Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Shire (R)


This day started slow and ended slower. I stumbled around in circles and did a bit of this, a bit of that, and nothing but bits on the floor to show for it. Some days are just like that. I wonder if going in to the Lib twice in the same week takes this much of a toll.

Did not get out to shop, but not to worry: I had the Wednesday meal in the freezer. As I was starting thaw out the meat, Bill announced that his headphones had died and he was headed out to replace them. He could tell this would mess up meal time, so said he'd pick up take out. Oooookay. So much for my last gasp of doing something productive for the day. Meat back into freezer. He brought back some wonderful and reasonably healthy salads from Crispers.

Not to sell myself too short, I did plan the meals and do the shopping list for next week. It includes a holiday, of course, so I will do another shop on Tuesday in addition to tomorrow, so as to have fresh stuff for Wednesday. Mid-week holidays are especially difficult.

Tomorrow's meal includes French Onion Soup-- described by Barbara at last Wednesday's lunch. Since I'm blessed with 5 humongous Vidalias that need to be used this week, it sounds like a good plan. I got the basic outlines from her, and am trying to guess quantities from looking at another recipe. Here's my plan. I BEG the collective wisdom of Lotsa Flies to correct me.

Sorta French Onion Soup

2 TB butter
2 TB olive oil
5 humongous Vidalia onions, halved and thinly sliced
1/2 cup sherry
2 cans of beef broth
1 can of water
1 T fresh thyme (or 1 t dried)
Some french bread, toasted
1 cup shredded Swiss cheese

In my giant L.Cr. pot, slowly carmelize the onions in the oil/butter -- about 30 minutes. Stir often.

Add the liquids, bring to a boil, add the thyme. Salt, pepper, etc. Simmer for 15 minutes.

Put the soup in broiler-proof bowls (do I HAVE any of those? I hope my corning ware ones are up for it), add slab of toast and top with swiss cheese. Put under the broiler til cheese melts and it looks like Onion Soup is spozed to look.

Okay: What's wrong with this picture, if anything?! Answers needed by tomorrow afternoon.

I also did some more work on the comics dups, and have now finished the C's. Need to copy them into the master Dup Pull List. (Sounds more impressive than it actually is. But every little bit counts.)

Today's mail yielded unexpected treasure: The River Falls paper's write-up on Mom. (Thanks, Sandy!) Bill was impressed by your local celebrity, Mom. Of course, they got a few details wrong, but what can you expect in this day and age? It's too bad they didn't try for color pictures-- the image on the deck would have been spectacular. And how dumb that they didn't show one or two of your cards. Examples of your current creativity would have nailed the story into the present. Even Bill was astonished to realize that the cards were direct scans-- he'd somehow missed that, and assumed you were taking hi-rez photos and putting them on cards. Direct-to-scanner art seems to be your own special invention.

I seem to be re-reading LoTR. Don't intend to read the whole thing right now-- just the parts that take place within the Shire. I have out every map I own of the Shire, and am following the journey step by step. But my plan is to stop (or at least pause) as soon as the company crosses the High Hay. We'll see how that goes.

I go off to sleep with elf song in my ears: O Elbereth! Gilthoniel!

"Sleepy Time Gal"

30.VI.07 - MoM

I certainly may not being much else, but I am doing a lot of sleeping. I had another good night on my recliner and I kept getting sleepy during the day so had some more naps. Tomorrow I must make a real effort to do some junk sorting in the tote box I keep by my chair and get some bills paid. Of course, that will be after the Sunday paper and the TV section crossword puzzle. The paper usually comes early on weekends so no excuses -- especially if I have a good night and am awake early.

Chris got the grass cut today. He commented on how thick, healthy, and weedless the front yard is especially. Some years it was lumpy from moles or gophers, full of dandelions and brown spots. The sprinklers and True Green must be paying off. Also, the newly designed side yard is benefiting, too, but I haven't been able to get out to see it. Perhaps, when I have to walk for the PT gal next week, I will make a foray out there with her.

I still have my shiny sink, but things are beginning to collect on the counters. I have let them "slide" while my leg has been hurting. I will take Advil tomorrow and do a little work on them before they get really bad. Think I may have a couple of loads of wash, so I will try doing one each day for a couple of days. Should not be a problem. I just have to stop being so lazy.

* * * * *

Daily notes from Saalfelden, Austria.

4.1.87 69.0 Kg Sonntag

Had a good night again. Woke up frequently to check the temp in my room so as not to freeze the pipes, but the low was staying around 3°C (37° F) with a -6 of -7 (low 20s) outside. Quickly went back to sleep each time. Listened to the junk music from about 5.30 to 6.00 so I could hear the news. It was snowing again this morning. I had put a beach towel in the window in case it blew in and there was snow on it.

Did a small washing. Did a large, old horseradish root in the processor and it was even strong for me. Had to keep leaving the kitchen to recover and still think I could add some more vinegar and salt, but will have to wait until my eyes recover. Will just have to open it near to the food to season it. From now on will do it in smaller batches and maybe a fresher one would not be so strong. This made enough to last me for years, I am afraid. Still in the morning, after a load of wash, I made one of the little apricot pies and put together stuff with the leftover boiled beef and broth for soup for dinner. Managed to keep from snacking while doing it -- takes about the most will power of anything I try to do.

Finished the short roll of slides I started yesterday, but was making my back ache and giving me a tension headache. Later worked on new folders but developed a pain in back of skull on right side about to ear level as well as the shoulder and back ache. Did get 4 more file folders made up.

Again, we had early dinner -- 18.00 and we were thru before 18.30. I had used some leftover kidney beans with their juice and some already cooked shell macaroni in the soup with the veggies and meat. I thought it was quite good. Also had French bread. Managed not to snack and kept my drinks at the 1 ½ that I had cut to yesterday. With no TV that I wanted to watch and the stuff DoD had on was making me nervous, I decided to put on a little heat in the guest sitting room [down stairs] and read there until the 19.30 news. That worked out fine. It will take a while to get my system adjusted to the fact that one does not go to bed as soon as dinner is over. By 20.00 I can get ready for bed, read there for a little while and lasted till between 20.30 and 21.00. I guess I take after Pa to much on the sleep stuff. About bed time I picked up some headache problems (on both sides this time) so took a codeine and tylenol. Also, was having a little toothache with the missing filling. Went to sleep quickly.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Gators = Good


Went in the the Lib at noon today. Determined to get going on the de-duping project, and it's easier to focus when sitting there, even if a lot less comfortable than at home. Also, wanted to enter a handful of comics that had recently appeared in Rita's office-- turned out to be some of Leonard's Educomics. I was very happy to see them, and get a first hand look at things I've been hearing about for years. Some very disturbing stuff, though.

A glorious thunderstorm mid-afternoon with long hard rain. Very welcome! We need this kind of rain every other day at least for a normal Florida summer; we bitch about it when we get it, but when it's absent for awhile, we realize how important it is.

Working this evening some more on marking the comics dups. It's hard to put it down for even a day and expect to pick it up again-- the overhead of figuring out where I left off is daunting. Even 15 minutes would be enough to pick up the various threads, but of course once the loom is set up, one wants to go on weaving.

It's summer session break, so campus is deserted, and the Libraries close early. Spent two hours in Bill's office dealing with Tweets on the phone. I need to turn them off when I have web access.

Spent yesterday mostly on floors and laundry. Since it's such a quiet week in town, we were astounded to find the Outback bar a complete Zoo-- until realizing it was the NBA draft, and the Gator faithful were gathered to see who went when.

"Is he any good?" Mom asks of the Gator drafted by the Timber Wolves (some local team, apparently). PuLEEEZE! These five guys won TWO national championships in a row-- I think he just might be pretty good. We were all agog that three of our guys went in the top 10 of the first round-- a record.

I'm no round ball fan, as everyone knows, but you can't escape it when you live in Title Town. And, oh that's right, Mom-- you don't live here, so sorry. Easy to forget that we live so far away when the Net makes it feel like one big pond. And here is a cute cartoon of That Pond. Can't help but notice that dear little Twitter doesn't even break the surface.

Bar maid call. Back in a few.

Back. Now where was I? Sounds like you're due for a modern wheely contraption, Mom. I'm sure they have ones that are both lighter and more portable since WVa days. Today was a good start for getting out and around again. I'm happy to hear it went well. Take it slow and easy.

Some other things on the front burner, but too burned out to deal with them tonight. Typing with my eyes closed already. Time to stop.


Actuallly grocery shopped, today!

29.VI.07 - MoM

I had a lovely day today. Except for the quick visit to the doctor, I had not been away from the house since getting out of the hospital three weeks ago plus the 17 days there. The weather was perfect, too. We decided that since I still have quite a bit of pain even with the walker, to take my old faithful wheelchair. Sandy had forgotten how awkward and heavy it is to get in and out of the car. Even with Advil, it would have been torture after even a few minutes. I am still in the market for a better walker with larger wheels, and now Sandy thinks I need a new, improved lighter weight wheelchair. Probably not a bad idea as this time it seems as if it is going to be slower to heal. I have to admit that mine is clunky -- there is still spattered wax on it from a lot of heavy use after my previous broken legs in West Virginia..

After a good lunch at WestWind, we did some serious grocery shopping. I really went overboard on quantity with "staples" like Kleenex, gin, etc.

The restaurant is very near the local ocular store, so it was a great chance to get my seriously crooked reading glasses bent back into shape. Funny, the last time I had it done was during my first outing after my previous break, when Chris and Kay took me there. The man there recognized me from last week's article. There were not may people in the grocery store and most of the employees live elsewhere so don't bother with the local paper.

