Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Fumes, Double Speed


I'm running on fumes here. Being off work for a week means running at double-speed trying to catch up. What seemed like a simple trouble ticket that came in yesterday required many hours and about 40 emails. And I have to think about writing down how to do these kinds of problems so someone can take over when I leave. Or not. The great campus Info-Tech sweep may obsolete my job. Probably not soon enough, though.

I'm also looking at 2 deadlines-- one tomorrow, one March 15. If I had any sense at all, I'd blow them both off, but I'm still so euphoric from the UF conference I want to jump right back into it again. Was hoping to spend a couple of hours in Special Collections late this afternoon, making sure my half-baked ideas would fly, but there just wasn't time.

Should mention that last night I used Sandy's leftover roast beast to make the Philly Steak Unsandwiches (served over spinach instead of on bread) and they were lovely. I did as she suggested (sliced it very thin and cooked it mere seconds on each side). Tonight we had Pork Chop Apple Mustard Skillet, which turned out amazingly well-- I have problems doing anything with pork chops that isn't hideously tough, but this was moist and tender. A keeper.

I loved my stint as sous chef! I always learn things when in kitchen with Sandy. Once I get past tomorrow's deadline, I will post some details about our cooking adventures.

Thanks for the clippings, Mom. I read and enjoyed them all. Especially the picture of Julia's hockey team. They do look like world beaters.

Let's pause here for kudos to the Scholar-Athlete. I managed to make the honor roll only three out of eight semesters in high school. My smart friends used to dis me for underachieving, and they were absolutely right. What a laugh that I had better success as an athlete (tennis) than as a scholar! Julia, you are the real deal. It was all pretty silly back in Olden Times.

Too late for a Diry entry.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Resume (D)


Well. [strikes Jack Benny pose] Strange how hard it is to get back into blog-mode after a week off. The thread has been lost. And how daunting to contemplate summarizing such a week as this?! So let's not, for now.

Just say, both Bill and I remarked on how strange it was to not have people around. Not "how nice" but "how strange" -- we both missed Mom and Sandy. It was really nice having that time together.

And let the record show that Sandy and I made our sisterly mark on the UF Comics Conference '06. Between the two of us, we probably talked to most everyone there. Not my usual conference experience, by a long shot. I have lots of ideas for my next few gigs, and Sandy is a newly emergent star in the Barks firmament. How sweet it is.

Thanks for keeping the blog alive while this was going on, Marty! You always seem to come through when silence descends. Sorry it had to be with disappointing news, but there is such a thing as too much too soon, so maybe this is for the best. Julia has three more years to keep trying with this team; if it had happened this year... then what? Congratulations on a great effort. Those of us who have never been on ice skates in our lives are in helpless awe.

And all apologies that none of us ever thought to snap a single picture for the blog! All I can say in our defence is that the Days were Just Packed. Wait til next year. Marty, time for you to make a return visit to Gainesville. February is the best time. Think about it!

And now, return with us to those thrilling days of yesteryear...

[across top of page:] Hipp Hip horay for Mr X [1]
Thursday, October 16, 1952
290th Day--76 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
Home again. This morning mom was going up to Hilsdale but It was so nasty she didn't The cabinates came and are they beautiful. I tryed to work on scout work but didn't get much done. I am going to try to get my First Class [illegible] & curved bar in 1 yr. Buffalo Bob & The Princess are [? fedisseled?] [2] X X X X X Suzy

Friday October 17, 1952
291st Day--75 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
Home again Mom set out bravly for Hillsdale and made it. Hip Hip. I of corse stayed with Chris. Its raining. The bathroom cabenetes are here. Nifty. Sandy went to her eye apt. Helen & Donny came over tonite and There were several big fights Mom, Dad & Donnie against Helen. Oh brother 11:45 Suzy

[1] The Mr X song:
Hip hip hurray for Mr. X
He's the man who's got a plan and it's a beauty
Hip hip hurray for Mr. X
He'll put an end to our friend Howdy Doody!
As I remember it, Mr X was a newly introduced villain in league with Mr. Bluster. We were obviously too old to be watching this show, as we so readily embraced anyone with a plan to off the dorky Doody puppet.

[2] Buffalo Bob and Princess SummerFallWinterSpring were also characters on the show, though I don't remember what "fedissled" meant.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

dateline Gainesville

Thanks, Marty, for the heartbreaking update. Too bad, but you're right, it's a new team. Wait until next year . . . .

All's gone well here. I gave my presentation yesterday (first on the program!), and Suzy gave hers today. Both went quite well.

Details to follow in one medium or other, but we're tired. I hope the real bloggers will put this all down.

Anyway, the BEST part about this is to be surrounded by people who take comics seriously! Not just academically seriously, but who also care about what happens to Elizabeth there in the frozen north of Canada (just to state one example).

Hockey heartbreak...

I thought I'd update interested parties - which I believe you all are... Julia's hockey team lost the section championship in a heartbreaking game against the hated Hudson Raiders today. The score was 4-6 - and they just plain outplayed us. So that means they are not advancing to the state tournament. We all pretty much had our bags packed. This is considered an upset. The girls are devstated. It would have been so fabulous to go to the state tournament in their first year as a team. On the other hand, it IS only their first year. So they did extremely well. We are proud but disappointed at the same time.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Mr. X (D)


You've launched-- the Adventure Has Begun! Not that you're going to find anything all that adventurous down here on the sandbar. Weather prognosis looks good, though (knock knock). There will still be some azaleas, the red bud is out, dogwood should be along soon. And my valentine roses, despite the abuse they suffered, are still looking fabulous. (Those ProFlowers folks really know what they're doing.)

How fortuitous that you stumbled into a room upgrade right out of the gate! I'd say that bodes well for your travel arrangements.

We're really looking forward to your visit, and thank you for giving us the nudge to do at least a bit of decluttering. Bill is so pleased with the results of his that he says he wants to make a big push to get the paper clutter conquered. I say, right on. I'm more than ready to shred, recycle and dump.

Once you arrive at your hotel and call, I'll come there and you can follow me back to the house. After that, Sandy will know the way (it will all come back). We can figure out plans from there.

This has been a good distraction from pre-presentation nerves. I did read it aloud this morning (very badly) and will read it again tonight-- I find reading it slightly tipsy is good practice for dealing with mush-mouth jitters and going on.

Today was a holiday in civilized regions of this nation. But not in Swampland. Bill had to work, I'm taking vacation.

