Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Regarding Food


I may be too whacked to post (let alone type): we shall see. The end of second day of some weird eating disorder caused by changes in schedules. Half a chicken pie actually sounds kind of good to me right now; if I had one, I'd eat it. Nothing available is even remotely appealing. Nothing wrong with my thirst, however.

Long day at the Lib yesterday. It had been nearly a month since I'd been in to work, no one was around, and the area had been completely rearranged. The work station I use was tucked into a different corner with next-to-no workspace. And when I went into the locked stacks to retrieve boxes of comics to work on, they were... gone!

I looked everywhere, including the lower level compact shelving area-- when I first started working, Jim told me they were going to relocate them down there. Compact shelving means only one open aisle for every 7-8 stacks-- they slide along tracks to open the selected aisle (a scary business). There are probably 50 rows of stacks down there, and it is freezing cold! I was dressed for summer, and I spent way too long down there, searching stack by stack (pressing the elaborate buttons to open each one, hoping not to crush anyone), and still could not find them. Eventually someone told me the magic number: Stack 19.

To get to the lower level stacks, you have to take the book truck out through the public area, into the main stairwell, to the only elevator, down a floor, and then use the special staff elevator key to get off on level 1R. (Before, you only had to have a key to the stacks-- the comics were on ALMOST the same floor, down only 4-5 steps.)

Anyway, I was frustrated and frozen by the end of the work day. Especially since I was starving. Neglected to have breakfast before dashing out in the morning, forgetting that "lunch" would be a retirement party. Lots of lovely food on display-- and tiny flimsy paper plates to eat from. What WERE they thinking? By the time we got to Outback I was fainting from hunger-- wolfed down the olives in my first drink, likewise the crab cake appetizer. About half of whatever else I ordered.

Today the plan was to go in for the afternoon, if Bill's schedule made it possible. We usually have lunch on the way in. Minimal breakfast. I was ready by noon, but realized by 2:00 it wasn't gonna happen. (Didn't.) Minimal lunch, then Scooba and I made the kitchen floors nice.

Bill got home late. Friday night dinner is up for grabs. Somehow, all I grabbed was espresso. And suddenly it was cocktail hour (10:30). And here we are.

Bill likes to joke about the "Suzy Diet:" just follow her around and eat what she eats, and the pounds will melt off. And then you die. Hmmm. Maybe he's right.

How lovely it is becoming actual Autumn in the North. Envy, envy... still hot and sticky here, needless to say. Enjoy your flowers and birds while they're there, Mom. Soon you'll have frost dripping from your nose when you leave your windows open at night.

Sandy! Thanks for the two great posts. Of course, I remember all those songs, and except for the "Hail, Gamma Ray" one, they've been through my brain recently. (I remembered that one as soon as I read the words.) I'm proud to treasure a small blue bound volume of Cal songs which must have been Dad's, and so have words to the originals, including the Stanford Alma Mater.

I also loved your tale of arriving in River Falls from Florida. One of my favorite bits from The L-Word was Alice's graphic diagram of all the connections. I tried to make one once of Gainesville in the late 60's/early 70's. You should try it for RF! Or, just keep writing about it. As you say, you could pick up any of the threads and keep going with it. Please do! We'd all love it. I know you're busy with garden-fu now, but just set the timer for 15 minutes...

Echoes of my own arrival in LaX not so many years after yours. Billy drove me up in the VW Van. It similarly tried to give up the ghost several times as soon as we arrived-- early November. I found an unfurnished flat, and laid down a sleeping bag to claim it. The best thing about it was that HEAT WAS INCLUDED. At least I got that part right.

Posting unedited. Sorry.

The good weather continues to hold!

31.VIII.07 - MoM
Suzy: You may want to set your TIVO for Sept 28th, Today Show sometime after 8:30 a.m. Bruce and The band are going to make their first appearance on the show. Starting this month, they are adding a 4th hour to the show (a dumb idea, I think. Already I usually don't watch after 9.) More details as it gets closer.

Good blog, Sandy. Of course, it was interesting to me knowing the territory and knowing or having heard of a lot of the people. Also, enjoyed the temp readings. While I like the cold, I am not anxious to lose my deck plants this early. Surely can't complain about this summer -- I haven't had the AC on much this summer.

It was a beautiful day, but again I could not seem to get going. It was late again when I got to bed. After reading your "Joe" e-mail, Sandy, I had to see if I could find the "New Joe Special" recipe I have somewhere. I could not get to my cookbooks behind the TV in the living room, one of the drawbacks of my bad legs. Looking it up on the net of course, kept me up later with so many references.

My new sleep pattern now includes a good couple of hours interrupted with about an hour of wakefulness about 2 a.m. followed by another couple of hours of sleep. And, today was a sleepy day, again with naps, some even untimed.

I am really enjoying the birds. When I am in the kitchen or at my desk I get to see the ones at the feeders at the front of the house. I thought that the new feeding station in the patio that I an watch from my chair would cut down its traffic but I seem to have more at both than I remember. I have a couple of pots on my flowering deck that are supposed to attract hummingbirds and they have been living up to their reputation. The hummer feeder in the patio has a lot of action, too, even more than I have ever had before.

I am making some progress in my dinner eating. I was surprised at how much of what I thought was half of a chicken pie from yesterday that I had left for tonight. I also added a salad bowl of the baby leafy greens with a little dab of Ranch Dressing. And, I had the other cupcake. I think I am gradually stretching my stomach a little. (If I am gaining any, it looks as if all of it seems to be going there.) I should be able to get on the scales before too much longer.

Third day and counting on my morning routines. Still have a little scabbing on my face but this should help that, too.

Already sleepy again tonight!

winter looms

Well, Mom, it is indeed a little colder at night now. I agree that it's nice to have some dryer air. Don't want too much cold yet, though. Tomatoes ripen better with warmer nights, and the world is about to turn to tomatoes.

I still have six student visits next week, but they will probably mostly be late in the day (after school), so I can devote mornings to tomatoes. Still have to finish up the beans, too. We have 26 bags in the freezer and I'm hoping for 10 more. Then need to get the carrots out (wash and refrigerate for the winter) and leeks (ditto). It's get-ting pret-ty near the end.