Big headlines in the StarTrib sports section about one of the new Gator additions to the Timber wolves -- Corey Brewer. Looks like a fun guy. Is he any good? Haven't see a picture of the other one.

* * * * *

3.I.87 69 Kg Samstag

I was certainly happy to see that 69. Probably should add a small plus but it was close enough. That translates into 152-145 pounds. Still would like to get back to 145, something that I have not been for very long for some time now. Had a good night for a change.

Felt quite okay today. DoD vacuumed and I dusted. When the tree finally gets taken down, I hope to get back to the daily cleaning, but since I have become used to sleeping till 6 or 6:30, it will not be easy to get up so early as before.

Worked on Apple stuff and had a little time on mounting film. I was doing that in the afternoon and it was interrupted with a short walk in the brisk air with sun and everything snow covered. It was snowing when I got up this morning, but stopped mid-morning. May not be a total skiing loss for all the out-of-towners on holiday. Put 4 more new file folders into use. Hopefully, by doing a few a day I won't get so snowed under with the big mess. Had a visit from the "3 Kings," this time 3 nice teen-age girls dressed for the parts with an older girl with them. They came in and sang a couple of pieces in very good harmony (all 4 of them). The one with the "black face" always has the collection box. A couple of years ago they were much younger kids and did a little playlet in German, of course..

A letter to Sandy took time, but got it and her birthday check mailed. Used the paper cutter to cut off all extra paper, but with the check and the bill for Bob's reeds, it still went just a hair over 10 grams. Opened the new box of computer paper that we bought in September. It is a tiny bit heaview than the current, unfortunately. Could line feed airmail paper, but that costs more than computer paper. I doubt if the savings we are trying will ever add up to much, but sometimes when it normally would just top the next additional we might be able to cut it back. After all, we need a reason for the paper cutter and scales. [Don't know how I could get along without that paper cutter. I finally wore out the scales.]

I haven't been shopping since Christmas -- DoD has been doing it in small batches as the streets are not cleared well for the little cart. It saves money when I don't go, too.

Again, we had dinner at 18.00 and I cut out the ½ [drink], too. It is a matter of habit. I especially found that when I did not miss martinis New Year's after the food at the W's. Reheated the boiled dinner from last night but with fresh veggies. Think it will be soup next. Managed to stay up until after the 19.30 news. It has become such a habit with late eating for it to be my bedtime soon after. So, I was sleepy by 19.00. I seldom nap in the daytime so get sleepy earlier than DoD. Read until 20.30 then was more than ready for sleep.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Computer Frustrations!

28.VI.07 - MoM

I hope you had a fun #16 celebration yesterday, Julia. I still haven't made the cards I hoped to, but the contents are waiting here for you. (Same for you Marty, and Suzy & Bill -- of course, yours won't have to wait for you to come to pick it up.)

Had another session with the physical therapist. Sandy was here and I found out that I was supposed to put some weight on my healing leg instead of favoring it. I will be taking some Advil in that case.

I took everything into my bedroom last night, looking forward to sleeping there. That dream was short lived -- no matter what position I tried, including putting my leg on a pillow, it was very uncomfortable, so I packed up the stuff I needed during the night and it was back to the chair again. I had a very good night there. I am going to let it heal a little more then try again.

This morning, I was going to print a couple of pictures from the computer only to find that instead of 2600+ pictures on file, there were only about 600 still there. After checking a couple of things, I put in a panic call to Sandy. She was nearby so she came over. She is sure they are still in there somewhere, but wasn't able to find them either. I have a lot of them on CD's but still hope to retrieve the rest.

Didn't take time to nap today so, even though it is only 4:30 p.m,, I am barely awake. Will have "dinner" before too long so I can go to bed early. By the time I finished that sentence I had changed my mind and took a couple of "timed" naps.

Then, I had yet another dinner of a big pile of the rotiss chicken (last day for that) and the rest of the big bowl of my AgroGrow greens. Tomorrow, will be my first real outing (the doctor's appointment didn't count). It is to be lunch and a bit of groc shopping. I am going to be using my old, faithful wheelchair. At about 40 plus years old, it is getting to be almost an antique.

* * * * *

Back to the year of 1987 while we were living in Saalfelden.

2.1.87 70.0 Kg Freitag

After a spotty night for sleep and neck and headache problems, I stayed in bed until 6:30 a.m. Grey, overcast and raining on the snow with temps about 0-1° C but it still hasn't managed to melt all the snow yet. It was raining hard when we went out last night and would have made wonderful snow.

Did not have much appetite this morning. My stomach seemed to have butterflies so with letting my tea cool a lot I only had two of my very rich choc chip cookies and 2 slices of bacon instead of 3 or 4 pieces of bacon and a slice of bread soaked in melted marj. Felt a little less nervous after a half Valium. Really going to make every effort to cut back on the food and drinks. Want to get back down to at least 65 Kg.

Made 8 new file folders -- sneaking up on it gradually. Some Apple time getting some of last years records completed and setting up the new ones, took up most of the day. Started a birthday letter to Sandy that I need to get out but since I did not finish it and with the weekend, now it won't go until Monday. Oh well, that is nothing new. One of the problems of having a birthday so near Christmas.

Felt much better today than yesterday, and that had been an improvement over Wednesday especially and Thursday. No headache during the day. Took another Valium ½ in early afternoon.

The dollar listing for next Monday was a great shock. It had been 13.20 that was a new low on Friday, and most depressing but then it went to 13.25-13.85! The first time both were below 14 -- and just a week or so ago it was 13.85! That did make DoD decide he should go to the bank before it closed and put some in. Where will it end? UGH! UGH! Certainly wish they would peg it and stop the manipulators playing with it. (Of course, I wish they would settle it higher.)

Made boiled dinner from a couple of bottom rounds (guess that is what it would translate into as an American cut) but I did not think it had cooked although as it got toward dinner time so finished it in the pressure cooker and also cooked the veggies that way. Worked out fine.

Had a nice chat with Frau Eder (in German). Seems that the lady from the pretty house across the street in our Christmas card picture saw the card and wanted Frau Eder's if she had no further use for it. Frau E had already sent it home with her daughter so I gave her one to pass on to the woman. We watched from downstairs as Barbara's [landlady's daughter] new boy friend arrived for a vacation. We have been "invaded" since Susie and her family left. Barbara and her kids have a lot of friends so we are in for a noisy week. A couple of 14 year old boys can make a pretty good tromp when they play upstairs. Not bad since it is for a short tine, but would hate to have it all the time.

Tried out a new timing for dinner. With "Hazel" and "Hogan's Heroes" (for Glenn) on TV starting at 18:30 followed by the news, we were ending up with dinner about 20.00. This increased the drinks as I waited for it to be time to put dinner on the table. Now starting it at 16.30 and want to get it on the table at 18.00 so as to be thru by 18.30. Worked out fine. Cut my drinks by one and now will cut the half next. Also, really worked at not snacking, especially while cooking dinner.

It does mean that I am ready for bed quite early, but have a good arrangement for reading in bed. Only problem is getting sleepy so soon after I get in bed.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Happy Birthday, Miss Julia!


Spent a long hard day at the Library, so this will be short. I do enjoy going in, seeing and talking to people, and I love getting my hands dirty with the actual comics-- started physically pulling the first of the duplicates. My process will work, but it is very labor intensive-- having to move heavy boxes from stacks on another level via an inconvenient elevator, and then paw through the comics, some of which are quite fragile, looking for the ones I want. This has convinced me that I need to go through the entire 14,000 line file and id the dups before going any further. (I'd just done through the A's.) That way, I'll minimize the wear and tear on the comics and the grunt work of hauling the boxes out. But it also means a long delay until I can profitably spend time actually doing it. Moan groan.

Spent more time this evening catching up on the Library Wars I didn't have a chance to keep up with during the day. There's a really good article in the new Wired that does a good job of explaining the addictive nature of Twitter. I'll try to find the URL for the online version. [Ah. Here it is.]

After a big lunch at Applebee's, we decided to skip dinner. I now have a very fine Plan B in the freezer-- Asian-flavored lamb chops with mixed veg stir fry.

Before I forget it, here is what Bill thinks is my next car. I'd already seen it in Wired a few months ago, and was intrigued. It would make a perfect runabout in town for me-- and no worries about parking it!

It's too bad your leg is not healing as quickly as previous injuries did, Mom, but at least you have the satisfaction of knowing your preceptions were correct. Go easy on yourself. Baby steps will get you there. Enjoy your outing, but please take it slowly and don't try to do too much. And do take pain meds when you need them-- and I'd advise preventatively before venturing out.

Bill had a long phone conversation with Megan tonight, helping her configure a laptop to take to college-- she starts at the University of Georgia in about six weeks. When Julia's turn comes, he would be happy to help her too-- he is exceptionally good at this sort of thing. It won't be long now.

And speaking of such things... Julia is now officially Big 1-6! How does that feel? I remember it well, but I'm sure it is light years different from what it feels like in today's world. I hope you had a good one today, @tiede246, and that you enjoy your adventure in South Dakota. Take your phone and Tweet about it! :-)

My favorite comic title of the day (and how could I make this up?) -- Biker Mice from Mars!

Slow healing this time~

Medical Update

I had my first check up with the surgeon today. Our hospital "imports" specialists. I was so doped I had no idea of what he looked like, but he had a good German name -- Karlstad. Charlie's comment had been that he didn't look old enough to be out of school yet.

I was impressed when I read a little bio they had about him: Harvard University and graduated from The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in 1997. After completing his orthopaedic surgery residency at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester . . . (then came the kicker) . . . "he received fellowship training in 'hand and micro vascular' surgery at the UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles."