I made a Desperation Dinner (ie, from the book of that name) -- a very nice saute of pork tenderloin medallions, onion rings and a vinegar hot sauce. Roasted zucchini spears and grape tomatoes, plus some leftover veg too. I still have the fridge to purdge tomorrow morning-- I assure you, the science experiments in there now are not all that interesting.

If you are leaving at 7:00 and don't get here til 2:30, you must have a long layover in ATL. This is a Good Thing, trust me. Dashing through ATL when you arrive late, only to miss your plane, is NOT fun. Better to saunter the 2-3 miles between gates and be bored for awhile. I'll keep an eye on the flight data online. And you can call with any updates from your end.

Tomorrow! Oh Boy! :-)

Monday, October 13, 1952
287th Day--79 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning I stayed home from school 'cause I had a cold. I cleaned up my room & Sandy's mess too. Mom bought me a pomegranate for a good job. Scouts started today but I did not go. They put Redwood on the front of our house. Mom got a job in a Kid's wear store. They are sleeping out again. Suzy

[across top of page:] We need ADLAI Badlai
Tuesday, October 14, 1952

[nothing else written that day]

Wednesday, October 15, 1952
289th Day--77 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
Well I'm home again still with this awful cold of mine. Mom & Jeannette went into Palo Alto this afternoon. I sorted out the drawers. The're real nice now. Mom brought some chintz samples home. I fell in love with one called "American Beauty" Want it in Wall paper. Tasted Creme a Coco Lousy. I like White Rock Black Cherry better. Beany almost to Crum bum bay
[This must have been about "Time for Beany"] Suzy

And since it may be awhile until I next post a Diry, let me just give one little spoiler here. At the top of the next day's entry is this:

Hipp Hip Horay for Mr. X

Remember it, Sandy?

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Xing Xmas (D)


Very tired tonight. Took longer than I expected to get Christmas stowed away. Finally realized that artificial tree was never going to go back into the box it came in (which was damaged to begin with) and so I wrestled the three pieces into three giant garbage bags. It's nice to have at least some of that big space recovered, though. Also spent some time on Zone-type work in my bathroom-- the kind of stuff that swish and swipe does not catch.

Bill turned his three towering coffee table stacks into practically nothing, reading and tossing as he went. He also mixed up a batch of his variation on Bert's Oysterettes for Mom. We haven't had any around since Atkins, and so they taste really good to us.

I had a nightmarish experience with one of Leanne's recipes tonight. What the heck does it mean to preheat the oven to 375, then put [marinated chicken drumsticks] under the broiler?! My broiler is in my one oven, and it doesn't do temps-- it only knows "char". The glaze on them burned black almost immediately. I futzed around with them for about 45 minutes, trying to get them cooked without burning them. We both agreed the result wasn't worth the angst, and the cat wouldn't touch it.

Speaking of Her Nibs, she is fine today, completely back to normal. Big sighs of relief all around.

Mom, I don't remember what the deal was with that cafeteria duty-- I have a feeling it was voluntary, but something of an honor to be chosen, as you had to be doing well enough to be able to miss some class time. Not sure, though. Sandy, do you remember any such routine?

After a drop-dead beautiful day Saturday, today was overcast and in the 50's, and it's cold tonight. I don't know what clothes to tell you to bring!

Saturday, October 11, 1952
285th Day--81 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we did our work and then we had our club meeting. We decided to invite Patty Mersman to join the club. And what an initiation we have for her. "Tallolah" made her television debut on the "All star Review" boy, was she good. We saw a gory movie. Also "St dept File 649" already seen Mom & Dad - Robin Hood. Suzy

Columbus Day
Sunday, October 12, 1952
286th Day--80 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we didn't go to sunday school 'cause we had to watch Chris while Mom & Dad put in insolation. We did a lot of work then went to see "Washington Story" with Van Jonson & Pat Neal also "Robin Hood" with Richard Todd and Joan Rice. Moppet stayed for dinner the insolation is all in thanks to his help. Suzy

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Swish (D)


Happy to report that the cat is returning to normal today, slowly but surely. Eating a bit, drinking a bit, walking around, swishing her tail, looking interested in things. All very good signs, and all things you take for granted until they stop. She hopped up on Bill's lap as we were having after dinner espresso, and they both promptly fell asleep. Ah yes, how sweet it is.

Got out for an extended shop, meaning all the way out to Archer Road, which used to be the brief shopping place-- our Williston Road store has spoiled us. But Williston still lacks a drug store (vitamins) and a serious liquor store.

We are looking forward to your visit! When do you arrive on Tuesday? Need to know when to cue the brass band. Seriously, there are no plans at all in place, except for the comics conference on Friday and Saturday. We'll make it up as we go along.

Thursday, October 9, 1952
283rd Day--83 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we rode to school. Gay & I had Caf. dutie as usual. I found out Mr. Kallenbach read "Willie" my composition about the dinosaur at sixth period. Sandy & I were to preform in my amatur show but sandy went home at noon sick so I carried on alone. Everyone liked it. I got complements all over the place. Suzy

Friday, October 10, 1952
284th Day--82 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning I rode to school as usual. When we got there our room & Hill's room were Flooded! Don't ask me what happened. Anyway we had our first class outside! Daddy got the insolation for the house today. That means more progress. We watched Tales of Tomorrow. real spooky. "Youth on Tap" Bum Bum Bum Bum Bam

Friday, February 17, 2006

Happy Birthday to Ya' (D)


Got some polishing done on the second draft, and it looks like it will fly. Big relief. Also did research to nail down some details I'd left for later-- good thing cuz Later is Now! In the course of doing that, I emailed the editor of Hogan's Alley about an article of his about Sunday comic strip ads. He replied with helpful info-- every once in awhile I just have to step back and marvel: ain't the 'Net grand?

Our cat is ailing. So sad to see her just sitting there, curled up in Bill's chair, not doing any of her usual stuff. We're keeping a close eye on her.

Yes, looks like the weather is going to be warm for your visit. Believe me, this is good news. We don't do well with winter cold here. Winter warm is glorious, though, so maybe you'll luck out. They are talking about highs of 80 this weekend, but who knows what it will be like by Tuesday. Glad I don't have to pack to come here!

But very glad that you two do, and very much looking forward to it.

Let the record show that I continued forming the Friday night habit of dealing with the floors and carpets, plus did a load of laundry, plus wrote a few bills. Good Suze.

Will post some comments on your blog tomorrow, Mom. Plus some about tonight's Diry entries. But meanwhile, happy birthday back in 1952. You would have been ... all of 35! :-)

Tuesday, October 7, 1952
281st Day--85 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we rode the bus to school because of Chior Practice. Thelma is having Faye join the Rainbow Girls' so that puts Pat & me back. We brought shorts for Gym again but we didn't take showers After Chior, I went to the soda shop & got a Stevensen button (Yay) Karen gave me a beautiful gray skirt.