Anyway, speaking of temperatures, here are the record lows for this time of year:

August 30: 45
August 31: 40
Sept 1: 36
Sept 2: 42
Sept 3: 32
Sept 4: 39

I want you all to appreciate the fact (Marty surely will) that these lows are all the same year, 1974! Marty and I arrived only a few days before that and we had no heat in our house, because after the trip (and repairing a cracked head on my Datsun) we didn't have enough money to pay the deposit to the gas company. So we drove to the Marion Street Sears and used my Sears card to buy a space heater, which we huddled around for those nights. Having just come from Florida it was particularly painful!

It was still cold throughout the month. One evening a week or so later Marty and I hopped into the car on a Sunday evening to go downtown to the Dairy Bar for an ice cream cone. Neither of us put on a coat or even a sweater. When we went back out, the car wouldn't start. Damn! I'd just beggared myself having it fixed (this time the starter was kaput), and here we were, a mile and a half or so from our house, it was cold, and we had no wraps of any kind. I used the phone in the Dairy Bar and called Don Berg and Jim Rupert (the only two people I knew in town); neither of them was home. By that time the Dairy Barmaid could tell that I was having trouble. "No problem," she said. "I'll find someone to drive you home." The next person in was driving south, but the person after that was headed north. I accepted the ride. First we had to nip into Emma's bar (my first time through those hallowed doors) so my ride lady could get change for a bake sale. (We didn't have a beer or anything.) Then we headed home. As we talked, it turned out that the woman knew all about me. Her sister was in one of my French classes, and her daughter was a classmate of Marty's. This was my initiation to life in a small town. I found it a little strange and scary, really, but it was nice, too. I still see this woman from time to time (Mary Wilmot). She became a German teacher in Hudson. The sister, Peggy, married (and later divorced) the son of someone that Charlie works for now. The daughter, Jolly, went on Quarter Abroad with Charles Lonie in 1987. See what I mean about the small town. (If I've already blogged this tale, please forgive me.) Oh, and might I add that my landlady that year was Charlie's first cousin, Gevevieve Rugo. He and the others referred to my place as "the French teacher's house." The Rugo son, Seth, was a classmate and friend of Marty's later on. That first fall, when I was contemplating finding another place to live, the person who showed me a house (which I decided not to move to) turned out to be Genny Rugo's sister, Aloha Joan Hovde. First time I ever heard Charlie's mother's maiden name. Oh, and Mary Wilmot's father, Judge McEwan, was my landlord for the next couple of years, the house on State and Charlotte. I could go on and on with these kinds of links . . . .

But instead I'll start getting ready for my pique-nique for the French exchange student and his host families. Julia will be here too, getting a ride out with her French teacher. First load of laundry just got done. Time to go hang it out.

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Progress comes slowly

30.VIII.07 - MoM

I got a little jolt when a local weatherman said yesterday, "Only 15 more days until the start of the possible snow season." Last night the temp was 45.7° and our high 72.9°. It was 28° in Embarrass Township, MN. That little place in northish MN consistently has the coldest temps in the state. Its population is about 600+. Once when we were in the area, DoD and I detoured through it. Happy to have the humidity down. As I always keep a glass of ice water beside me, I am constantly having to mop up around it, even with a cover around the glass. It gets so wet that it overflows the coaster with a rim so you can see why I appreciate the change, no matter how brief.

Again, I did my first thing in the morning routine (2nd day), then instead of reading the paper while my tea cooled, I finished working on the still cluttered end of the kitchen counter. I have to admit it took more than 15 minutes, but it was worth it. Until I get things back in better condition, I am not going to try to work on an area only strictly during the FL scheduled time. The kitchen is looking good again. I still need to work on the storage cabinets and utensil drawers -- they are all overflowing and overdue for a slimming down. I still need to oil my elephant skinned legs. My other small accomplishment was to get the few first of the month bills paid. Thank goodness, most of my regular bills are auto-pay.

I had the usual mostly liquid day and I guess I am going do a chicken pie, as it makes the least mess. Thanks a lot for the recipe. I am going to try it soon while I have a zucchini. The pine nuts and capers are enough to sell me. Just put the chick pie in the oven. That is my Q and D solution.
I had pie and one of Sandy's excellent frosted cupcakes. Made a nice dinner.

I made it to bed a little before 11 p.m., last night and decided to start in my bed. That was good for a couple of hours. Then it was back to my chair. After an hour, again, I slept well till 5 a.m. I was surprised to sleep again till 6 a.m. Unusual -- I haven't had an overwhelming urge to nap today but it is starting to happen now. Paige cleaned today, and as she had to haul canoes for a group to a ways down the Kinni, she was a little later getting started so that kept me awake during my usual sleepy time. Maybe I need someone where daily for that. She was disappointed that she missed us at Emma's. They are there almost every night -- they like to catch up on the day's gossip. The owner is a long time friend of theirs.

Sandy was across the river (Miss) today in Cottage Grove with the first of the student teachers for this semester. Since we are now only shopping and lunching every other week, she called to see if I needed anything before next week. I was down to a couple of Advils and an out of batteries. I was going to try to get by but since she offered to by them and drop them off, I was glad to have them. Walgreen's also had sink stoppers so I have one that works for now. I am still hoping to see why I can't get one thru FlyLady.

fighting the songs

All will forgive me, but triggered by something on a pre-season ViQ game, I must record some song parodies. Looked a little on the 'net, but this is really all from memory, since what I find on the 'net is insufficiently bastardized or otherwise incomplete.

To the tune of "Sons of the Stanford Red"

Sons of the wealthy few
Fight for your four-hole buicks
Fight for a dame with a social name
Who wants to get her kicks, rah, rah, rah
Fight for just a few
Oil wells to see us through
Checkbook to checkbook, diamond studs
Sons of the wealthy few!

And the very famous anthem in honor of the linear accelerator:

Where the rolling foothills rise
Up towards mountains higher
There's a tube three miles long
Spewing flame and fire
Burning hot and searing
And we stand about it cheering
Thee, the sterilizer!