Today's X-rays showed that everything is in place but due to some soft bone around the breaks they are healing very slowly. I knew it was healing a lot differently than my previous one and has been more uncomfortable. I have been avoiding pain medication, but will take some plain Advil tonight and continue to develop my arm muscles using the walker for a while longer.

I have been "house bound" but next week I am going to get out my trusty wheelchair to go out for a little R&R in the form of grocery shopping (certainly don't need much) and lunch out. The time has been going by quickly so I'm in no big rush.

I took it easy the rest of the day. I did get out on the deck and watered the plants and filled the fountain again, making sure to put my weight on my arms instead of my legs. Slept some around the middle of the day. and I am now very sleepy. It is 7 p.m., and I could be asleep in seconds, I hope I can stay awake long enough to drink my gin. Sandy took my heavy radio back to my bedroom and I am going to try to sleep in a bed again, tonight. I will miss turning on the computer to read your Blog, Suzy, at about 3 a.m., when I wake up briefly.

Since last week when I finally got rid of almost 1,000 e-mails, mostly FL, I have been keeping up with them. I am going to make a real effort to continue to.

* * * * *

I was able to come up with this file folder today (in a drawer in my closet) so will copy it so I don't have to hunt for things until I can get around better.

1.1.87 Donnerstag 70.5 Kg

Time for a new start. Our 7th happy New Year's Day in Europe and our 3rd in Saalfelden. As usual, it began with the church bells and fireworks at mid-night. It was clear so we could see them from all sides. There are not big organized displays. Many were roman candles, bright light and items, with a bunch of star bursts in between. The people in back directly on the street below seem to favor spacing theirs out with large firecrackers. Luckily, most people have a metal or tile roof and with snow on them, so there is no danger of fire since they sometimes land and explode on them.

We had our usual New Year's morning, beginning with Champagne followed by crab on toasted French bread. The expensive canned Chatka crab is an adequate substitute for the frozen snow crab we had in West Virginia, but of course, not up to the California fresh crab we used to enjoy.

We still have snow, thanks to the 3 to 4 feet (3 meters plus) already on the ground, but with temperatures above freezing and some rain we will need more cold and snow soon to keep a good base on the ground.

We had a call from Rosie last night about what she had been depositing of our medical checks -- I guess she had recently received our Christmas card and letter with a question about some of the deposits. Toni is in California for the Rose Parade, then going to SF and on to see the "'Redwoods,' whatever they are," as Rosie says.

The "W's" called us about mid-morning to invite us over this afternoon about 16.00 for Kaffee and Kuchen. I carried on the entire conversation with him in German. Of course, it was a simple one, but I am really going to get going on the language bit again.

In the morning I worked on getting the weather records up to date and only made it thru August. Put my first 4 files to work -- the mountain people and include the Fendrichs with them as I write to them about every time I write to Rosie. It will be a joy to be able to see the headings of the files at a glance even tho it is going to take a lot of work to get it all done. This year I am going to sneak up on it instead of taking everything out at once and having piles and piles to cope with. Started cleaning out drawers yesterday and took the stuff out of my former desk in DoD's Buro. [One of my Christmas presents that year was so called "File Folders." The local office supply store, very with it otherwise, had no idea of what they were. I had to settle for heavy stock cut to size that I had to fold and staple pieces of stock to for the labels. I was forever getting snagged by the staples. I still have a drawer with them in my current office.]

Decided to have tacos and beans for "dinner" at 15.00 as the sweets in late afternoon killed much interest in a real meal later. We had the usual overload of sweets with tea, all excellent, then we had a huge glass of a very, light sparkling white wine with snack squares of bread, cold cuts on cheese on picks stuck in a cute plastic mushroom. My German was very rusty, but by the time we left, I was doing a little better. My, how I need more practice and book learning! Saw a couple more rolls of their movies which is always interesting and gives my German a bit of a rest.

Arrived back home about 10.30. Had no interest in having martinis or eating anything further. A good start for cutting back food and drink for the New Year. Just read and went to bed to continue reading there until after 21.00.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Musical Madness


Beastly hot here. Only poked my nose out once, to check the mailbox (nothing) and confirmed that, yes, it's actually summer in Florida. One tends to forget how brutal it actually is, especially in a year where it arrived so late.

I put in a lot of time online-- swimming as fast as I can, just trying to keep afloat. Tonight, when I looked at my phone, I saw there were 286 unread txt messages-- all of which I'd actually read on the web, but which had to be batch-marked as read on the phone. Also had to spend a lot of time shoveling the sh-tuff out of my work account, after about 10 days of password problem I was too lazy to correct. It all comes back to bite you in the end. So to speak.

And yet, still, it's somehow worth it. The mind is sent off on so many interesting directions that it never gets a chance to stagnate. Boredom is strictly optional, and is more of a pose than an actual state. Burnout is the real problem, and I have no answer for it, except pulling the plug occasionally. Then swimming even faster to catch up...

Bill tells me he has found my next vehicle (I didn't know I was looking for one, but Blue is getting up there in years, at 15). Details later, when I have proper URLs.

Tonight, a silly culinary triumph: a meal conceived at 6:30, on the table at 7:30, with lots of time to spare. One of those Plan C things that emerges when all else fails-- and uses leftover ham and leftover cauli-rice, plus other things I always have on hand. It's from my current favorite cookbook, 15 Minute Low Carb Recipes, and is in turn adapted from another of my historic faves, Peg Bracken. What's not to love? Cat and man both raved about it. I am redeemed.

Bill is in the grip of a new musical craze: call it "Balkan Gypsy Mariachi Polka Funk" and some other stuff thrown in. Imagine the scene in The Music Man where the band finally shows off what they've learned from Professor Hill, only not quite that polished or organized or in tune, and you'll have an idea of how awful this stuff is. I'm sure a large part of its appeal for him is the look on my face when he puts it on, and the comments I make, trying to be kind, while every tooth in my head is broadcasting pain on a different frequency. This is the most obnoxious music ever made. I'm tempted to retaliate with some of the alt/hiphop stuff I've become interested in lately, but really, it can't compete. Bring back Steely Dan! Bring back Boz Scaggs! All is forgiven-- hell, even bring back Barry Manilow!! Just don't play any more of this circus horror show calliope madness that makes my ears bleed (and not in a good way).

I'm almost afraid to go to sleep, with this sound so fresh in my ears. I am going to concentrate on San Francisco, Winterland, December 16, 1978 instead. Bruce Springsteen & the E-Street Band. Oh yes.

A hot one today!

26.VI.07 - MoM

Although I am starting this at 4 p.m., I may have to interrupt it for a 15 minute nap. (Managed to stay awake.) And, that might be interrupted by all sorts of things. Chris came by to cut the grass but the battery on mower is dead again, so I can see a new one in its future.

Today included Ted, the gardener, weeding, the penultimate nurse visit and the PT girl, with another visit scheduled for Thursday. Charlie came by and watered my deck plants in the late afternoon. The hose is now back where I can reach it and do it myself.

I had to turn on the AC in the early afternoon -- we had an 88° day. Supposed to cool down this evening. Due to the noise, I have it off already. Not much chance for napping. Will try for an early bedtime.

Tomorrow, I have that 9:20 appt with the surgeon. Still having more pain than before so look forward to see if that is normal.

My "dinner" was good for a hot evening -- sliced rotiss chicken and a lot of the salad greens I grew in the AgroGrow dipped in some excellent Caesar salad dressing Sandy had brought me. Cookies, Tea, ice cream, Boost and V8 filled out the day. I am increasing my serving sizes and my appetite is increasing.

I am still hoping to get some new family stuff to copy soon. With my dull days, I really need to get back to dairies. Still frustrated that I haven't come across Dan's teen-age diary yet. I know it is in my closet somewhere! I also have another of hers with the entry about the first time she met "Grandma" (Soares).

Hope your plumbing woes are taken care of. The first hour of a service call here is $90 and each additional hour is $75. Just wrote the check for $357 for the new toilet in the front bathroom, used by guests, mostly.

Monday, June 25, 2007



No joy today. Last night as I took a late shower I discovered the shower/tub was no longer draining. I got in and out as quickly as possible, but it was still not draining in the morning.

Want to know what it costs to unclog a bathtub these days? Try $341.00. And yes, it drains acceptably again, but for that kind of $, it should be sucking down water like a bottomless whirlpool in a Barks comic river. Grrrrr. I'm sure there are many $$$ plumbing experiences in our immediate future.

The plumbers couldn't show up until after 5:00, which kinda ruined my day.

I made a chicken/ roasted pepper frittata thing that turned out okay. These days I'll consider a dish a success if it's non-lethal.

Mom, one of the lovely things about a digital image (which is what you make when you scan your herb and flower creations) is that it can be easily resized before printing. I'm pretty sure Marty is a major expert in this regard! So go ahead and arrange your daisy wreath-- as long as it fits on your scanner bed, it can be resized to fit whatever paper size you want.

Time to end this very annoying day. I hope you have a restful sleep in your actual bed tonight. And I wish myself the same.

Early but hope I make it to bed before sleep gets me!

25.VI.07 - MoM

You really inherited the baseball genes, Suzy. I can still see my two grandfathers spending long, hot afternoons finding whatever breeze there might be in the open ended drive through of the lumber yard not talking much, just listening to baseball on the little radio. (I spent a lot of time that summer learning to ride on Pa's old bicycle in that same space.) I don't think Lillie was all that excited to spend time in Florida during spring training. Then there were the silent lunches on Delaware during World Series games while Dan was glued to the radio. I had my dedicated period when I spent time in bed when Sandy was "upsetting" my stomach. Some years later, Helen and I spent lots of time watching baseball on their TV set. I have never forgotten the frustration late in the game when home plate was in such deep shadows you were again dependent on the announcers.

