Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Bring It On


A post from Marty! What a treat. I love edamame-- my favorite way is in the pod, served hot and sprinkled with coarse salt. You gently gnaw on the salty pods to extract the beans-- wonderful! I was intrigued by the soup, and will have to give it a try.

I too have numerous pork half-tenderloins in the freezer I need to use. Will put that on the part of my menu plan for "things to try next week." Thanks for reminding me.

How appropos that Mom finds a letter to post where Marty is so new she requires quotes! :-)

Sunday is the traditional Day of Rest, Mom, so you did the right thing. Spring snoozes in La Fuma sounds like the best of all possible spring fever symptoms to me. You have plenty of time to get packed for the next adventure.

Third nice day in a row here, so of course, the bugs are back-- not quite in force yet, just the advanced guard, but enough to remind us of what's in store. Still, during the last winter snap, I actually found myself looking forward to the heat-- I'm just tired of being COLD. Bring it on, I say. (And of course, I'll rue having said this before long.)

Got the floors done (swiffer and carpet sweeper) so I'm caught up with the weekly blessings. Spent much of the afternoon in the kitchen preparing meals for later in the week. Some onion turkeyburgers that I froze, plus everything ready to throw in the crock pot tomorrow morning. And for tonight, Chicken Diane, cauli-rice and blanched broccoli. I've started processing broccoli bunches myself again, after disappointing experiences with the already chopped florets. I like the stems, and it really doesn't take that much longer to do it, especially with the miraculous peeler Sandy left with me.

Tonight I finished the borrowed book I've been reading for the past six months: Roger Zelazny's Nine Princes in Amber. It ended with a big bang-- I was sure that Bill had the next one in the series in his huge sci fi collection, but NO! Now I need to look to my friend Amazon for The Guns of Avalon.

Only an hour or so spent fussing with The Presentation. Good Suze. I think the evening routines are in good order, a few bills written, a loada wash done, kitchen clean (even the floor swept). Was hoping to find time to watch a little more of Wallace and Grommit, but didn't happen. Maybe tomorrow.

And so, to bed.


At 11:25 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Suzy, I saw a complete collection of Zelazny's Amber books under one cover a few months back, but didn't buy it. There were at least 8 or so in the series as I recall. I never read them all when he was alive, just lost interest after the first few. His 1967 "Lord of Light" spoiled me I guess.

At 9:02 PM, Blogger Suzy said...

Yes, Amazon has a collection of all 10, and several other configurations. Trouble is, Bill has hardbacks of about 7 of them, and possibly others that I just haven't been able to find amidst our book midden. I requested Guns of Avalon be retrieved from the Library's remote storage facility yesterday. Will pick it up tomorrow.

Everyone agrees the later ones don't live up the the beginning.


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