[written above:] M O M M Y [and a smiling, shining, curly-headed face, over the top of which is written:] YAAY
Wednesday, October 8, 1952
282nd Day--84 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we rode as usual. I wrote a comp. called "Willie" my usual style. This time about a dinasaur (What next) We had cafe dutie. We did "Monkey Song" for Sandy's class. Pretty good. & What do ya think! Stupid got a new clairinete. Real Snaz!! The bathtub came We bought Mom Choc Cherries for her birthday. New bricks too on house. Suzy

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Short (D)


Worked at home and got the second draft done on CAD. It's still pretty ragged, but coming along.

Waiting for the towels to finish drying. Got both bathrooms done. Believe me, there will be no crisis cleaning / dash-and-stash before your visit, Mom and Sandy. What you'll see is where we're at today. Not the best we've been, but still a whole lot better than when we started. I will try to get the Christmas stuff into the storeroom before then, though!

Very. Sleepy.

Sunday, October 5, 1952
279th Day--87 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we went to Sunday school. When we came home Joyce had us bring a lunch down. After much delay we made it. After lunch we indulged in a heavy game of Canasta. This lasted all afternoon. Lala & Fran came down. They watched us eat a delicious chicken dinner. Yum yum. Suzy

Monday, October 6, 1952
280th Day-- 86 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This mrning we rode our bikes to school. I went to Glee Club 1st period. Sharrie, ([illegible]) is going to sing the solo for "Dear sweet Little Jesus Boy" I got a 90% on My "Pres" test thats a 1. I went over to Pat's & Found myself having dinner with her. Then she came over and I taught her to play Canasta. She likes it real well. Suzy

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Where Have All the Roses Gone? (D)


Belated Happy Heart Day to all.

Ours was a bit strange. Bill always gives me flowers, and the past 4-5 years they've been delivered at work with great ceremony, to the envious wonderment of my co-workers. This year, it was Bill who arrived at my office door wondering what had happened-- the roses, which were delivered on time and in perfect shape last year from the same place, were MIA.

Poor Bill. He spent much of yesterday evening and this morning wrestling with the global brown elephant known as UPS. It was clear someone on campus had signed for the roses. But who? All the usual suspects denied all knowledge. It took until noon today to track them down. They'd been delivered to the wrong library building, where lots of deliveries are received, and the library head had just signed automatically and not looked at what it was. So they sat in the mail room in the science library overnight! After being flown from god-knows-where via god-knows-what super-expedited whatever. Then they spent most of today slowly touring the campus as part of the Library's internal mail delivery (which, ironically enough, is a function of Bill's division). The pot was so full of irony by now it could barely hold itself!

Ah, but the happy ending: the beautiful and still virtually perfect roses arrived safely at last, and I brought them home with me tonight. Too bad they will be past it when you arrive next week.

We had dinner at what has become our traditional Valentine spot: the Sawamura Steak House. The cooking is the floor show, and you never know what sort of strange mix of people will be your grill-mates. The stuff tastes great, too. However, I forgot that "martini" is not what you order in this place-- the first drink was about one to one! For the second one, I switched to Tanq on the rocks. Much better!

Mom, I will be sure to stock some Gilbey's for you, as I know you have no use for the high priced gin. Is there anything else I can get to make your stay more enjoyable? After Bill started Atkins, he had to call a halt to his Bert's Oysterettes addiction, but I bet he'd be happy to mix you up a batch of his own special blend.

Today was Anti-Procrastination Wednesday-- made myself do a biggie, months overdue: a haircut!

Lots of meetings and social events today, so not much chance to work on the paper. I finished up the rough rough draft on Tuesday, and reading as fast as I can go, it's 17.something minutes. Spozed to be 15, and not supposed to be read fast. Major cuts must start now. At the same time, I keep finding places where just a little more expansion is needed, and just one, maybe two more slides would make it all make more sense... but NO! Don't go there now.

Today hotel reservations for Comic-Con in San Diego opened. Last year I must have lucked out to have gotten the great hotel in the perfect location. Who knew? This year-- impossible. The best I could do was to book something near the airport, half a mile away, in order to get on a waiting list for the hotel we had last time. I wonder if we really want to do this? I've not submitted anything to this one. Bill had fun last year and wanted to do it again, and I thought we could combine it with a trip to the Bay Area to see Thea and his uncle Ballard French (a neat guy). If San Diego continues to prove so difficult, maybe we'll just do a Bay Area trip this time around.

DIARY, 1952

[nothing for Sept 24-25]

Friday, September 26, 1952
270th Day--96 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
Nothing much happened at school today. We took showers again. Gee, I don't know what we did with out them. Sandy wants to let Patty Mersman join the club. We'll see. At Patwitties this aft we each a 4th of a lemon pie (sigh) Then we took a daredevil ride thru the orcherd. Boy was it fun. Thinking of making it inition. Love, Suzy

[nothing for Sept 27-Oct 3]

What a day! !
Saturday, October 4, 1952
278th Day--88 Days to follow

Dear Diary
This morning Sandy & I woke up early outdoors & started our work. I made my bed & then cleaned up my room. We had Patty Mersman come to the club meeting. We talked about uniforms & different things then we did our puppets. When Feeding the cats Chris came dashing in with a cut wrist. Daddy got sick. When they returned from Doc. he had three stitches. Suzy

Monday, February 13, 2006

Derailed Hours (D)


The day had such a promising start: up in time to get everything done, even the sheets changed, before getting to work at a halfway decent hour. Alas, after less than an hour, I got whacked with a killer sinus/migraine headache, and it was a sick-making one. I struggled to keep working for another hour, but finally had to have Bill take me home when he got out of meetings around noon. Haven't had one this bad in several years. As usual, a couple hours of sleep is the only thing that helps at all.

Felt enough better tonight to go ahead with the planned meal-- a rather uninspiring sweet and sour pork. Folded a big load of Bill's Big Whites, and am waiting for towels to come out of the dryer (both bathrooms nicely done). IOW, everything on schedule except work and CAD. I've got plenty of slack built in for the paper, but sometimes I wonder if I'm going to make it through another seven months. It gets harder and harder, like a mountain that gets steeper as you near the summit. Is it even worth it, I wonder.