I got a little closer to the daisy notes -- while watering on the deck this morning, I picked a few to start a trial layout. I can't do a circle wreath of them as that would be too large to fit on a 4"x 6".

My leg is still giving me more fits that I would like. I didn't accomplish as much as I would have liked to, but did get the in house plants to the sink and watered them. Sandy moved the the largest one when she came by to heat their hot dogs in the mikro as Charlie could not get away at noon. She came by on her way home and got the plants that I had watered in the sink back to the front room -- saved me some more trips.

I expect to have X-rays on Wednesday and that they show that things are okay but just one is just slower and more painful. Walking still hurts even tho I am taking a lot of weight off it with my arms on the walker. That, andin turn, is makes my neck hurt.

I am eating well, the V-8 with my cookies and tea for breakfast, a large bowl of macaroni salad from the BBQ. ice cream for lunch, tonight Boost, rotiss chicken and some more of the corn/bean/and other veggie mix from the Wood's party. I was also out of "Salt Bombs," so made up a batch of them.

Late this afternoon, Sandy got my little HP Photo printer working and gave me a very detailed step by step, so now I can print pictures with it. Before, I could only print from the smart card before I had added them to my IPhoto albums on the computer.

I didn't have one of my best nights (still in my chair) last night, so I am going to try to use my bed tonight. Last night, the frequent overturned water glass upset into my tennis shoes. Luckily, I have two matching pairs.

Really am going to bed early. Hope it cools early tonight. Love having the details of daily life in FL and SV, at least.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Oriole 83


The name of the book was The Stolen Child, by Keith Donohue. It is a brilliant book, and one I know I'll never forget. It changes the way you look at certain things. Since I don't know Ann well enough to know her taste in books, I have no idea if she'd like it or not.

It was certainly a less stressful day -- Sundays usually are. I sleep late w/o guilt, and change the sheets. Today I had Bill flip the mattress (we do this quarterly, after each solstice and equinox) and washed the mattress cover too, so the process stretched over much of the day.

I picked something from the week's menu plan I was sure could not fail-- pork chops with an easy cream sauce-- and it didn't fail. There, I got back on that horse, and was not thrown.

Finished The Stillroom Maid. I liked it, but it left me feeling troubled and sad. Not sure what to pick up next. The Andrae Barks book is faintly annoying so far-- I think starting with the Dorfman/ Mettalart business is a mistake, but maybe the rest of the book will make clear why. It makes for a difficult approach for anyone outside the inner cult.

Most of my online friends are living it up in DC at ALA. One of the others not there gave me a name for what we're feeling: FOMO: "Fear of Missing Out". Which is exactly what it is!

Had baseball on the tube all day. Now that I've memorized the channel number for MASN (Mid-Atlantic Sports Network) I know where the Orioles are, and can tolerate the Nationals too-- meanwhile thoroughly enjoying the local Baltimore/DC commercials. As an extra benny, tonight they showed an "Orioles Classic" -- Game Two of the 1983 World Series against the Phillies-- MY 83 Orioles! I watched the whole thing and just reveled in it-- A very young Al Michaels called it, with Howard Cosell (!) and Earl Weaver in the booth with him.

What a hoot! An unbelievably baby-faced Ripken, the glowering Eddie Murphy, the wonderfully loopy John Lowenstein, rookie Mike Boddicker pitching a brilliant game. Jim Palmer in the bullpen. And on the Phillies bench, an as yet untarnished Pete Rose and a youthful Joe Morgan, whom I've come to know well as a commentator in later years.

A million memories. Old Memorial Stadium. "Thank God I'm a Country Boy" at the 7th inning stretch. Wild Bill Hagy leading the O's Cheer. Revealing little time stamps: "Beat It" playing in the background-- it had just come out. Talk about players having "answering services" -- before everyone and their brother had their own answering machines. All the less famous players I remember so well from that one memorable season, with names like Tippy and Tito and Sammy. And of course, dear Rick Dempsey, who now works for MASN, and had his own commentary to offer on this game. He would go on to be the Series MVP.

As I remember it, I watched it with Chris at his place. Though I'd gone to many games the past three years, and two of the play-off home games, no way could I score World Series tickets. The O's had lost game one, and were being written off. The game 2 victory kept our hopes alive as the series moved on to Philly. It never returned to Baltimore-- the O's won it in in five, at Philly. I watched the rest of it from my temporary apartment, packing to leave for Gainesville. I went downtown and enjoyed the parade and celebration. I saw all of them, smiling and waving from top down cars. Bittersweet.

Long ago, it was. I have the t-shirt. A book or two. Baseball cards. Autographed photos of Ripken in his second year. It was a lifetime ago.

Supposed to be really hot, tomorrow!

24.VI.07 - MoM

I began the day feeling depressed and weepy. No really good reason. However, with the Sunday paper and my cookies and tea, my mood improved without realizing it. I am glad that my visit with the surgeon is coming up on Wednesday so I can see if things are healing properly as it continues to be painful when I walk. I took an Advil after breakfast and another after lunch.

By the time I had my tea/cookie breakfast with V8 juice and the cheese/chex mix to finish it off with the Sunday paper as well as "Meet the Press," my mood was better. By then, I was having trouble staying awake. Finally had to give in to 3 15-minute naps.

I finally got around to cutting the lettuce "jungle" of the AgraGrow in the afternoon and have a nice bowl of large lettuce leaves. I ate at them while doing it so had my greens for today. I also got the indoor tomato plants trimmed back and tied up.

Late this afternoon, I was surprised to see Dave Wood at the door. They were having a hot dog BBQ party this afternoon and since I am not ready for steps yet, he brought me some macaroni salad, bean, corn, and other veggie salad, and some of the excellent cookie dessert. I was surprised and pleased to be remembered.

I managed to drag the hose around on the deck outside my bedroom to get the fountain filled with water again and all the plants there watered. It is a little exciting but I am getting the hang of it. Later, when Sandy and Charlie were on their way home from the Woods, they came by. I had not been able to water the 4 pots of flowers in the sunroom and they weren't doing too well as it gets up to 115°+. I asked them to put them out on the deck where it isn't so hot and I can water them. DoD and I bought a portable AC for the sunroom, but it can't begin to cool that room on a hot day.

I hope you had a less stressful day, Suzy. I can't believe the things you make for dinner. Not too unexpected that you have an occasional "flop."

What was the title of the book that affected you so much? As I said earlier, Ann was curious.

I hope I can get to the daisy note paper tomorrow and get the check in the mail for you and Bill, Suzy. Also, overdue with Marty's BD check.

I am still sipping on my drink, but won't be long till I go to bed.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Angry Food


Maybe back to blog-length posts, maybe not.

Tonight was Worst. Dinner dish. Ever.

(A) It was a lot of work. (B) It required unearthing seldom-used equipment: Gadget. (C) It took three times longer than recipe suggested, and it still wasn't done properly. (D) It did not taste good. And worst of all, (E) Bill choked on a bone in the fish!!

I was completely demoralized after this disaster. Good thing I had a baseball game in the background, to keep me sedated. The Washington Nationals managed to lose the most bizarre bottom of the 9th game I've ever seen. This was followed by the Orioles playing at Arizona-- they're trailing, and I can't bear to watch their top of the 9th.

Now I'm terrified to try some of the other recipes scheduled for this week. I bought 5 humongous Vidalia onions to try "Stuffed Onion Meatloaves" -- I think not! I popped the ground beef in the freezer and will rethink what to do with it later. And I can always chop up the onions and freeze them.

Clearing the fridge this afternoon, I dumped an outdated blob of yogurt down the drain, and somehow managed to splatter it straight into my eye, despite having glasses on-- now how did that happen, except my food is angry at me?

Reading an online novelette that is great, but doing nothing at all to raise my spirits: Cory Doctorow's When Sysadmins Ruled the Earth. That I can decode it easily reminds me what a hopeless geek I've been for the past 20 years. And the contrast between it and Stillhouse Maid (still not finished) could not be more stark.

"Saved from chicken pie?" "Sustenance?" Mom, you sound like you are on the verge of starving to death, and you know this is not true. You can have whatever your heart desires to eat. All you have to do is dig it out of your overflowing freezer, or ASK, and it will be delivered.

Of course you had good and bad days with your last recovery. That is just part of life, and the healing process. Take all the pain killers you need-- that's what they're for, after all.

Can't wait to see what you do with your daisies. You have created a unique craft, and I'm very proud of you. I do hope the newspaper story highlighted how creative you are.

I'm still on call as Bar Maid-- otherwise I'd be way out of it by now. Shouldn't be long now, though. Things do tend to settle down this time of night.

Up and down day

23.VI.07 - MoM

It was an up and down day. I had a good enough night -- although I was sleeping in my chair, it was the first night I didn't have my legs completely rigid -- I woke up with my good leg bent -- a very small item but a little progress. I had the patio door open and the temp was good for sleeping -- still with only "little Blue" for cover. How would I have made it through this without it?

I was pleasantly surprised when Marty and Ben came by. I had talked to Sandy about a Rotiss chicken earlier last week while I still had plenty of food so Sandy asked her to include one and a container of mixed fruit for me when she shopped this morning. Saved me from having a chicken pie. This will give me sustenance for quite a few days. Yesterday, Christa had picked my indoor "cherry" tomatoes and they went well with it. I am going to cut back my indoor lettuce "jungle" tomorrow and that should make several days of salad.

I was so very sleepy again mid-day and took some more naps. I made my Saturday call to Thea. This time she had forgotten that it was "that" day -- unusual for her as she is usually sitting by the phone. Thank goodness, she was able to hear pretty well and she didn't have to have Penny repeat it for her.