From Page Mill Road to Half Moon Bay
There's no fear
Free love is here!
We're all sterile and we say
Hail, gamma ray
Hail, gamma ray!

Well, those are the modern songs from the late fifties. Now for the real oldies:

The dirty golden bear
Is losing all his hair
His teeth are out
He's got the gout
He don't know what it's all about
His eyes are made of glass
He's losing all his class
So down with California
The golden bear is . . . . (what? on his ass?)

Help appreciated.

And the last, in the golden tones of Glenn Soares:

The Cardinals be damned, boys
The Cardinals be damned.
The Cardinals be damned, boys
The Cardinals be damned
And any dirty son-of-a-bitch
Don't like the gold and blue,
He can pucker up his rosy lips
And doo-tee-doo-tee-doo.

Always wondered what the rest was. At least now I can guess, but still not sure.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Nice Plate of Joe


Tonight I made a dish irresistably named "Joe." I won't go into Joe's pedigree, but this low-cal version was ground beef, onion, garlic sauteed with chopped spinach and 5 eggs. Quite a remarkable one dish meal, and very quick and easy. We ate early, even. Definitely a keeper.

The other avocado was perfectly ripe today, and even nicer than the first one. Sliced it up with some more of the Campari tomatoes, dash of olive oil, salt & pepper. A lovely salad.

Got bills written and towels changed and laundered. Also got some long-overdue editorial work done.

I too slept poorly last night, Mom, and was still awake at dawn. Obviously in no shape to go into the Libe today. Will try again tomorrow, as there is yet another retirement party, this one for Lawan, the very sweet person who badgered me into making a presentation for the Library of my comics work, and did the logistics to make it happen.

Glad to hear you are making a start on getting back into routines. But remember: BABY STEPS! Just the start is enough. You have a tendency to want to do it all at once, and then burn out. Just do your most basic daily routines, and only them, for a week or two before trying to do more.

Yes, I've been following the Bruce news closely. He's not coming any closer to Florida than DC. Both St. Paul and Oakland are tempting, and if it weren't for the fact that flying these days is such a horrible ordeal, I'd probably try to make one or both of them. Most likely I'll gamble that he'll hit Atlanta and/or Tampa/Orlando once he's back from Europe early next year.

Of course, I downloaded "Radio Nowhere" immediately, and after only two listens, have it stuck on constant rotation in my brain. Like getting a letter from a friend who's been out of touch way too long. Can't wait to hear the rest of the album, Magic, that some are calling "Darkness II."

Hard to beat these temps in August

29.VIII.07 - MoM

Well, after our drought this summer, the Twin Cities weather men say that with the rain these past few days, it has now been the wettest August on record. Weird, especially after the very dry summer.

I have a clipping to send, Suzy, about Bruce and his E Street Band coming to the Cities on November. Tickets go on sale September 22 at 10 a.m. through Ticketmaster for $67 and $97. "Springsteen is making the first single from the disc, 'Radio Nowhere,' available as a free download on iTune for one week only (ending Monday). 'Magic' is not due until Oct. 2, the same night the tour kicks off in Hartford."

I had a funny night last night. I was asleep in my chair before 11 p.m., then woke up about 1:30. I could not get comfortable or get back to sleep. After over an hour of trying and with weird thoughts, I decided to try my bed. I was able to go to sleep quickly and that was good for a couple of hours of sleep. I could not get back to sleep so I came back to my chair for a couple of more hours of sleep. I got a little more sleep with naps in my chair during the day. I should be able to get to bed at what I all a reasonable hour tonight. No bad weather on the horizon for a few days.

This morning I finally decided it was time to ease back in to the FL daily routine that I had several years ago. It is too embarrassing to go into details about what a slob I have become. Also, my lower legs were beginning to feel like and look like elephant skin. I did my face and body routine and liberally worked on my legs with body lotion. I usually like to start routines on a Sunday or Monday so broke with tradition and began today. Even after one "treatment" I feel better already. I will probably need to go back to the check off list that included my meds and all. I seem to do better if I have that as an incentive. That would include the stickers on a calendar. I have managed to amass so many new stickers I really should use them. My new calendar should be here soon, so that is a good time to start anew.

I continue to keep the sinks empty and the drain boards and my chopping block pretty well cleared off. With my strange eating habits, the sinks seemed to be looking okay. When I came out to the kitchen this morning, I realized that it had been a while since I had "polished" the sinks with Bon Ami, so even before I made my tea, I had to give them a "treatment."

With such a good start, I thought I might get a lot done today. However, I began to slow down after breakfast and the paper and needed some naps.

I continue to enjoy my new toy. However, I spent a lot of time trying to get it to "install" new vocabulary that wasn't in the 2,5000 pre-recorded words. I finally found something that wasn't on it -- "suet cakes" for birds. (There was no suet, either.) The instructions were a little sketchy so I haven't worked out that function yet.

I would appreciate that recipe, Suzy, with the zucc, etc. I am trying to increase my serving sizes of my dinner. Tonight, it was a large bowl of "serious" greens mixture with onions and blue cheese and a Crate and Barrel glass bowl (about half full) of the "soaked" cucumbers. I finished it off with some maple nut ice cream.

Time to see what my sleep pattern is going to be tonight after I finish my drink and sucking the ice.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Green Stuff


Glad to hear your survived the storm, Mom. I felt terrible when I heard how hard Marty's street had been hit, and Sandy's area too, after I'd advised you not to take to your shelter for every little warning. But you did exactly the right thing: you were aware of what was going on, you didn't panic, but when the time obviously came to take shelter, you did so.

Slow start here, but late in the day I got cranked up to finish the major Blessings (rugs and dusting), do a load of laundry, and clear a hot spot or two. Amazing how little time it actually takes.

The main dish salad I concocted I'm calling "Pork with Green Stuff;" just so happened that everything I had on hand was green: green pepper, jalapeno, English cuke, celery, Granny Smith apple, avocado. Since the leftover pork had the mustard sauce on it, I just added oil and vinegar for an instant vinaigrette. Pretty decent. Made a fruit salad of bananas, strawberries, and tangelos as a side. Good fare for dog days.