'Nuffa that. Here's some 1952-Fu:

[Nothing for Sept 20]

Sunday, September 21, 1952
265th Day--101 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we got up & went to Sunday School. We met our new Rector Rev Shires. He is pretty nice.
After curch we went down to Joyces & Had Watermelon & Then went to see "Has Any body Seen My Gal?" with Rock Hudson, Piper Laurie Chas. Coburn & Gigi Perreau also "We're not Married" with [writing gets tinier and tinier at this point] Fred Allan, Ginger Rogers, Victor Moore, Marilyn Monroe, David Wayne, Paul Douglas, Eve Arden, Mitzi Gaynor, Eddie Bracken, Zsa Zsa Gabor & Louis Calhern (Whew) Suzy

[Nothing for September 22]

Tuesday, September 23, 1952
267th Day--99 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we rode the bus to school cause we have to go to Chior practice. We worked in the cafe as usual At P.E. We took showers again & I got to take one too I was in time Teehee went to dentist again We walked to choir Practice Uncle Miltie returned to T.V. again. I like Dale Robertson. Suzy

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Cold. Yeah, Cold (D)


Right you are, Mom; it's going to be VERY cold tonight, mid-to-low 20's, possibly a record low for this day. Pity the poor azeleas-- the early bloomers among them are out in full force.

All I can tell you about what kind of weather to expect is that it probably won't get this cold, and probably won't even freeze while you're here. Highs today were in the 50's, but that's unusual; will more likely be in the 60-70's. Lows 40-50s. And I can promise you it won't get above 80, so don't bother with summer clothes. I'd say, pack as you would for mid-spring in Wisconsin.

Got the minimal shopping done today. Such a late start, I cancelled plans to go all the way to Butler Plaza and Walgreens-- out of several of our vitamins. Need to try to schedule that during the week.

Fixed a pretty nice meal tonight: Broiled T-bones with a light mustard/ garlic/ lime juice coating, fauxtatoes with chipotles, and Brussels sprouts with bacon and apple (from EdF 27-- made it for Thanksgiving this year and Bill loved it). Even though all three were Recipes, I managed to get them all done on time, at the same time. Minor miracle!

I didn't touch my paper the whole weekend either, though I intended to. This week I must finish writing and polishing. Next week will be for cutting and practicing-- will need to put in a couple of hours a day on this-- hope my guests understand!

Your friends had such interesting families, Sandy. The Walkers and the Sponslers, too. My friends' families all seemed to be from the Ozzie and Harriet mold. Of course, WE had the most interesting family of all, with our incredibly cool and beautiful mother, and our very unusual and ever-changing house.

Thursday, September 18, 1952
262nd Day--104 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we got up and rode to school. There was an orcestra rehersal this morning. I had cafeteria duty this noon again with Gay. Sally & Molly Z. [Zecher] and Josepine L. [Lumoctod, one of the few black kids at the school] are the new cheer leaders. This aft. we had our snacks & tittered around. We watched Flash Gorden over at Pats. Mom is out somewhere without the car. I'm worried!!! Suzy

Friday, September 19, 1952
263rd Day--103 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we got dressed & rode to school. I had Cafe. duty again. At P.E. came the news of the first gang showers. Of Course every one dreaded it. But was really fun. After school we all met here for a coconut husking party. We all played until Flash Gorden & Tom Corbett. Then we departed. Suzy

the Walkers

Another comment that I decided to do as a post:

O.K. I keep forgetting to tell y'all this. The name of the school on Miramonte was Loyola school, same as the one that opened across the street from us the following year. That was a one-year shot. Second grade was in a low building as well; I could draw its relationship to some of the other parts of the school. I loved being there. There was a small wading pool with no water in it, and at the end of the year they filled it and we had "Splash Day!"

The plaid dresses, I am sure, were two years earlier. I wore mine in fourth grade, I'm sure. It is amazing that we still dressed alike some of the time!

As far as food during our visit. I will, of course, be traveling with my cutlery (with the addition of a bread knife, after the bread fiascos in Oakland), and yes, I want to cook. I think we should have our nights out mostly when Ma's there, but I'll cook any time, all of the time (except there are places we want to go . . . ). Anyway, don't make any big plans. I should have time to take care of much of this. God, I'm really looking forward to being there! Never thought I'd want to go to Gainesville!

I'd forgotten that Harlow's aunt had triplets. She was the wife of Big Harlow (Harlow's father's brother), and one of his kids was also named Harlow. So there were Big Harlow, Harlowboy, and Harlowgirl, as they called them. All had the last name of Walker. No wonder Harlow (girl) was put into a men's dorm at Stanford!

Gonna try to work on the paper today, but it's already getting late.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Five Years

Gainesville, Supplemental

This blog was inspired by Neil Gaiman's. Thursday his was five years old. I really like what he had to say about diaries and blogs:
There. The first part of the first bit of deadline madness has been finished. Two more to go. And somewhere in there I managed to completely lose track of what day and date it was, which means that this blog's fifth birthday came and went yesterday and I didn't even put up a Happy Birthday post.

You know, I've never managed to keep a diary, despite my best intentions. Every now and again I'll run across an almost-empty diary with the first three pages filled in. Even my attempt to keep a private Moleskin diary, chronicling my travels, was doomed to failure and neglect. But this thing I'm still doing, and it's still fun.

One reason I know I'm keeping it is that people are still reading it. So thank you all, for that.
And THAT is the important part about why Two/Lotsa Flies is midway through its fourth year and still going strong-- someone besides just "me" is reading it, and in our case, writing it as well. Posting the fragments of our previous diaries and letters brings them to life again, but also encourages me, at least, to keep on posting about what is happening now, and how I feel about it, no matter how mundane it seems.

So, congrats, Neil. And thanks.

Mostly Menu Mailer (D)


Never did get out to shop today (it was raining, which always dampens my enthusiasm for that particular activity). I did, however, get the Big Three done: swiffered floors, feather-dusted, and carpet-swept. I also did something I've been putting off for ages-- went through a huge stack of printed-out recipes-- mostly from the Menu Mailers, but some from Sandy and the Net as well. I tossed all the Menu Mailer ones unless they had a comment on them. This rediced the stack to about 1/3 of what it was, and leaves me with only things that were good enough to merit a comment. (Or bad enough, in a few cases). While I was doing that, I ripped about 10 recently acquired CD's into iTunes and then onto my iPod. Not a bad showing for a Saturday.

I have plenty of stuff in the freezer, so I picked out something from the recipe heap to cook-- a shrimp/mushroom skillet thing my annotation said we both loved. Was happy that Bill loved it again. Had frozen peas and bag salad with it. I did not clean out the fridge, though, which really needs to be done before I can cram anything new in there. I could probably eke out meals for the rest of the week on just what's in the freezer and the wilter, but would rather not.