I guess the "down" part of the day -- walking was more uncomfortable than during the past couple of days. I guess that is to be expected. I did not take any Tylenol today, but I think I will take one at bedtime.

The temperature was very "moderate" today but the next few days are headed into the 90s! I didn't need any AC today.

I am very excited about the "gadget" I ordered yesterday to make prints from slides and negatives -- I hope it lives up to its advertising. Won't be available to ship till 7 July. I have not been able to figure out how to use the one with my computer. This looks easy and I am always ready to try any new idea.

Tomorrow I am determined to get out to the daisies on my bedroom deck to make a new card -- I already have in mind what I hope to do. It is no problem getting out there except my laziness. Tomorrow, I will take a Tylenol if it is as uncomfortable as it was today. I have forgotten if I had good and bad days with the last one. I see the surgeon on Wednesday. I haven't the faintest memory of what he looks like but I guess he is quite young.

Friday, June 22, 2007



Hoping to fool Blogger into thinking I posted this while it was still Friday in Wisc...

Two nights in a row of partying did me in. Took most of today to recoup. Still not all there.

Carpets swept, bathroom floors mopped. I call that a win for a day that started at noon.

Reading, and almost finished Stillhouse Maid. Agree with Sandy, this is at least among the best, if not the.

Finally got phone co to agree to unlimited txt. Adjusting to constant presence of Twittering. And see how it is affecting my blogging-- short bursts. Not necessarily a bad thing.

Most of my Twitter-Friends are librarians, and most of them are at ALA in DC right now. Strange to have a known second place feel almost as real as the one I'm actually in-- or think of as being in. Confusing.

Look forward to seeing the newspaper spread about you, Mom. The online version was inadequate.

Will try to get back into regular Blog Mode tomorrow.

Last day of a busy week!

22.VI.07 - MoM

I just had to take a quickie nap of 7 minutes before starting this so I could stay awake for one of my fav news guys on while I write this.

After some sleeplessness during the night, I got a slightly late start to the day. Today was for the PT girl during the noon hour. I was walking tolerably, but not quite as painlessly as yesterday. I guess I can expect these ups and downs.

Since I didn't need anything, Sandy wasn't coming in, today. However, she called about 2 p.m., to check for sure. A new problem had developed -- my phone rang when she called but when I answered her call she wasn't getting through to me. After trying some things she had the Wood's call and it worked as did my cell. Finally narrowed it down and found that it was her SV phone that wasn't getting through to me.

Yesterday, she had tried to get the listing in my name in the phone book removed -- it was leftover from my internet dedicated line. She had tried to get it out of there several years ago. DoD and I are still listed together on the next line. The ex-computer line just rings endlessly to the caller, but nothing to me. The number does nothing although it has been reassigned to someone else. So, she could not get a referral when someone tries to call me on it and they promised to get it out of the next book. (This is not the first time for that.) The Woods are typical -- they tried to call before coming to see me Sunday, but did not try the 2nd number, so had called Sandy to see if she thought I was home.

While Sandy was here, I asked if she would check with my bank about my Master Card that I have had for at least 15 years through them, although I very seldom use it as I get money back from my Amazon/Visa. As usual, I hadn't used it this month but my MC card had only a $40.00 finance charge on the entire bill. Turned out that if there were no charges for a year or so, they began to charge this every year! Needless to say she got it closed and removed from my bill. It turned out to be a further errand day, as I want my cell phone bill to be automatically paid to the bank and it had to be handled at their downtown RF office.

At least, Sandy and Charlie had managed some golf so their day wasn't a total loss.

I am still not doing a lot around the house but at least, I have a shiny sink most of the time again.

I haven't forgotten you anniversary check. It is written and I expect to get it mailed one of these days, soon.

I got a lot of mileage from the Tex-Mex (tamale and beans tonight) and salad and shrimp from what Ann brought. I need to pick my AgroGrow huge crop of tender lettuce and home grown lil tomatoes that will make a good salad tomorrow. Not sure the store avocado will be quite ripe enough. I continue to add to the days food with Boost and V-8.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Slowly but surely a little progress

21.VI.07 - MoM

Finally, last night we had the city siren at abut 11 p.m. It wasn't very loud as the wind was blowing hard and we were having a little hail. Now, as I write this, the weather alert radio just came on. This warning is for south and west of us. There have been tornado alerts but not is our area. Hopefully, some other area instead of ours will get the excitement, tonight. Paige cleaned today and they didn't hear anything last night. Of course, they have converted their basement to their living quarters.

I made a couple more steps toward normalcy, today. I got outdoors to get the mail. I have been on the deck outside my bedroom before, but this evening the fountain needed water badly, so I used the hose. This afternoon I was able "walk" a little more normally and late in the day without pain. It was nice not to have to depend entirely on my arms to cut down the pain while I walk -- another giant step forward. Now, if I can do so tomorrow, I will be joyous. So far I haven't felt the least bit housebound. With the Wood's earlier in the week, cleaning (Paige), Rita, nurse to check my vitals, Christa, PT, Amber for the article, Ann's visit, Sandy and Charlie popping in and out, there has been someone here for some time each day. Next Wed I have the surgeon visit so will be my first outing,

By the way, what was the name of the book that left you so fragile, Suzy. Ann is curious. She has your problem of hard to put down what she is reading for sleep or reading during the day

I need to enjoy the nice temp we have had recently as we are in for 3 or so days of over 90's coming up soon.

Ate seriously on the salad and fried shrimps from yestrday and there is still a lot left. Nice to have such easy food. I had two little Tumbling Tom" tomatoes in mine tonight -- they were quite good.

* * * * *

Already, the sun has gone under clouds and it is beginning to get dark and it's only about 2:30 p.m. Will try to copy the rest of this pale print letter before it gets worse. This is still from 29.V.86 and from Saalfelden.

We have ordered a new large desk with computer work area and a matching cabinet with file drawers for my office. Meanwhile, we moved my little desk from my bedroom down and found a table from the hallway we could use for the computer room. DoD will use my former desk for spill-over in his office. So nice to have a plain dining room again. I an hardly wait for you to see it all. It is wonderful to have a 2nd toilet again. They put in our 2nd phone this week. It meant taking out the jack in my bedroom, but they put a 10 meter cord on both upstairs and downstairs so we can take them to any point in the house, even to the balcony or terrace. I can't imagine the phone company standing still for that in the States. Of course, one can do anything they want to now, I guess. [When I had my bad knee in Jamestown, and needed an extension cord to reach from our bedroom back to the extra bedroom/sewing room, I had to have a note from the doctor and could only have it for one month. They arrived exactly 1 month later to removed it.] The Fendrichs put in their own phones and had 7 of them. They ended up with so many that they did not have enough of what it takes for them all to ring at the same time so they have to hunt for the ones that are ringing.
Guess you are busy with the garden. I planted 12 lettuce plants and a few herbs and last fall's garlic looks great. Also, put in a few onion sets and will keep adding to them. Ate the lettuce in spite of the radioactive rain. Can't plant window boxes as they take almost daily care and it is asking too much of Frau Eder to take care of them while we are gone.
One of these days we will be sending you some information on things over her in case of something unforeseen happening to us. The Tischerei" (cabinet maker) brought along a very interesting woman to translate for him. She attended Bryn Mawr on a scholarship, speaks (and informally teaches) many languages and is a real character. When we return and she gets back from her summer in Portugal she is going to help us with our German. She used to have a travel agency, and seems to have done a little of everything. We have not talked to her about it, but if you should have to be the one to liquidate our things here I am sure she would be a great help as she seems to know a lot of people and is a real go getter. The Tischlarei also has a furniture store in Zell and seems to have some 2 nd hand furniture, so might also be a way to get rid of it. We know that one will never get much out of selling it, but anything is better than nothing and it would probably be easier than advertising it and selling it piece by piece.
This time I am really going to get this letter in the mail. I strted it the 1st of May and have made revisions to bring it up to date several times. Received Jessica's graduation announcement. Do I send a card, a gift or what? Maybe not enough time for a reply so will discuss it when we get to WVa. Any time in the fall except between about 20 - 25 September we are available for whatever you can work out when you are here. The Raths will be here then. Write until have to be soon to get here before we leave. Our love to you both.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


20.VI.07 - MoM

Hope you have had a fun anniversary. In all the years we were there it was our first time of eating at the Rittenhouse -- well worth the wait.

Just as Sandy dropped off my groceries, the storm warnings began. I asked her to get one of the office chairs into my "interior" bathroom. I wasn't sure I could get out of Lafuma so asked her to get one of the office chairs (with arms) into the bathroom. Since, I have been getting some stuff in there. RF is in a watch area for a couple of more hours. I made sure to get that good flashlight you gave us in there, in there as well as a battery "lantern," extra batteries for the weather radio, that I will take in if it goes to warning, Took in your blanket, but if I goes to a local warning, I'll dash in and get a comforter, on my way, I have the gin and ice in my walker basket, but it is getting time so may start my drink. While typing that they just mentioned the storm toward us, so I guess I'll complete the move, unplug the computer and take it in with me.

By the time I got all that in order, the sky was clear again but they and our warning was due to run out in about 15 minutes (7:45 p.m.) I wasn't all that comfortable in there so decided to move my computer, weather radio and other little things back to my living room when they extended our watch till 10:00 p.m. We are under a severe thunder storm watch.

Sandy called after they were clear and we decided in the near future, we are going to stock the front bathroom with the basics and things that keep, so I don't have to go through all this rat race, especially as we are entering the nasty season. It was a little different when there were two of us but alone it is a little different. When Chris and Lisa lived there they invited us down to their basement a couple of times.