For desert, we had the last of the panna cotta. When I told Bill it was the last, he said, "You mean, last of this batch."

Uh, yeah.

"You are going to try it again, aren't you?"

Hey, with a ringing endorsement like that, how could I not? Gather ye kudos where ye may.

I'll send you the shrimp recipe via email, Mom. Do at least try the raisins the first time-- I used a a few from a packet of "jumbo mixed," and they really added something. If you don't like, you can eat around them.

BTW, the urban legend about fruit ripening in proximity is true. The only avocados at Publix Sunday were hard as rocks. Bill bought some bananas, and after hanging them on the hook, I put one of the avocados under them. Tonight that one was perfectly ripe! The other, nearby, will probably be ready by tomorrow. Excellent!

Plan is to go into work tomorrow. We'll see if I actually drag myself out of bed in time to do it. Oh bother-- just realized I forgot to write the bills that I need to mail tomorrow. @#$%$

A real storm last night!

28.VIII.07 - MoM

It was quite a night. They finally began to forecast the storms for 3 a.m. I got my little shelter room at the ready, then about 11:30 I decided to try my bed again as with the door open by my bed, the temp was so great. I actually went to sleep but woke up a couple of hours later and could not get comfortable so went back to my chair about 2 a.m. before I cranked up the computer and read your fun blog, Suzy,

It wasn't too long before the weather alert radio warned of serious storms in RF at 3 a.m. that would last till 4:15. They also mentioned trees down there. I didn't need any encouragement to stay in my little nest. I know that the old oak by the front porch of the house is going to give up someday. There is also a large tree at the back corner of the living room on the bank that could crash, but I don't let them worry me. The following is a little squib copied from our weekly local paper's daily online entry. My lights blinked several times, but I didn't loose power, thank goodness. This was a paragraph from the article about it.

"Utility employees were up before the sun Tuesday, chasing power outages around River Falls. A snapped pole behind a residence off Sunset Lane darkened 40-50 homes. Street Department superintendent Terry Kusilek estimated the city lost 12 mature trees and lots of limbs and branches. The municipal composting site will remain open 'round the clock through the weekend to assist residents in cleaning up their yards."

I went back to bed about 4:30 a.m., and slept till 6:30 a.m. Needless to say, I had a couple of naps during the day.

We had one short storm today, but not serious enough noise to retreat to my little room. Somehow storms don't feel so formidable in the daytime, unless the sky gets very dark and the mammary clouds develop and the city sirens go off.

Ordered my FL calendar today. Tried to order the sink strainer to replace the worn out one. It was in the SHE section but when I tried to find it again I couldn't. Also, it looked as if you can only get it thru PayPal or by check or mail order. I don't like PayPal as it was a lot of trouble when I used it some time ago. I guess I will settle for a plain one from the store.

The moon was beautiful out the bedroom window when I went to bed in my bed. However, when I awoke a couple of hours later, it was cloudy, and with the storm that followed we were not able to see the eclipse. Last month we had a near record drought, then this month our recent storms have made this the 2nd most wet August on record. Weird.

I am looking forward to making that zucchini thing that you wrote about, Suzy. The only thing I would leave out would be the raisins. I like them but not in food especially cooked.

My appetite is improving. Tonight I had the rest of Sandy's thinly sliced roast pork, some more of the cucumbers a la Suzy/Pa, and some of my mixed greens from a plastic box with just a speck of Ranch Dressing from a jar. Of course, during the day, I have my Boost, V8, etc. Lately, I have been trying to increase the intake. Who knows, I might have to go back to getting weighed every day and worry about every added bite of food I eat like I used to do. I'm sure if I do gain it would all go to my pot.

Working toward an earlier bedtime tonight.

Monday, August 27, 2007

A Book from the Blue


An unexpected book arrived in the mail today. It was addressed to Bill and me, from Eddie Muller ("EJ" to me). He doesn't usually send me his books, though I buy and read them as soon as I learn about them. This one was obviously different. Just Visiting: The Collected Writings of Erik Sinclair McMahon. E wrote the introduction, and when I saw that the address of the publisher, "Saint Francis Studio," I recognized it as E's home in Alameda. It is a very professional-looking hard bound book.

Seems McMahon was a close friend of E's who died two years ago at age 49. He left behind a lot of writing, short memoir-type pieces and poems, which are gathered here. I read a few at random, then started at the beginning and got hooked. It is very much the kind of writing I do, or would do, if I weren't so terminally lazy-- but much more polished and just much better in general. Looking forward to reading the rest of it. LoTR can wait (at Helm's Deep) until I'm done.

Did load of darks (including pre-wear wash of the new black NYDJ's) and a load of towels. Swiffered the floors. A decent showing for a Monday.

We had another thunderstorm with rain in the late PM, much to the cat's annoyance. Not as much rain as yesterday, but measurable. The cat ran and hid after a particularly loud boom. Glad to hear you are taking refuge less often in your shelter, Mom. Save that for when YOU can tell things are bad outside, not whenever the radio or sirens give their overly cautious, wide-spread warnings.

Made something totally weird, even by my standards, for dinner: A saute involving zucchini, garlic, cooked shrimp, pine nuts, raisins, and capers. It was amazingly wonderful-- who could imagine those things would go together so splendidly? We all loved it. Had sliced Compari tomatoes and the rest of the fresh mozzerella with some olive oil and basil leaves. Plus leftover sushi.

Back to da Book.

Still in a wet weather pattern. Not complaining.

27.VIII.07 - MoM

It looks as if we are going to catch up with rainfall somewhat quickly after our record dryness. You two and Chris and Kay were lucky to be here during dry weeks. Chris C. was by to mow the lawn today and he said they got 2" on the other side of town last night. I didn't measure my overflow but there was more than an inch. I think we are supposed to have some more thunder storms and rain tonight. If the storms do materialize, I won't have to take much else into my little "shelter."

Chris is coming back to trim and weed whip stuff this weekend and plans to clean the gutters as he does twice a year. I am glad I was able to force a check on him the last time he was here.