Already thinking ahead about the week after. How much should we cook, how much go out? Will Sandy be traveling with her cutlery? Guess I should wait to hear what your plans are before getting into detailed logistics.

I can't remember the name of that school out on Miramonte either-- it was on an old estate. I know I've written about it before-- I was in 4th grade, and we were the "big kids." Our class room was in an out-building, probably servents quarters. Sandy, where did the 2nd grade meet? In the big house? And I DO remember those plaid dresses. I can't believe you made them, Mom-- they looked very professional and "store bought."

My bartending duties are calling.

Tuesday, September 16, 1952
260th Day--105 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we got up and rode to school. Virginia Goldsmith took over the lunch money. Gay & I had cafeteria duty this noon. This afternoon our boys decked out in their gym suits and took showers. When we got home we had to help dad wash & move the T.V. antena. Strange to say I'm still goofy over Dale R. Also Bill Williams. Suzy

Wednesday, September 17, 1952
261st Day--105 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we rode to school as usual. Harlow's aunt had triplets this morning. She already has a set of twins. This makes the grand total of 8 kids. The triplets were all boys. When we got home Sandy went to scouts. I took care of Chris. When Sandy came home we played with Pat. Mom & Dad were at a home show. We cooked dinner. "Flash Gorden" is on again so of corse I am on Buster Crabbe again. Suzy

Friday, February 10, 2006

Waiting for Windows (D)


Let the record show that when not in stupid pointless boring meetings, or working on email problems, I was working on writing CAD paper. Discovered I needed another three organizational slides to help string it together, but did get most of the boring part written in very rough draft form. Now to write the slide descriptions of the fun part. Then will come the realization that it would take an hour to present what I've written, and the hacking and hewing needed to slap the thing into a 20 minute fly-by. I have two weeks, as of tomorrow. Of course, I'll be somewhat distracted by visitors!

Let the record also show that I changed/laundered towels and cleaned both bathrooms. This Blessing was a day overdue, so only got one of the regular Friday things done: a couple of bills written. The GRU (utility bill) was enough to make me weep, a record high. Energy costs are indeed skyrocketing. Bad craziness.

Blogger doesn't seem willing to display the public mode tonight. And looking at the Edit screen in another window, I see Mom has not posted yet tonight. Hope this means you are having a well-deserved early bedtime. Two meals out in one week. Your fridge must be packed to the gills with leftovers. Mine is-- both from my own cooking and the last week or two at Outback. It kills me that I end up throwing so much stuff out. I wish I were a better manager of food. The fridge once again needs a major purge. Seems like only yesterday I was fighting that very same battle.

Meanwhile: Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear (1952). The fights between Sandy and Brenda continue. What were they about? The record doesn't show. Sandy is probably right, that it was the inevitable separation taking place between neighbor friends and school friends. In 8th grade I started the year hanging out with Thelma and Trisha. But in home room and social studies, Kallenbach's classes (he was a wonderful teacher, no doubt about it), I sat hear Nancy Hughes, and we became friends. She was a very smart, nice, wholesome girl-next-door type who would win "All-American Girl" contests and scholarships. But she was also a raging romantic, and I learned from her how to EMOTE-- just what I needed when turning 13. We had great times together in 8th grade, an amazingly rich fantasy life. We wrote letters back and forth at a furious pace after she moved to Houston before highschool started. Her mother later threw my letters away, but I still have all of hers-- a great one-sided chronicle of teen life in that era. Alas, I've lost touch with her, and can't remember her married name. The last time I saw her was in Atlanta in 1968. Lee was with me. There was not alot in common between the two couples at that stage.

So yes, the fights were probably more signs of childhood ending.

The quilted skirts were red, and had some sort of yellow figure on them. They weren't quite circle skirts (those didn't come into style until the next year), but were a kind of A-line, I think. We were given white blouses to go with them, with bolo-type ties around the neck. What amazes me is that we were okay with going to school in identical outfits! It was one of the rare years Sandy and I went to the same school at the same time, and in fact, the last.

I went to Covington 6th through 8th grade, the first three years of the school's existence. We (Class of '53) were the first class to graduate having been there all three years. The school was not finished when we started: the multi-purpose "cafetorium" and the gym with showers and lockers were not completed until we were in the 8th grade. Also new were the shop and home ec classrooms: boys in one, girls in the other. God, home ec. We learned to make chocolate chip cookies and peanut brittle. Probably other things too (tuna casserole topped with corn flakes?), but it was just a time to goof off as far as I was concerned. No wonder I took so long to learn to cook. I don't remember the teacher at all, though.

And while on the subject of the cafetorium, Sandy, remember when we did a panotmime of Hoagy Carmichael's "Monkey Song" for the talent show? Can you still do all the moves??

Sunday, September 14, 1952
258th Day--108 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning mom let me sleep in late cause of the late hour we got home. Later Brenda came down and helped us do our work. Then we went out and played. Sandy & Bren got in so many fights I wanted to quit. We went down to Bren's on trial & had lunch down there. Then Bren started a fight and we left. Happy Day. Suzy

Monday, September 15, 1952
259th Day--107 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we got up and went to school. Trish came over wearing lipstick & a pretty dress. We stopped for Bren (her First day) & Joyce. We had library seventh period instead of Physycal Ed. Brenda likes her teacher. When we got home, both fireplaces were finished. they are beautiful. plan - [sketch of how the two fireplaces were back to back in different rooms, the one in the den diagonal in the corner] They are real george. Now to wate fore the windows. Suzy

cluck cluck

Whatta drag, Suzy, that you and mostly Bill have to go through that kind of b.s. reorganization. I got out just before the peoplesoft monster took over our institution, and that was a bad and endless upheaval. What you guys face is much more major.

My steaming pile of dreck now requires hours and hours of revision, reorganization, cutting, pasting, moaning, cursing, whinging. And it's just like yours, you'll be happy to know. "Here's a bunch of boring stuff about utopias and stupid stuff about Oz, giving me an excuse to show you this cool Carl Barks stuff, all of which you've seen so much you're sick of it." At least what you have to offer is novelty. My only hope is that Barks is so old hat that some of it will be new to younger people. But I doubt it.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the trip. And for me, two weeks from right now, it'll be over.

I suspect you are right about the location of our hotel. I know that part of G'ville well enough (I rode my bike west on second avenue every day for quite a long time) to find it hard to imagine a motel there. Archer road (though familiar, I can't remember where it is) and I-75 will be just fine. Whatever.