I had a very nice afternoon with Ann. She brought the shrimp salads from Applebees and we ate from comfortable chairs in the front room. Of course, I have lots of left over.

After Sandy and Julia had a fun day out, she picked up the few things I was getting low on at the grocery store.

Thunder has started and it is getting dark.

THE article appeared in the local paper on the newsstands today and will be in the mail tomorrow. It is on a page by itself, so the two pictures are large. One was okay, but the other one is pretty bad. There are the usual number of errors -- I should have insisted on checking it, but I could have been uch worse and it wasn't as bad as I had expected. Oh well, I doubt if many will wade through all of it.

The thunder is getting a little louder. I should proof it and maybe I might get it back and do it later, but for now I think I will just send it as I am beat.

I am so tired I am tempted to go to sleep in my chair and hope the local siren would wake me up in time to get to the bathroom. However I am hearing more distant thunder. Nuts -- that thunder is just north of Hudson in Summerset and it being extended till 10:15 and chance of tornados, etc., etc.

* * * * *

I am going to try again to copy from the letter with pale faded ink that I have been trying to start early before I needed lamp light. This letter is from Saalfelden, written to Sandy and Bob on 29.V.86.

We have not done much traveling but did go to Chur for a night, then rode the Glacier Express to Brig, changed trains and went to Lausanne for a night to meet with the Fendrichs to talk to them about the WVA lease we were writing up as they help us with things like that. Nice little break. We went to a "Messe" in Innsbruck and stayed overnight. Took a day tour to Chiemsee on Mother's Day. Took several half day and day tours this past week. But a lot of our time has been spent looking for inexpensive furniture (is there such a thing?) to put downstairs, mostly of the storage type as we have at least one "major" piece for each room. I have been saving money for this for quite some time. I don't know how we got along without a microwave -- I bought a nice little one a few weeks ago, and now also am delighted to have a real freezer again. No end to the things I can do now that I have it.
In Zell we ordered 2 recliners which are almost as scarce as hen's teeth over here. We plan to move the 2 seat sofa down to the room like my bedroom and make a sitting room out of it. Bought an inexpensive coffee table and end tables for it, too. Also, ordered a nice office chair with arms for DoD. He needs to be comfortable at his desk as he spends lots of time there massaging figures. Still need rugs, curtain rods, curtain, and many other things that really add up. Also, as there are no closets we are having a man build one for the guest room. However, there is a little "broom" closet off the foyer and he is going to put shelves in it for me. We are getting another bed for the guest room to match the one you don't like that we had in DoD's "Buro." I have slept on it several times and did not find it all that bad. Besides, if does not cost like a real bed. I am sure you are really going to injoy having a whole "guest suite" to yourself. Too bad Bob can't be with you.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Fire (Curry) on the Fingertips


Happy Birthday, Marty. I too vividly remember the day of your birth and the phone call from Sandy herself, but absolutely refuse to believe it was 44 years ago. Nope. Not possible. Does not compute. Besides which, you are way too beautiful to be that old.

Very glad to hear Julia made it over for the celebration. And I hope you do start Twittering along with the rest of us. Much less demanding than blogging.

As for my day, well:

"Be careful climbing that kickstool not to bump your head on that range hood."

"What, me, bump my head on that huge, scalloped metal range hood? You must be out of your... OW! I've bumped me head, I 'ave!"

And I feel like Slim in G.A. the past few weeks, birds and bells circling around my head. Sinuses on that side going nuts also. One little thing goes wrong: only giant size Listerine available; too big and heavy for my hand to manage. So I go in search of a funnel to dump the stuff into a size bottle I can manage. And end up wounded.

I did get out to shop today. Needed some stuff at Best Buy, in addition to ground lamb-- which I found today. Yay! The lamb burgers from EdF were lovely: meat mixed with scallions and some curry, served on "peasant bread" with a Feta/yogurt sauce and thin lengthwise peeled cucumber slices. Had this with Martha S.'s take on cuke/ sour cream/ dill salad. Nice summer meal. And my fingertips still smell like curry.

Glad to hear your life is settling into some good routines, Mom. And how timely that this is Ann's season to be in the area. It was really nice to meet her when you were in Florida last time, so I can picture her. And wonderful that you can get out of your chair with more ease and confidence.

Overcast today, and the air was so humid I had to do the side stroke to reach the mailbox. It didn't rain, but drops of water just appeared in midair-- perfect demo of super-saturation. We are about to sink into the swamp of Florida summer. I'll take it; at least it discourages fires and smoke.

Perfect Temperature

19.VI.07 - MoM


Thank goodness, I had a wonderful night's sleep last night. The temp was just right (still using only your blue "blanket" Suzy, and didn't wake up all night. I awoke just before the 5 a.m., alarm. Rita, the nurse was coming at about 8 (made it at 8:30 after I had finished my cookies and tea.) All "vitals" were good so will cut it from twice a week to once and for only a few more weeks.

The at least 6 foot tall Scandinavian girl (Christa) was by about noon to watch me do my leg exercise and watch me walk to report on progress. I will always be grateful to her for suggesting raising my recliner so I didn't have a spooky few seconds as I transferred my strength from the low chair arms to the much higher walker as I stood up. And, for Charlie for building the platform and making it happen. She was much impressed with what he built and so quickly. She will continue to come by a couple of times a week to report progress. I doubt it will go on much longer as my progress continues so well.

Tomorrow, Ann is bringing lunch, Thursday Paige will be cleaning again, and Christa will be here Friday again. Sandy and Charlie were by on their way home from working at Jane's. The weather was beautiful all day and Sandy got in some golf in the morning. While she was here, she dished me up and miked half of the large tamale and half of the beans. Somehow, eating in my chair in the living room alone with the TV news, I have managed to clean my plate. The shoulder/neck problem bothers me when I sit at the table. DoD and I were both very slow eaters as we got older -- or course, we were both reading with out meals.

I have been keeping my new camera "at the ready" to snap bird pictures -- nothing else to take pictures of, but since they are "erasable," I am using it to get familiar and comfortable with the entirely different combinations of things necessary to use it. Haven't tried to print anything yet. That will come before long. I am particularly interested in using it with my HP Photosmart.

Since the hospital experience, I hardly ever play Freecell any more. I think I got my fill of it in there. I recently read in some of the info from there about care of a broken hip. The leg should be kept elevated whenever possible. At no time during the 10 or more hours at a time I was forced to sit in a chair was my leg up -- I even had to put my 200 page X-word book under to foot so it didn't "dangle" in space. I wonder if that had anything to do with it not healing as fast? Oh well, that is in the past and I am getting better in spite of it.

I am fascinated by how "into" a book you can get, Suzy. Very interesting to hear about it. I can remember not being able to put down a book even though there were things I should have been doing.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Made of Glass


I resisted the siren call of The Book last night, but not today. I held off picking it up at all until lunch time, and reached the tipping point around 1:30. The rest of the day was toast. Managed to rip myself away long enough to make San Diego Tuna Salad (guac dressing) and 'Baga Fries for dinner, with just 20 pages to go.

Good thing I waited. I was not left shattered, exactly. Just feeling like I am made of glass, and the slightest breeze or deep breath or deep thought will leave me in a million sharp shards. I am still living in the reality of the book.

Sandy: Read (or listen to) this book-- but only when you have a lot of time to read or a lot of driving to do. Selfishly, I'd say AT ONCE, because I need to talk about it, but I know a consuming read might not fit into your present schedule. I will be patient.

I am all achy breaky leg muscles today from the frenzied work in the big room yesterday. Didn't get any pictures taken.

Phone bill came-- indeed, I was being charged 15 cents per message during the two weeks I had new Tweets sent to my phone-- all 298 of them, including the few I sent from the phone, which added up to $44.55. Good thing I turned that feature off when I did. Bill spent nearly an hour on the phone tonight trying to change our plan to an unlimited text message option. No luck. The No-Help Desk in Bangala Desh could not comprehend who he was or what he wanted. He had also tried to do this online, with similar frustration. This brave new world has some gaping holes in it-- mainly those parts of the chain they try to fill with the cheapest possible human interaction. Amazing how hard it is to get them to take more of our money! We shall persist. The Twitter text messaging did more to bond me with the advanced features of my phone than anything I'd tried so far.

Did not get out to shop today, needless to say. Nothing left to fix tomorrow, so MUST go out. Wish I could make myself go across town to Fresh Market, but I have my doubts.

Still locked into the world of The Book, and reluctant to break the spell.

Enjoying my Throne (elevated chair)

18.VI.07 - MoM


Oh! the wonders of modern technology. When the doctor called the drug store with the Celebrex Rx it flagged it due to some sulfa and penicillin things in the past. The dentist prescribed it. I vaguely remember having a little nausea while using some dentist prescribed things. My current weekly nurse had taken it on herself to tell the doctor that I was having a little leg pain, so it was a surprise to me when the pharmacy called. I have been having good luck with plain Tylenol, so I checked with my Pharmacist to see if I could take both when the Celebrex was mildly successful and got an okay. With all this, I had a comfortable day and was up and even more active today.

This is shaping up to be a rather busy week. Amber, the summer intern at the paper called this morning to see if she could take some new pictures as her boss had suggested one of me doing something with the computer instead of just sitting on the deck. This whole thing has really spiraled almost out of control. She said that the article is about 1,000 words.