As usual, the day went by quickly without my making any forward progress on my to do list. I didn't get to bed until late, was awake for a little while during the night and didn't get up till 6 this morning.

On the local news weather they just said that the Farmer's Almanac is out today and it is going to be a warmer that usual winter and colder in New England. The storm coming tonight is going to be after 11 p.m., with lingering showers during the day tomorrow and storms again later in the day. These storms aren't too welcome in MN as it is the week of "The Great Minnesota Get Together" otherwise known as "The State Fair." They really take that seriously, I think even more than the one in Iowa. A nice feature this year is 350 free bicycle helmets every day to kids up to 17 years old by one of the hospitals. They get to choose the color and one they like and includes a proper fitting. It is so popular that the wait can be 45 minutes. I'm glad I didn't hit our heads during my accident, Suzy.

Guess I need to fix something to eat and finish this after. Well, dinner, such as it was, is over. It was thanks to Sandy's leftovers -- the nicely brown chicken back skin with some chicken and cucumbers. These were baby ones, and I had a lot so decided to use the mandolin. I did them like you told me, Suzy. I wanted to get dinner over, so the ones I ate hadn't soaked long. I poured the water off of the rest after they soaked some more and they are in the fridge for tomorrow -- perhaps even for breakfast.

It was about 6:45 while I was fixing my food when the town siren started. The sky was a little dark, but everything else was eerily still. For the occasional trials they usually have loud speakers saying it is a drill. And the trials are usually held at 6 p.m.

Love my new toy. I carry it in my walker basket along with a phone and TV control that works for the one in the living room, the kitchen and my bedroom. My current grocery list consists of Advil. batteries, ant poison, febreeze and gin. Nice to add things to a shopping list as I think of them, especially with my aging memory.

I guess when I finish my 2nd gin, I'll try to get a little sleep before the possible storm. As these weather events get more frequent I get less interested in spending time in my shelter.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Whole Grain Mustard


Fairly typical Sunday: change the sheets, Finalize shopping list, shop. Bill went with me, which always makes it more interesting. Also nice to have someone who can reach the higher shelves and do the heavy lifting.

He had mentioned at some point liking the main dish salads I sometimes make. Today I asked which ones he liked, and the first one he mentioned was pork. I canceled the chicken dish I had planned to tonight, and pulled out half a pork tenderloin from the freezer. Found a recipe from the EdC compilation, Great Food Fast, that called for pan roasting (did it in the little red LeC) and a simple mustard sour cream sauce. The latter wanted "whole grain" mustard. Couldn't find any of that, but my friend the Net told me what's in it. I bought some organic stone ground and added some mustard seed, toasted coriander seed and green pepper corns mashed up in the mortar. It did the job. I created a salad on the spot with the leftover cukes diced, tangelo pieces, bag lettuce, olive oil and the remaining rice vinegar from the cukes. Not bad. Sushi and fresh sunflower seed bread.

Bill again picked strawberries for round three of panna cotta --this time we had the ones in the ramekins, about twice the size of the others. Only two more of the smaller dishes left.

Mom, I put the words "grocery list organizer" into Amazon, and up it popped. I'll be interested in if and how you use it.

Bill has to go back to work tomorrow after two weeks off. Much gloom. Feeling glad that I don't have to do that, but trying hard not to rub it in.

Back to Middle Earth. [Spoiler Alert]: Gandalf has returned! :-)

Can't beat this weather!

26.VIII.07 - MoM

Ugh! You found my new toy on Amazon? I had looked for it there as I have at least $100 in cash "rewards" from my Visa card. Oh well, there will be more things to spend that on.

Thanks for info on cucumbers. I'm sure using you technique will do the trick. Although I am eating less salt than I used to, I like the idea of salting every layer.

This morning, I was able to find a recipe that Sandy wanted from my Cooks Illustrated yearbook, so copied it and e-mailed it to her. It is for cupcakes frosted with a Ganache. It is now in my computer and I'll e-mail it to anyone who is interested.

I always seem to spend more time with the paper on Sunday. I just remembered I didn't finish the crossword puzzle in the TV section, today.

I talked with Kay in the early afternoon. She is probably going to have to have some more neck surgery. She has an appointment in October to see about it. It will be after our Lake Pepin week.

Don't know where the rest of the day has gone. I really didn't accomplish much else. Sandy sent some food to me that Dave Wood dropped off so I don't have to think about what to have for dinner tonight.

We had another sunny and beautiful day. A gentle breeze kept the house at a pleasant temperature. The moon has been big and bright lately. I hope it will be clear on Tuesday night for the lunar eclipse.

I have finished dinner and much to my surprise I ate all of the potatoes, and the chicken drumstick and even more surprising, all of the green beans. I heated only the potatoes. All of it was good. Now, I can enjoy my drinks.

Wrong Time Zone


How did it get so late? Still an artifact of losing that hour on the way back east? Late to bed, late to rise, makes me sickly, poor, and clueless. In theory.

Spent so long laboring over the weekly menu plan that there was no time to shop for it. I found a meal from some blade lamb chops in the freezer, 3/4 of an English cuke (sliced and simply dressed with rice vinegar) and some sliced baby bellas done as Bill loves them: with bacon, chopped sun dried tomatoes, garlic, a bit of cream and some shredded parmesan.

That reminds me. You asked about my take on the Graham cucumber thing, Mom. It's kind of hit or miss, I'm afraid, and lately I seem to miss more often than hit. I peel and slice them. I salt each layer as I go. I barely cover them in water, then taste the resulting brine, adding more salt if it seems weak, more water if it seems too salty. I let them stand about 30 minutes, unless I'm in a hurry. Then I pour off about half the water, and add vinegar until it tastes right. Serve, or put in the fridge until time to eat. If I'm doing onions with them, I add them at the same time I add the vinegar. As you can see, this has never been a scientific recipe! I'm glad to know you think I used to get it right out at Chris's, but I'm sure it was just dumb luck and good cukes!

The planned trip to celebrate the Gay 90's Cousins sounds like a lark. Look forward to blogs about it.

I looked up your latest toy on Amazon. It does look like fun! Let us know how you like it.

