Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Buggy Baseball


Just to prove I'm still alive...

Drowning in post-season baseball. Staying up way too late to finish nailbiter games, then sleeping way too late to compensate.

Bill complained loud and long to Lowe's about the delayed delivery of the washer, and surprise! Miraculously, they were able to deliver one this morning! They arrived half an hour early, but I was up and ready. It went smoothly, and the new GE has been working nicely since. It has very high energy efficiency ratings, and seems quiet, if a bit slow. It has a window, which fascinates the cat. I remember our first Bendix and its window. I did three loads, and Bill did another when he got home, after a very weird day at work.

We skipped Outback last night, as it was raining, and I still had a meal ready to go from the night when we shopped for the washer. It rained again today, most of the day. I had to move Blue for the washer delivery, then realized how dusty he was with dirt and pollen from sitting in the carport, so left him parked outside for a good soaking rain bath. He looks much better.

You will not believe it, but our Christmas cards arrived today! I decided this year to let Bill pick the cards, when he (for the second year in a row) showed me some offerings from AOPA Air Safety, and went with his selection. Mom, I think you will like this particular card. If I have any sense at all, I will sit down and start addressing a few each day next week, and start drafting the canned letter. After all, it's nearly time for the FL Xmas Cruise.

Sandy, so awful that those beetles are back! I got a good sense of what a plague they are the last time I visited in the Fall. Did you see the Cleveland game tonight?! A hideous plague of gnat-like things drove both teams nearly mad. They were trying bug spray for relief, but turns out these demons go for moisture, even when it's poisonous to them, so the spray just made it worse! I've never seen a baseball game played under worse conditions. As Bill said, the game could easily have been won by a base on bugs.

I wish you a fine adventure with Chris and Kay, Mom. Sorry to hear he is still not quite recovered from his illness. Hopefully this vacation will prove restful for him. Good luck with the freezer excavations.

I have meals planned for next week, and since baseball doesn't resume again til 6:00, should have time to do the shopping tomorrow. Need to pick up gin! Tonight was reduced to drinking the last of the bottle of Bombay I got for Sandy during the UF conference. And I must say, with the magic olives, it tasted mighty fine. If I don't restock soon (like, tomorrow), I'll be down to the Gilbey's, and I have no doubt that, in time of need, it will taste mighty fine too.

And finally: Not only do I binge on re-reading, I binge on re-reading sequels! An about 1/3 into this guiltiest of guilty pleasures. However, I will NOT stay up all night reading this one. I swear. Honest. No way.


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