We had a nice Charlie's birthday yesterday. Loafed and read in the morning (both of us now reading Philip Pullman), spent the afternoon at the accountant's doing Mom's and Jane's taxes, then went out to dinner in a nice new place in Prescott. Finished up at a hockey game in RF at the new arena (across from new high school). Julia doesn't play much, since she's a freshman on a varsity team, but she played a little, and well. Ben recognizes her on the ice: "That's JULIA, number two two!! Nice to see Marty and Nate, too. I got a lot of exercise taking walks around the arena with Ben. He's very funny. One of my former chancellors was there (also had a granddaughter playing), and Ben told him "I'm four now, but just a LITTLE bit ago I was three!" Ben is not shy and will talk to anyone, including a constant stream to himself. Our dinner in Prescott (place where we went with Flo for Christmas brunch) was divine. Charlie had ahi tuna on a spinach salad that had every possible thing in it, including walnuts and figs. He loved every bite of it. I had beef shoulder prepared "sous vide," which to me means pressure cooked. Don't know quite how the guy does it, but it was really like a nice steak, medium rare. Infused with truffle oil and a gorgeous sauce. A little spinach bread pudding accompanied that. And we had ginger crème caramel for dessert, something I must try to make very soon.

Chicken massacrees. Of course my only one at the FBR was when I was living in Gainesville and the FBRians were in Mexico or somewhere and I was to take care of the place, going out twice a day. The main chores I remember were feeding the chickens, and chaining up and feeding the dogs in the evening and letting them loose in the morning. I came out one late afternoon to find that the dogs had broken into the chicken coop and killed a bunch of chickens and mortally injured several others. I had to beat a couple of chickens to death with a shovel, then dig a hole in the boggiest ground I could find to bury them all. As I was doing this, I began to have serious doubts about my life-long dream of living out in the country.

But here I am, and if we thought we could find anyone to feed them during our absences (and we were sure we could protect them from foxes and other predators -- though I'm sure Chas can do that), we'd have chickens.

Was that your third year at Covington, Suze? Was it new when you were in sixth grade? But it seems it was your first year with P.E. "in the lockers." Do explain. I loved Mr. Kallenbach, whom I also had for homeroom in eighth grade. I remember the quilted skirts, too. We must have just been on the brink of starting our own sewing. I remember the mean home ec. teacher. Southern accent.

I wonder what we argued about at Brenda's. I think this is about the last year that we were friends at school with our neighborhood friends. In fact, that may have been pretty much over already. What do you remember about that Suze?

"Affair in Trinidad!" I certainly remember that. Very steamy.

Sonny's Real Pit BBQ. Now there's an idea!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Tales o' Terror (D)


Dear Bloggie

Today I got up and did my work... well, not eactly. I went to work, but did not get much chance to do what they pay me to do. It was meetings all the way down. Even lunch turned into a meeting, as there was much to discuss at our lunch with Barbara.

The other shoe-- no, make that a jackboot-- dropped today campus-wide. A long rumored "sweep" of info tech positions was announced. Everyone on techie-type lines will be consolidated into a centralized IT operation. Since the idea is cost savings, it will eventually mean layoffs. It doesn't affect me, since I'm on a faculty line, and in any case will be gone by the time it gets rolling, but Bill very definitely IS affected. His position as director is still interim, so they never bothered to give him a different title: he is still listed as a "Coordinator of Computer Operations" or some such. This is going to mean mighty upheavals and disorientation all over the place as it is forced through channels. It will not be pretty.

At least all this distracts me from the steaming pile of dreck that is my presentation at this point. There is a terrible disconnect between what I said I'd do in the proposal and what I've ended up finding interesting. I'm going crazy trying to turn the mess into something coherent. It's, "Here's a bunch of boring stuff about metadata" followed by, "Now look at this neat stuff I found when looking through old newspaper comics!"

I was moaning about this to Bill tonight. He can't understand why if I hate this process so much (giving papers), I keep doing it. Good question! The best I can come up with it that I love the comics, I love the research part of it, but without the focus of a paper, I can't stick with it.

Okay, 'nuffa that.

Looking forward to the visit! But I have to tell you, Bill and I drove up SW 2nd Avenue from Main Street this morning, and there was no sign of any lodging place at all there, let alone a Hilton Homewood thing. I don't know how you made your reservations, but you should call them and ask for an address. I strongly suspect you're really going to be at the Archer Road exit of I-75.

Happy Birthday, Charlie. You are the latest victim of my birthday card meltdown this year. Others include Ben, Chris, Thea and Bill. So you are in good company!

Ah yes, chicken slaughter. It's probably good that we all at one time or another have to go through this graphic demo of what it really means to be a carnivore. I have my own tale of the Great FBR Chicken Massacree, but I have a feeling it has been told somewhere in these posts already. God, I hope so, as I would just as soon not relive it. Dear chickens! And I always think about ones like Leroy, who had more personality than do many of my coworkers.

Since we had a big lunch at Sonny's Real Pit BBQ, I didn't cook tonight, and since last night we ate out, I have no tales of terror from the kitchen. Maybe tomorrow.

[nothing for September 8-9]

[Vacation symbol in upper left corner marked but not blackened-- shining with sun rays. Curly-headed stick figure with glasses on right marked "teacher" with the "c" backwards]

Wednesday, September 10, 1952
254th Day--112 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we got up early & wore our quilted skirts. Patricia picked us up at 8:30. Bren is still sick. We stopped for Joyce & rode on to school. I'm in Mr. Kallenbach different from Pat. We have PE. seventh period in the lockers. Their real neat. We have Mrs. Matheisen for Math. What luck. I like her.

[Nothing September 11-12]

Saturday, September 13, 1952
257th Day--109 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning I got up and did the kitchen while San did the front room. Then Brenda came down we went up to her place. We got in an argument (san & I) and I came home. Later We took our lunch down there and ate it. Later mom called and we had to go home. We watched T.V. Then we went to see "Affair in Trinidad" with Glen Ford & Rita Hayworth Wow!! & "Love is better than ever" Liz Taylor. Suzy
[up right hand edge:] Good Show!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Prune Grove Diner (D)


Sigh-- just as I get to the blog part of this post, my clothes start dinging.
* * *
And now they're folded and put away. But wait...
* * *
Cat and man needed some attention. And somehow, an hour or so has slipped by.

The dinner I fixed tonight was nothing to brag about. This morning I tossed a hunk of chuck roast in the crock pot, poured an ancient packet of Lipton's onion stuff and a can of beef broth over it, and turned it on. I guess the best I can say is, it was surprisingly edible. The plan is to chop the leftovers up and use them as I would Beef Stuff. Turnip fries were nice, asparagus disappointing-- about half of it I tossed before cooking (blanching)-- another loss at the Publix Produce Lottery.