I'm back to reading LoTR again-- just into The Two Towers (aka, Book 3 in the single volume edition). Pippin and Merry are with Treebeard, a nice place to leave them overnight. Hope that's what guides my dreams tonight.

Know I have other things to relate, but brain has shut down.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Love my new toy!

25.VIII.07 - MoM

It has been quite a day. This morning, Margaret Campbell called me about our planned get together in mid-Sept. Sandy and Charlie are taking me down to her place on the 14th. I will stay there overnight. The new plan is that the next day Margaret and I will drive to Elizabeth's house where we will have a cousin's reunion that will include Fred, (and perhaps his wife, Fran). Charlie and Sandy will be on their own, but I will see them when they come to pick me up at Elizabeth's and Charlie will have a chance this trip to meet Margaret and Fred.

Later, this morning, I had a telephone call from Bill Dwyer. I hadn't heard from him for quite a while, but it isn't unusual for him to call. That is always good for an hour or so. He was in Des Moines for his mother-in-law's funeral but they have to go back to Florida for some family thing. He is just a kid -- 78. I enjoy hearing from him. He says he is doing his part to populate the world -- he has 16 grandkids and 7 great grandkids so far. He started with 4 sons.

I called Thea as usual, today. Then, I called Aunt Dottie. For the first time she didn't recognize me at once. It may have been my new phone. She really enjoys my calls. I must remember to do it more often.

However, the big highlight of my day was the arrival of the new toy I ordered earlier in the week. I didn't expect it to arrive so soon. It is a
Smart Shopper Grocery List Maker. (Naturally not inexpensive.) I wish I had had it when you were here, Suzy, so you could see it work. It is voice activated and is supposed to recognize 2,500 words, with room for 2,500 more you can add. There are many categories and it alphabetizes them. Also, there is a booklet with lists of all the words -- one by all the items and another with the categories and items. It includes drugs & health, office supplies, and also things errands like Bank. Books, Beauty Shop, doctor, dentist, and even lottery tickets. etc. Then, you press the print button and you get your printed list like a cash register receipt, categorized and alphabetized. I have trouble remembering things I buy (donuts, fresh fruit, etc.,) and put in the Fridge. Now, I can make a list to hang on the door to remind me. The gadget can be handheld. attached to the Fridge by a good built-in magnet, or with a couple of enclosed screws hung on the wall. I think I'll add it to the telephone and TV control that I carry in my walker basket. I am always making grocery notes on whatever piece of paper I can find where ever I am, then never getting them all gathered in one place when I do my grocery list.

I actually cooked a sort of omelet (open faced) for myself tonight. I was thinking of the flaming rum ones we used to make. It was strange but edible. I had found a little pan in the kitchen that I didn't recognize. I think it was meant for a single fried egg. I was only having one egg so I decided I would have to have it flipped as it was too small a pan to fold. I cooked some chopped onions in butter, added the beaten egg with some dried dill weed and lemon pepper. When it was almost set, I added chopped Greek olives and crumbled blue cheese. Managed to turn it over to cook the top a little. It was taking too much effort to try to find the rum in the bar, so I put a little Marsala over it. That was a bust -- the Marsala wasn't warm enough to flame and the box of matches would not light even when I held the head to a warm burner. I finished it with grated Parmesan. It wasn't bad and I had added enough stuff to cover the taste of egg.

Think I'll be able to get to bed at a reasonable hour tonight. Good sleeping temp tonight, too.

Friday, August 24, 2007

And Now, The Rest of the Trip


Yesterday Scooba and I kept our regular Thursday date with the kitchen floors. Even though it's work, it's become something I look forward to doing, and feel good about having done. I'd really like to get the floor professionally cleaned so that it actually looks clean-- there are years of waxy build-up from when we had a maid.

The food and service continue to deteriorate at Outback since they've been bought out by a big corp. We are considering going other places to eat, then coming by the bar afterward to chat with Mel. It's not as busy later, so that would be a plus too.

Today we made a late afternoon run to the Mall, including a late lunch. I replaced some of my fraying undies, and now have two weeks worth of nice ones-- FL would be so proud-- and also replaced the 2003 Rand McNally road atlas we'd used on the trip. But the main stop of the trip was Bath & Body works: I needed to pick up some of my favorite lotion ("Relax: Eucalyptus and Spearmint") and the house needed our preferred hand soap: Kitchen Lemon. Bill bought TEN bottles of it! I know we go through a lot of it, but that does seem excessive. We'll see how long it lasts.

I also found a pair of my favorite jeans (NYDJ) in my size (4) and a good color (black) at Dillards. They're a little long, but I can live with that. And never mind the arm and leg they cost, I'll get along find without them.

I finished J.A. and the Prisoner of Wool House, which I liked a lot. I have the next two in hand, but may take a break before starting the next one.

Of course I remember that trip when you and Dad drove me to Houston in 1954, Mom. You guys insisted on leaving in the evening, driving all night straight through to Albuquerque! We arrived there late at night and could only find a dreary little place to stay. You were not a happy camper. We were all exhausted. The next day we moved to a nicer place with a pool where we stayed the whole day and night. I remember wondering what the hell we'd gained by that all-nighter if we stopped for a day? But I did enjoy the pool. I met a nice kid named Dale in the pool and we became pals. He was a year or two younger, so I regarded him as "safe" and enjoyed his company.

Meanwhile, back to...

The rest of the trip: Saturday morning we set off at a goodly hour (around 8:30) from Mt. Vernon, IL, glad to see the terrain start to unflatten-- northern Illinois has got to be the most dreary countryside imaginable. Crossed into Kentucky and started to see mountains, always such a welcome sight. We stopped for lunch in Murphreesboro, TN, south of Nashville, and chose an actual slow food place called "Charlie's"-- how could we not have a fine meal with a name like that? And fine it was. Alas, we had plenty of time for the good food to settle, as we immediately ran into the longest and slowest of the construction delays.