Tomorrow, the nurse is coming about 8 a.m., to check my vitals. Wednesday, Ann Jacobs is bringing in lunch. Then there are two visits from the PT gal to fit in during the week -- one of which will be on Friday. She had suggested raising my recliner about 4" off the floor to make it easier to get out of it. Charlie was here so over the weekend he made a super platform, very sturdy, and "installed" it this morning. It has made a wonderful difference for getting from chair to walker. There were always a few anxious seconds as I transferred control to the walker. I was going to be a little more apprehensive after I managed to upset the walker this morning while getting the paper. It was the first time in the 9 months this has ever happened. I am still not sure how I managed to remain out of the mess.

Sandy was helping Charlie this afternoon, so she came by and my bird feeders are filled again. There was an Indigo Bunting at the front feeder! Charlie caught a very interesting butterfly. As soon as it dries out (could be up to a month or so) it is going to be a part of a card.

This afternoon, Sandy picked up some Tex-Mex food for me at our little local place near the University. A large taco made my main meal tonight. For tomorrow, I have a tamale and beans. All of this is much better than anything from "Meals on Wheels."

I had one of my infrequent sleepless nights last night. It has turned cool and we had a little rain today, It seems to be shaping up to be a good sleeping night. It is really going to be hard to stay awake till a decent time for going to sleep.

It was too late this afternoon for good light to try to do some more on the current letter I am trying to copy from a very pale letter. Will try again tomorrow.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Beware the Hair


Beware the sudden and ferocious Wild Hair. Bill had one this morning: he suddenly wanted to see the ruined cheap lawn chairs gone. He decided the best way to do this was to cut them up so they fit into the trash. This involved unearthing, then charging his various power tools (unused for several years). In the course of this, he (a) emptied all kinds of stuff, mostly plastic bags from the kitchen closet, making a huge mess, and (b) discovered that the cat has been using the Great Room rug as her preferred vomitorium-- I knew about this, and had it on my Do Soon List. He cleaned up the one or two spots he noticed, but I knew there were more. I also knew that if he were rummaging around in there, he was bound to discover the exploded cattail mess, which was also on the Do Soon List (sounds like a new pitcher for the Yankees: "and now, fresh from the Taiwan Mud Larks, Do Soon List takes the mound!").

In the middle of breakfast I lept up up and began attacking both problems at once.

By far the worst was the frakkin' cattails. I hate to think what my lungs must look like tonight after inhaling that stuff. Trying to just throw a plastic bag over it didn't work at all. I could see I would need "Snuffy" (Bill's old canister vacuum cleaner) to suck it out of that corner of the room. Snuffy came through like a champ. But unearthing Snuffy required half an hour of stabbing and collapsing plastic air bags and bagging up huge quantities of various kinds of bubble-wrap. Plus, transferring four huge bags of styrofoam peanuts into Blue's bed. All this just to unearth Snuffy!

Then I got out the big gun: the stand-up Dirt Devil, an absolute bitch to use: deafening, heavy, clumsy, but it does the job. The carpet in there (that which shows) actually looks decent for the first time in several years. Some real progress in there. I will take some pictures tomorrow-- not "after," but interim images.

I ate the rest of my breakfast in bites as I buzzed around. Talk about crisis cleaning. It was quite hot today, so it was a sweaty business for all concerned.

Stuff. Too much stuff. I hate stuff.

Got the sheets changed and laundered. The regular Sunday Blessing, but I always feel a sense of pride getting it done. Love the feel of clean sheets.

For dinner I made Hot Wings from EdC 43. Actually, Martha calls the dish "Buffalo Chicken," and calls for skinless drumsticks. I used skin-on wings, but otherwise followed her recipe. Pretty darned good, for a relatively guilt-free treatment. Bill really liked them. Had left-over broccoli, which was good dipped in the blue cheese sauce, as were the celery sticks. Had the leftover sushi on the side.

Fighting the desire to stay up all night and finish The Stolen Child in one big gulp, but I know it would devastate me physically and mentally.

I hope the Celebrex gives you some pain relief, Mom. I know it is usually prescribed for arthritis. I don't think it has sulfa in it though, which is an antibiotic.

How nice of the Woods to pay you a visit. They sound like really good people. I'm glad Chris and Kay are keeping in touch also.

Sandy, thanks so much for the garden report! What a beautiful panoramic picture of the new garden. I wish you would stand in that exact spot and take a picture once a week-- we could turn it into a fabulous slide show. Hell, if you'd do it every DAY, we'd have a video to die for! Yeah, I know-- easy for me to say. I loved the pictures of your herb pots too-- do you mean to say that this will give you enough basil, rosemary parsley, etc., for a whole season? I never know how much is enough-- I either have a hopeless glut or not enough.

The meatless dogs were "Smart Dogs," -- no claims to goodness. They were okay-- with enough mustard and pickle relish. The bun-things were awful, though. I tossed the rest of them. I'd planned to have real dogs (Hebrew National, from the freezer) this week, but got preempted by these things.

I never have to coerce Bill to go shopping. I hate it so much, I thought I was doing him a favor by just doing it. But it seems he enjoys it, so I have started asking him if he'd like to come along-- and he usually says yes. It takes longer, but as you say, it's much more fun, if a bit distracting. I will need to go out again tomorrow to get a few things that got lost in the shuffle.

There. I blogged. Can I be excused for a few minutes to read? That is, until the next call for the Barmaid arrives?

No complaints (except a little warm) for yet another day

17.VI.07 - MoM

I had "all my ducks in a row" and was just ready to start coping from the pale letter yet again, when I had a very welcome visit from Ruth and Dave Wood, complete with flowers, a card and a piece of the cake she made for the party that Sandy and Charlie had attended last night, too. Very nice time. Earlier I had a good call from Chris and Kay.

I started the Celebrex, today. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I won't be allergic to the sulfa. I am only to take one pill a day for 10 days. I will stop it if my stomach acts up. It was at least 10 years ago when I think I took it before a dental appointment and was on about day 8. I was a little less sore today than yesterday, I think. My lower back seems to continue to give me the most uncomfortable-ness.

I hope you are able to conquer your insomnia problem, Suzy. I can remember many sleepless nights, with DoD blissfully getting his 8 hours. He insisted that I had to go to bed when he did (on Oregon Avenue was immediately after the 10-15 p.m. radio nightly news.) By Berry, and the fact I worked till 9 p.m., I was able to slip into bed at 2 or 3 at.m. without waking him. I will never forget how terrible it was to lay there quietly and wide awake for hours.

I started the 1 celebrex a day this morning that has a little sulfa for pain. I think it helped, but not sure that plain Tylenol would not do the same thing. Only supposed to take it for 10 days. I really enjoyed the rest of the Japanese food that Sandy had brought yesterday -- my dinner tonight. Didn't even bother to heat it.

I was just about ready for a quickie nap, late this afternoon, when Ruth and Dave Wood came by with flowers, a cards and a visit. They are just back from some travels in Italy. A lot of my card designs were created when I needed a "get well" or "thank you for your hospitality" occasion for them. It was a very good visit. Luckily, I had turned on the AC a little earlier this afternoon. It has been off the rest of the day. I am going to sleep in my chair again tonight, so may have to have it on for a little while.

I didn't get in a nap, so I am looking forward to an early bedtime. Sandy just called. Charlie has already made the 4 inch tall frame for my recliner that the PT girl suggested to make it easier for me to get out of the chair. There is one fraction of a second when I give up leaning on the low arms of the recliner to a transfer of the weight and balance to the walker. Chris (PT) noticed it while Charlie was here and suggested raising the chair. I have been working to "smooth" out that transfer, but this should be easier.

I was determined to get back to the continued copy of a letter for the blog. I barely had a few lines done when the Woods arrived. By the time they left the natural light was gone, so will try again tomorrow to start earlier.

I practiced some more with the new camera, especially now that I can discard any I don't like. I think I got a pretty good close up of one of the squirrels on hind legs on food tray, trying to get seeds from the hanging food feeder. I will check with Sandy tomorrow to see if I am on the right track with the card for this camera in my HP little printer. I am going into this slowly and trying to get the various steps for each feature fixed in my aging brain.

Coolish breezers are trying to make an appearance with a few fresh light breaths. Not enough yet to count

Sunday morning farm report

I know what you mean about having Bill along while shopping. I like it when I can cajole Chas to coming along; he always picks up different and interesting things. What brand of vegetarian hot dogs? Were they any good? We had something called "Good Dogs" a few weeks ago, and they were misnamed. And what are the buns? Wish I'd make menu plans. I always have some vague idea of what's next, but things go more smoothly when I do a written plan for the week. I did stock up on meat last week (the meat freezer was almost completely empty), so at least I am equipped to do things impromptu when needed. Still in the interests of not eating meat every single day, some planning is needed.

We slog along here. The floor continues at a snail's pace. If Charlie had done the wood part, it would have been done in a couple of days. Instead, it took a couple of weeks, but Charlie's knees were spared. Luckily we bid the job, not time and materials. Ditto the tile, which is going faster (the guy is really a tiler by trade), but still, the fellow works at his own pace. And it's impossible to be in the house while he's working, because he likes to chat, and when he chats he doesn't work. I am eager for this to be done! No photos until it's finished. It's going to be absolutely beautiful.

This the garden a week ago, just showing that things are beginning to do nicely. (I need to take some more, close, photos -- sorry about this one.) Now everything is planted, and most things are up and growing. The bean-sprouting experiment was a qualified success. Canellini, pintos, and reds responded nicely. Another red (Lowe's Champion) failed, and the Kentucky Blue pole beans responded poorly. The edamames were worst of all. Everything is replanted, only in the last day or two. We'll see. The small chicken-wire enclosures, tried two years in a row, yielded badly. We've moved to extra tomato cages, which are much bigger, giving the beans more room to develop. Even though all the dry beans are bush beans, they need support. Since they stay in the garden all summer and into the fall, they rot if allowed to trail on the ground. This we had to discover for ourselves. Dry beans are something of a pain to grow and to shuck, but well worth it. One must simply avoid the thought that each hard-won pound of dry beans is worth about 65 cents. They're a lot better, though.