I worked on "Comics as Data" every chance I got today, and the slide show part is coming together. I have to come in Thursday for a meeting, so will work on it here tomorrow instead. I need to keep focused on THIS paper and not run off on tangents that the background research is turning up. Time enough for that later.

Mom and Sandy here two weeks from today! I wouldn't say the house is Company Ready exactly, but it is at least Family Ready, especially since you're both Fly-aware. It will be fun.

Saturday, September 6, 1952
250th Day--116 to follow

Dear Diary
This morning We got up and did our room real well Under our beds & everything a sort of "Back to School" job. Then we did our regular work. At noon I got the crazy idea of playing restarant. So we fixed up tags & Menus. We plan to do it every weekend noon. But tonite we did it for supper. It was a night mere!! The name of the Joint is "Prune Grove" Suzy

Sunday, September 7, 1952
251st Day-- 115 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we got up and had breakfast. Then we got at our work. I had the front room and folding a huge and gigantic pile of clothes. At lunch time we played Resterant again. Gee, it was fun this time. I got 13[cents] in all for tips! Then we went to the show and saw "Francis goes to West Point" starring Doneld O'Conner, Alice Kelly & Lori Nelson also "Ivory Hunter" (actors unknown) Suzy

Even then, such a little pedant. "Actors unknown," indeed!


Oh, I forgot that Main Street is the quadrant divider. We're in the SW quadrant, just barely, at 400 sw 2nd Ave, approx. Right downtown, really, and not far from a number of places we've lived. I'm sure G'ville has changed greatly. I was last there very briefly in '89 (met Bill then), and before that -- who knows?

morning news

Yeah, I found the game itself lame but was happy with the outcome. We, too, thought the Stones were great. Most unusual for us to watch any half-time stuff. We loved the Whopper-ettes and were sorry that they didn't play that one again. I made chili dogs, something we never eat, but I'd found a good-sounding recipe in that little Life-imitation tabloid that comes with our Friday paper. They were quite good. Had mashed sage/cheese potatoes with them.

We are not out on Archer road, but somewhere just south of University, in the SE quadrant, I believe. I'll look it up again and tell you where it is.

Here's one nice thing. No one needs to meet us at the airport, since we'll have a car. We will work out all details nearer our arrival.

I, too, am in a big state of panic about the paper. I've got all my scans done (eighty of them, yes I know I need to cut back), and all of the introductory material written and about half of the scan-accompanying stuff. A couple of days of concentration should do it, I hope. Scans not yet in order. Worry, fret. I need to make at least three school visits next week, and Charlie has now decided that it's time to put up sheet rock on the kitchen ceiling which requires my help for fifteen minutes out of every hour. Hope I'm able to concentrate some during that. Used the time yesterday to finish and begin to organize the scans.

Mushroom chowder (out of the original Gourmet cookbook) for dinner last night, with a nice salad. We'd had more chili dogs for lunch, so I decided it was time to go for something with no meat.

Began this as a comment, but decided to make it a post. I've started a blog with my students, and that's taking up a lot of my blog-time, since I feel I need to post a comment every time they write.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Super Aftermath


Of COURSE I had to stay up late and wallow in the Super Bowl Aftermath, then fall asleep on the couch. I never shoulda bragged about not missing a night of shining the sink-- I missed last night.

Speaking of the game, it wasn't bad as a Super Bowl, but pretty lame by normal standards. Some very bad calls, most of them against Seattle. Still, nice to see Bettis and company win it all. I thought the Stones were pretty awesome for a bunch of old farts nearly my age. Of course, they got bleeped: guess it's not "family friendly" to say "You make a dead man come" in front on 80 gazillion people.

Also lame were most of the ads. I liked the Bud horses, and the "V for Vendetta" trailer, and I thought Burger King's was hilarious. The rest were, "what were they thinking to spend all that money on THAT?"

Find it hard to believe that I spent about three hours just to make two dips and a pot of simple-minded chili. The dips were good-- I had one nearly viable avocado, so made the Mexican Spinach Dip with it (nice) and used the crab for "GD's Dip de Crab," an old fave from a friend at Hopkins, Ginny Drake. Dinner tonight was mostly a rerun, so I guess 3 hours isn't so bad for two meals.

Starting to panic about this paper. I am spending way too much time on cosmetic details that really. Don't. Matter. Need to keep reminding myself of this, and get to work on the substance of what I'm going to say. Whatever that is. I never know until I look at what I've gathered, and then I make up some story about it.

Looking forward to your visit! I could have told you that hotel reservations around here are very iffy, depending on local sports events. You will probably be happier out on the Archer Road exit than at the nearby Residence Inn due to all the road construction going on there. We are sort of trapped these days, as I'm sure I've mentioned. I know you'll have a good time with your friend in Jax, too.

Nice email from Mike Peak today. He asked to be remembered to you, Mom, as he felt like he knew you.

Let the record show that I changed the sheets this morning before work, changed and laundered towels and swished/swiped both bathrooms tonight, did a load of my whites and folded a load of Bill's. Good Suze.

Saturday, February 04, 2006



When I woke up this morning, I found a printout of this image by my computer.

Bill thinks Sandy's icon is much too anonymous and withdrawn. He has created "Sandrarrow" as an alternative online avatar for her.

I find Sandrarrow fascinating! Sort of a cross between the goddess Diana and Rosie the Riviter.

Just for the Halibut (D)


I'm pretty sure I made some changes to last night's post after I'd backed it up. Oh well, whatever brilliant, deathless prose there was is now lost to the world, along with the world's cleverest title. Quelle dommage.

Hard to get out of bed when it's still raining, second straight day. It did finally clear up in the early afternoon and got very windy. I did a liquor run (rewarding myself with a grande cappuchino from Starbuck's, right next door to ABC) then the weekly food shop. The place was a zoo-- people stocking up for Super Sunday, I guess. It's always busy just before major religious holidays.

My plan to have several kinds of guacamole tomorrow has been thwarted by a lack of suitably ripe Haas avocados. Unless some miracle occurs overnight to the three I settled for, we will be having spinach and hot crab dips instead.

Tonight I made a sauteed fish thing (I used halibut) with a sweet and sour onion/parsley/mint sauce. It was quite delightful. I also recycled the cauliflower from earlier in the week (steamed whole, then topped with butter, mustard and grated cheese and baked for a bit) by cutting it up, topping with more cheese and broiling it briefly. Steamed some asparation to go with it. Good dinner.