Once we passed Chattanooga, where we'd spent the first night on the way up, we realized we could make it all the way home by about midnight if we wanted to push it. In the end, we decided not to-- we wouldn't be able to pick up the cat at that hour, so why bother? We made it through the middle of Atlanta (I'd been looking for a bypass that doesn't exist, so we missed the beltway), big traffic snarl even on a Saturday night, and stopped on 475, the Macon bypass. We picked a Hampton Inn, since we'd stayed at one in South Beloit on the way up and found it decent. This one was way better than decent, and for the only time on the trip, there was excellent wireless in the room, and everything else nice too. A Cracker Barrel next door, and again with the free hot breakfast for Bill. And, once again a problem with the water: it tasted fine, but all of it was hot!

Up and on our way by 9:00, home just after noon Sunday. Bill picked up Carrot, none the worse for wear and any lingering resentment assuaged by food and attention.

Too tired to edit, forgive, please.

Perfect weather was back!

24.VIII.07 - MoM

I got off to a slow start today, as usual. Sandy breezed by and took care of the humming bird feeder, the tube feeder, the moldy suet cake, and the wet and also moldy feed on the flat tray. I'm getting ready to go out and put new seed on the now dry flat tray. She also got my new mum on a roller pallet on the front deck. It was an extremely busy day at the feeder today, but the big excitement was having the Woody Woodpecker on the trunk of the tree closest to the north side of the living room. He didn't stick around long enough for me to get my camera but I have some pretty good pictures from when they were eating at the seed feeder by the front of the house. Sandy's efforts inspired me to scrub out the bird bath on the front deck. The one in the patio is still clear and clean. The cardinals are serious bathers. I also got the rain gauge dumped. All little things that I did, but at least it gets me out of the chair.

I was quite surprised this morning when the weather man on the Today Show mentioned the weather situation in Fairfield this morning -- 8 inches and still coming down. I had to go on line at once to hear more. You may remember the little river about 6 miles south of Fairfield on the way to Birmingham. Them mentioned that it was over the road, but not yet closed. The river in Douds (the next town west on the road that ran in front of our house) was over its banks. I'll bet that the Des Moines in Keosauqua is, too. (See below)

I finally got in touch with Margaret Campbell about the quickie Iowa trip Charlie and Sandy have been thinking about. We are planning to include a visit to Birmingham and Elizabeth, as well as an overnight for me with Margaret in Washington, IA, near Iowa City. Since the 3 cousins born in 1917 had had some time together at Margaret's place during the year we were 80, she suggested seeing if Fred could get together with us during our 90th. Sandy and Charlie gave me an available long weekend date so I called her today. I will be spending one night at her place, then we may shift it to Van Buren, to make it easier for Fred (in Burlington) and include Elizabeth. With the demise of Rachel Meek and Mona, we are, with Aunt Dottie and Bill Dwyer, all that is left of 18 cousins.

I am on a track to be able to get to bed at a decent hour tonight, I hope. I made myself a mixed greens salad with little tomatoes from my own "garden" that Sandy picked for me, blue cheese, onion, cucumbers with oil, vinegar, and a little Ranch dressing. I also had some more of Sandy's good very thin sliced pork. Now, I am enjoying my drink and "salt" bombs.

With all the rain in SE Iowa it made me wonder about Keosauqua and the Manning Hotel with the flood marks on the side of it so I looked up the Des Moines River there and got this report:

The Flood Warning continues for
the Des Moines River at Keosauqua.
* Until Saturday evening ... or until the warning is cancelled.
* At 12:00 PM Friday the stage was 26.9 feet.
* Moderate flooding is occurring and moderate flooding is forecast.
* Recent activity... the river is cresting now in Keosauqua. The river
is not expected to rise higher than its current stage however.
* Flood stage is 22.0 feet.
* Forecast... the river will continue to fall to below flood stage by
tomorrow morning.
* Impact... at 25.0 feet... flooding occurs in Keosauqua... Selma...
Bonaparte and Farmington. Water affects streets near the Nursery on
the east end of Keosauqua.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Lazy again

23.VIII.07 - MoM

I continue to have a hard time getting going on anything constructive. I didn't even look at my to do list today. I did have a wonderful nap about mid-day. And I am looking forward to a good dinner from the leftovers of yesterday's lunch out. And, I read today's local paper. That led to some time spent at the computer reading all the info about the Senior Living complex new to River Falls. I wondered what the new big buildings at the south edge of town were. I saw them when Chris, Kay and I went south last month. However good they sound, I am not ready to leave this house until absolutely necessary.

Sandy brought me some baby cucumbers yesterday. I sliced up a big bowl of them today. The small diameter is just right -- I don't have to cut the slices to fit my shrinking mouth. As I sliced them, I remembered when you used to do them when you were living at "The Farm East," Suzy, and put them in salt water like Pa used to do. Do you remember the approx ratio of salt to water and how long they needed to soak? I added a little and let them soak briefly. They were good, but I remember yours as being especially good. Yesterday, Sandy also brought me some excellent thinly sliced roast pork. (Weird -- I have local news from the MN State Fair on and someone is growing "Watumkins -- a cross between watermelon and pumpkins.)

By the way, Marty, Julia or Nate, Sandy thinks the dark glasses that ended up at my house might belong to one of you.

Enjoyed hearing about the rest of your trip, Suzy. Glad you had a good hotel experience for your second night. Do you remember that awful one we had one night on our trip to Texas? I seem to remember that we got in late, then went to a nice hotel, got 2 rooms, and we could not get you to leave the pool and your room due to the heat.

