have been compulsively rereading it. How can I resist a book where the first chapter mentions a siamese cat named Pangor?!

Will talk about rest of the multiple hardware problems plaguing my life sometime soon.

Let the record show I briefly put on a sweatshirt tonight. But this does NOT count as the official changing of the season "Sweatshirt Day" I so look forward to each year.


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