Glad you are back into the FL groove too, Mom. It feels good. Realized tonight it's been over a month now that I've had the sink shined (and the kitchen clean-up that goes with it) every night. Have been better about my daily routines too, which makes mornings almost bearable.

Thanks for another of your interesting letters to Dan. It's the little details you throw in that turn out to be enlightening. I'm glad you saved them, and even gladder that you are sharing them with us now.

I am sorry to hear May Harrison died. I remembered her as a beautiful and sweet woman, from a single memory of visiting them in a small, spartan apartment, much like those Lee and I lived in when we were first married. The place was alight with love.

Blogger seems to be still having problems-- probably related to their auto-save function. I have an image to post, but I'll make a separate entry for it. Meanwhile, Da Kid speaks:

Thursday, September 4, 1952
248th Day--118 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning We woke up at 8:30 Karen & Diggie were still here. Chris was feeling sick last night. Helen came down with breakfast food. She stayes some time. Later we rode to the school (Cov) & then played Croquet at Joyces. Later Bren came down to our place & we played outside until 5:00. Suzy

Friday, September 5, 1952
249th Day--117 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning Mom & Dad went to the city to buy us some school clothes. We stayed with Chris. We did our work as usual & then I dragged out My Toni doll. I washed her hair & gave her a permanent. Then I watched T.V. When mom & dad came home we were thrilled. We each got a quilted skirt and a blous & tie & a corderoy suit & I got three thin strap slips. They are real nice. Suzy

This last entry calls forth a haiku of sorts:

Thin strap slips this Fall
The sound of childhood ending
Farewell, Toni dear



Looks like my last night's post never published-- first time I've had that problem in ages. Can't remember what title I gave it, tho. Here it is from my MS Word backup:

3 February 2006


Spent almost every second at work getting a start on the presentation per se, as opposed to coding and research (the fun part). I made a very rough treatment, with notes for what I wanted to show, then a very rough start at the PowerPoint for the treatment. About 30 slides, much shorter than my usual dog and pony show. I hope I can keep it at that, as I know I tend to race through too many slides, which is frustrating for the audience.

It started raining in the middle of the night and continued most of the day. Around mid-afternoon the thunder started, and by this evening we had some fairly exciting electrical activity. This is most unusual for February! The azeleas are just starting their main event, and they must be confused by this as well.

Although I came home with a hideous pain in the neck, I was very good and made myself do the three basic Blessings that I've found make the weekend go so much better: swiffer the floors, dust, and carpet sweep the carpets. (10 minutes each). Then did 15 minutes of writing bills and 15 of planning menus for next week. I love my timers-- they are my enablers. Oh, and Aleve took care of the neckpain.

Big pile-a mail at the P.O. needed to be sorted too. Notes from Marty and Julia found in the pile-- how delightful. Thanks!

Also in the mail, Backstreets magazine, which I often don't read until weeks after it arrives (hot Bruce news now arrives via email)-- but tonight picked it up and turned right to a wonderful feature on the Springsteen Symposium I attended last September-- really nice to have such a vivid reminder of that amazing event. There is lots of continuing buzz from it, including an effort to start a scholarly Springsteen society. I'm so glad I made myself do that: even with all the scary logistical problems, it was well worth it.

Tuesday, September 2, 1952
246th Day--120 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we got up and did our work. Then Bren called she wanted to come up. Then San & I had an Idea. We planned a surprise party for her. She was surprised. We had cake & Kool-aid & we we gave her a ruler & a pen. Then we went in our pool. Later we chased a parakeep but couldn't catch it. Suzy

September 3, 1952
247th Day--119 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we did our work and then Brenda called. We went down and got her Rhonda & Andy & came up here.
[something crossed out] We played with our dolls awhile then we played some of our games. Later Karen & Diggie came down. They are spending the night here. It's Helen's 13th wedding ann. Crystal. D.R. Suzy

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Popping Buttons (D)


Something happened at work today that really pissed me off. Usually, the minute I'm out the door I forget about that kind of stuff, but for some reason I just can't make my mind let go of this. It doesn't really affect me, it is unimportant in the general scheme of things, and there isn't anything thing I can do about it. Yet here I am, stewing away, giving myself a splitting headache. It's stuff like this that makes me sure I'm overdue to retire. Eight more months as of today. Can I make it?

Meanwhile, Mystery of the Smilin' Jack button-popper-- solved! This from Don Markstein's Toonopedia site:
Through most of the strip's existence, Jack's supporting cast included ... Fatstuff, Jack's Hawaiian friend who was always popping his shirt buttons (usually into the mouths of hungry chickens, so under-nourished from eating buttons instead of bugs that they were unable to grow feathers)
I haven't run across this character yet (and in fact, the Smilin' strip I finished coding today doesn't even feature Jack himself, only the villainous "Head"), but it's good to know that, and be on the lookout for him and the dazzlingly handsome but never seen Downwind Jaxon. Such an education I'm getting.

Tonight I made the Athenian Chicken I passed on last night-- and it was quite good, one of Leanne's better offerings. Everything got done at the same time, for once. Kitchen clean, counters and sink shined, evening routines mostly done. Good Suze.

And tomorrow is Thursday! And just in time-- if I had to in tomorrow, I'd probably say and do some things I'd regret.

I'm fussing over color schemes and designs for my PowerPoint-- I'm tired of the one I've been using for comics stuff. Marty, where are you when I need your advice about such things? I'm really color and design challenged. I know when things look good but have no idea why. The only design thing I ever had a knack for was cartography-- I always instinctively knew exactly where things should be on a map and how they should look-- my layouts were beautiful. Of course, it's an obsolete art now.

Enjoyed your second teen-aged fan letter today, Mom. How nice to have those things still around to share.

No time to read anything the past few days, and I'm feeling deprived. Way behind on TiVo's backlog too. Think I'll go read for a few minutes. After a diary post, that is...

[nothing for August 30]

Sunday, August 31, 1952
244th Day--122 Days to Follow

Dear Diary
This morning we had to do a good job on the front room 'cause. (see below) We went to the Westinghouse picnic at about 12 & had Lunch of Hot Dogs & Beans. Then we walked around and came home. Later Thea & Herb came down & stayed for [something crossed out] chicken dinner Barbequed!
[rest of page is blank]

Monday, September 1, 1952
245th Day--121 Days to Follow
Labor Day

Dear Diary
Today was our NON labor day. We don't have to work. Brenda came down (It's her birthday) & played 'till noon. She got "The Black Stall. filly A new one. Then we went to her house & had lunch & played for a while. Then we saw if she could sleep all night here outside. She couldn't. We had dinner out side. Suzy