Cucumbers are up (I don't get EdF any more; I think Mom still does, and maybe Marty -- I'm always looking for cuke recipes), squash is up. We've planted cantaloupe again, a success last summer, at least those we could rescue from the mice, and for a change, some butternut squash, which I like a lot and Charlie doesn't. The cows will eat what we don't, if we cut them up. Peas are swelling in the pods. They'll be early.

Should be able to scrabble out a few small potatoes next week. 25 pepper plants, 22 grown by us from seed, are in. Anchos, anaheims, jalapeños, mulatos (another ancho), Fresnos, plus 1 each of purchased Thai hot, green bell, and kung pao (this last to be frozen for next year's pickles -- this has to be done a year in advance, since they're not red yet when it's time to make pickles). Corn is up and doing nicely. I need to get down and transplant a few, where the seeder left a couple of blank spots. The wild arugula/cilantro/dill bed has gone to seed. By the end of the summer and into the fall it will produce nicely, particularly the arugula. Garlic huge; the hardneck is making scapes, and I need to use them. Good in mashed potatoes, also a nice pesto base.

Broccoli, which we grew indoors from seed, is getting huge and should broccle soon. A dozen purchased cabbages (6 early, 6 late) are doing well. We also purchased 6 cauliflower plants; we'll see. For some reason it's hard to grow. We have some dark-green Kale that's doing well. Only 14 tomato plants this year. 22 was way too many. Hope this is enough. Only 4 romas, the rest fantastics.

I planted more dill the same day as the cukes. We'll see if that works. There are so many dill volunteers all over the garden that it's hard to make myself plant any. But the volunteers are always spent before it's time to make pickles, and I often have to buy dill, which is ridiculous. We'll see if the timing is right planting dill and cukes the same day. Fennel is coming along beautifully. Turns out that it's quite easy to grow. I seasoned some salmon with the thinnings last week, but we are really waiting for the bulbs, which are wonderful either cooked or raw, as you all know. Onions, leeks, shallots are all also doing nicely.

It's been so hot and we've been working in RF so much that it's hard to get down to the garden enough. Today would have been good, but we went to a wedding reception last night, then repaired to the Woods' and sat around until late. They just got back from Italy and were full of travel news. Charlie is still asleep (amazing, but he was awake from 5 to 7, reading the paper and a book).

I'm making a kale, potato and bacon stew for lunch today. It's from Slow Food, and has the catchy title "Yum, yum, pig's bum." I want to try some of the new kale, and we've got some nice-looking local bacon. Good thing we're air conditioned, since it's not really a hot-weather dish. My hopes that the recent rain would break the hot spell were unfounded.

Here are this year's herb pots. I need to take a photo of the beautiful one I made for Mom.

These are our ladyslippers, the wild orchid of the upper midwest. They are pretty rare. Curtis transplanted them into one of our flower beds. This is their third year. I'm sure I sent a picture of them last year, too.

Enough! Hope it rains, but not too violently.

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Saturday, June 16, 2007

Living Years


You're sleeping better than I am these days, Mom. I went to bed late (after 3:00 AM) but was still wide awake when it started to get light. Slept until late morning after that, but 4-5 hours is just not enough. No matter what I do , can't seem to adjust my sleep patterns to East Coast time. Oh well, it's only been... 43 years. Let's give it a chance!

It's good of you to keep calling Aunt Dotty as well as Thea. Visiting her last January made a vivid impression on me, and I can understand how much it means to her to hear from you, a touchstone to times and places she still remembers.

Bill went along when I shopped, so all kinds of strange things found their way home. We dined on spicy sushi and vegetarian hot dogs in whole wheat snuggle buns-- not exactly Plan A! I couldn't get several of the things I needed for other meals I had planned this week, so it looks a bit chaotic as of now. I need to sit down and revise the plan to something more possible.

Was hoping to find Kirby cukes, featured in EdC 43, but no such luck. Bought a bunch of cukes ordinaire, and will do the best I can with them. Can't help remembering years when there were cukes coming out the waz, and what to do with them. One of those years was even while living in this house-- back when I was young and foolish enough to believe a postage stamp sized patch of sunlight on the lawn would a garden make.

The Stolen Child is a truly amazing book. I'm halfway through it, and though I never want to recommend something I haven't finished... this one is a keeper. And I can imagine how wonderful it might be to hear it on audio.

I am struggling to keep myself "unspoiled" re Sopranos finale, even though I'm two whole seasons behind. I really should shut myself up for a few weeks and watch the last two. Of course, that requires waiting for the final season to actually be released.

Okay, it's after 1:00, still fairly early for a Saturday night. Aiming for a 2:00 lights out.

Wonder if there will be more heat records this year?

16,VI.07 - MoM

Just had a chat with Dot. I must factor that into my Saturday afternoon routine as she was so happy to hear from me. In spite of her fading memory, she always recognizes me. I am ashamed to think of how long it has been since I called. For some reason, I think of calling her Sunday afternoon, but that sometimes is church day and when the family visits her. I think Barb comes by on Saturday. I had my earlier call to Thea and she was hearing pretty well. I think I have only forgotten to call her a couple of times during the quite a few years I have been doing it -- long before DoD died.

Last night, I started with sleeping a couple of hours in my chair, then when I woke up I decided to try sleeping in my bed. I slept quite well for a couple of hours, but woke up with my leg and back hurting and I could hardly wait to "limp" back to my chair. I think it was sometime around 3 a.m. I always wake up between 5 and 6 a.m., especially as on Saturday, I watch the Today Show from 6 to 8 a.m. I could not believe that it was exactly 8 a.m., when I finally woke up. That is the longest solid sleep I have had in a long time. It is making for a short day.

I had not expected to see Sandy or Charlie today until tonight on their way to a party, but they were by mid-day to drop off some excellent food from a Japanese restaurant where they had had lunch. I had enjoyed my one lunch there with Sandy a few months ago. There was enough for today and tomorrow so I can put off my fall back meal of Schwan's chicken pie yet a while longer. They are not planning to be in tomorrow.

While Sandy was here today, I asked her to see if one of my ink cartridges was "out" as I hadn't been able to print yesterday and it isn't easy for me to check such things in my current condition. DUH! the printer cable wasn't plugged in to the computer -- I hadn't noticed it had fallen out!

Our hot weather continues to hang around but I think there might be some storm stuff tonight. I think I will unplug before I go to bed and perhaps bring in my weather radio before I go to bed. I am already getting sleepy and I have only just started my drink. Worse yet, it isn't even 8 p.m. yet. * * * * * Now, 8:30 and I have done most of my pre-bed stuff. Added some more ice to the already diluted gin but there is still a hint of gin left. Need to end this before the sleepies catch up to me again.

I don't know how I would sleep during this hot spell without "little Blue." I used it just for naps in my chair in winter. It is just right as the night cools after needing no cover when I go to bed.

Friday, June 15, 2007



Spent yesterday in frenzied flurry of housekeepery. Kitchen and bathrooms mostly, but made the flood-produced toxic waste dump in the bedroom go away, too, and started putting my closet stuff in bags to dump or go to Good Will. Got the hall bathroom shower in good shape for us both to use.

After dinner at Outback (no Mel!) we stopped by Lowe's to look at bathroom stuff, especially showers, and picked up a book about bathroom design ideas. Bill found some good stuff on the web also.

Today I measured the master bathroom in some detail and made a rough sketch. If I had a working scanner, I'd send it along to show what we're starting with, and offer ideas. We're agreed that we want an all-in-one shower unit. Question is, whether to get one with a tub-- to increase resale value of house. Despite what plumber told me, they do make them in sizes as big as 3' x 5'. Cabinets must be replaced, and I want a place to sit down and put on make-up. No where in present house to do that.

I ruthlessly purged the fridge yesterday, so menu planning starts with a relatively clean slate: a fennel bulb, some mushrooms, some sliced cabbage and leftover cooked broccoli. But I have no desire to make anything in particular. Wishing I had a working grill-- feel like the only person in America without one, according to newspapers, magazines and cookbooks. But it's just Not Nice outside, and I can't get into the idea of a gas or electric grill. Wah wah wah.

Gonna go read and drink some more gin. Best idea I've had all day.

Getting Anxious to be painlessly active

15.VI.07 - MoM

I'm too exhausted to do much of a blog tonight. The nurse was by this morning in mid-morning to check my "vitals." Before she was finished, the PT girl was here, Meanwhile, Charlie was having his early lunch in the dining room. "PT" has suggested a frame for my recliner to raise it about 4 inches to make it a little less exciting for me to hoist myself out of it. So, another little job for Charlie.

Sandy had left me a bowl of Greek Salad with a little smoked salmon in it from their dinner last night. Alter, the house was clear I ate every bit of the salad and also had large bowl of ice cream. It was the most I have eaten with any appetite for quite a while. I must be getting better. I am not being pushed to do too much until after my "surgeon" visit. To complete the day's food I had a Boost to add to my cookies and tea, and another to be considered my evening meal. It was nice to have a little appetite for a change.

Late this afternoon, Sandy and Charlie stopped by and I was sound asleep in my chair with the computer on my lap. I had slept pretty well so last night so I was surprised at how many quickie naps I had during the day. I am ready now to nurse my gin singleton for a couple of hours till bedtime. It isn't going to easy to stay awake for the gin!

Ted was also here working on the yard -- far from a dull day.

I will start the letter part of the blog tomorrow while the light is better.