According to TV nightly news, our stormy, wet weather is out of the way for a few days. The one expected today went south over to Chicago and gave them a more than a little excitement. The flooding in Findley, Ohio, brought back some fond memories. DoD was newly retired and at last we could travel whenever we wanted to. We had been members of the International Guild of Candle Artisans a couple of years so we decided to attend a weekend workshop in Findley. We had attended a couple of summer conventions (Virginia, and Fort Dodge, IA). I was in awe of the older members but they were very friendly and welcoming. The current president happened to be there so that led us into an active part such as our being asked to take over the arrangements for the judging at the convention in McAllen. TX, the following summer (at the last minute the chairman backed out), and later to DoD being elected Member at Large, then Treasurer. He had enjoyed exploring Findley, while I was "candeling." We made a lot of good friends, over the years -- one couple became almost like family. I also was in touch with the founder by e-mail until she died a couple of years ago. While we were in Europe, she was on tour with her husband and could not get to Saalfelden, so we went to Nuremburg, Austria, to spend an evening with them. DoD was still treasurer when we attended the CA convention in Santa Rosa where Chuck Jones was the banquet speaker. IGCA is still in existence -- I recently looked it up on the net.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Homeward Bound, Part II


The Panna Cotta wasn't an unqualified success, but it wasn't a disaster, either. I ate one of them this morning, just to see how they would be. Tasted great, but a bit on the sloppy side. Sandy suggested maybe the gelatin was too old and got damp-- it isn't dated, so I didn't think that would matter. The packets seemed well sealed, and the stuff dry. Sprinkling it over the half cup of milk and letting it stand that way seemed weird. Maybe I didn't let the cream get hot enough-- I took it off the heat as soon as it began to show the first few bubbles. Maybe I just didn't whisk it vigorously enough. At any rate, the gelatin was clearly the key problem.

Just as I was ready to serve it tonight, Doug called-- he and Bill talked til about 10:15, which made for a late dessert. As with the morning trial, I was unable to get the blob of Panna centered in either bowl. Also, I don't have a "thin metal spatula," so used a rubber one, further adding to the mess. Bill pronounced it pretty good approximation of what Sandy made, so I guess that is praise enough. He opted to have strawberries on his; I stuck with blueberries.

Dinner was very thin boneless pork chops with peppers, onions and mushrooms in a sauce that never thickened. Seems to be the theme for the day. Blanched broccoli and Tex-Mex slaw as sides.

Got the floors and the rugs Blessed, towels changed and laundered. Gradually getting things back up to speed.

Continuing the journey home: Friday was an uneventful day, except for two maddenly slow construction delays in northern IL that cost us at least an hour. We did have some solace, however, in realizing that during this stop-and-go traffic, we used NO gasoline whatsoever, even with AC going. A certain smug self-satisfaction can ease this sort of frustration quite nicely.

We got as far as Mount Vernon, IL when it seemed time to stop for the night. As we were deciding which of the three exits to try, I spotted a small billboard for a Holiday Inn-- NOT one of the spartan "Express" variety, and it listed a sports bar as an amenity. It turned out to be a huge, very nice hotel and conference center. The sports bar was lively and filled with locals, excellent food and a great bar. Bill had a full breakfast in the hotel the next morning, and was stunned to find out it was free-- seems there was a hot-breakfast war going on among the local hotels. Cool! The only drawback to the place had to be the water-- stinky and undrinkable. Other than that, the contrast between Thursday and Friday nights couldn't have been more stark. The real shocker was that it cost only seven bucks more than the Menomonie place!

To be continued.

Hope this makes some sense -- too sleepy to think!

22.VIII.07 - MoM

Your blog last night was fun, Suzy. What a whirlwind trip that was. And, how disconcerting to have such a room. At least, it was cheap.

I have gone the entire day without a nap and I am really suffering now. I am going to have a hard time staying awake until a time to go to bed. (I wasn't able to stay awake, and had a 15-minute nap. I don't think that is going to keep me from going to bed early.)

Today, we went to a riverfront restaurant in Hudson that we have been to several times before. It was particularly good, today. We didn't see a "handicapped" entrance, but I had no trouble with the half dozen or so steps up from the parking lot. It did turn out to have a special entrance in the back, and one that didn't go thru the kitchen, like Chez Pannisse. We used it to exit.

Sandy took me to Hudson Target to take care of a list I had developed. I did it using the walker, of course. For some reason, I had trouble with my neck pain. It didn't help that I had to really lean heavily on the walker today. I wanted to use the walker but when we got to County Market for grocery shopping, I was ready to accept the idea of the wheelchair that Sandy suggested. I was able to propel myself. They have increased the store size greatly and the chair was heavier than mine and it took more use of my arms, so I was happy to skip some of the aisles. They had huge baskets of Mums that were almost as pretty as the bushel basket of baby ones Sandy found for me last year. Also, I could not resist a beautiful orange potted lily, that I needed for the table in the front room. (Just fell asleep while sitting at the computer typing on this.)

Since, I had such a large lunch, I settled for a Boost for dinner, Now as soon as I finish this and my drink, I will be more than ready for bed in my chair even tho it is early.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Adventures at Home and Abroad


It continues hotter'n hooties here. By the time I'd cranked myself up to go out to Publix for Knox gelatin and a paper, it was too late. (And a good thing, too. See below.)

I'm finally finished unpacking and caught up with post-trip laundry. Decided to call that a decent accomplishment for the day, and get to the Blessings tomorrow.

Made a Leanne meal: tuna salad with lots of dill, scallions, cukes and yogurt served over chopped romaine and topped with slivered almonds. It was okay, but I wouldn't do it again. The prescribed side was a relish tray of celery sticks, cherry tomatoes, radishes and black olives. Bill doesn't like radishes, so I omitted them, and, inspired by Sandy, could not just put plain cherry tomatoes out-- I couldn't find little fresh mozzarella balls, so bought a big piece of fresh mozz and cut it into pieces. Cut off the stems of a few sprigs of store-bought basil and put them in water for an hour or so, and they became wonderfully crisp-- glad I remembered that trick. Anyway, as able to turn the mediocre cherry tomatoes into something approximating Sandy's dish. Felt very good about that-- it made the rest of the ho-hum relish plate spacial.

We also finished off last night's sushi. Turns out the cat is a sushi fan-- her favorite is spicey eel. Who knew?!

While looking for sturdy toothpicks for the tomatoes (found some red, white and green plastic ones with hearts) I stumbled on two boxes of... Knox gelatin! I thought I had some in there somewhere. The gods where kind. I'd have been pissed if I'd dragged myself out in the deadly heat and found it later...

So after getting the kitchen squared away after dinner, I started my very first panna cotta. Hardest part was finding and washing my seldom-used custard cups, actually some dessert dishes from either Dan or Grandma. I have six of them (one mismatched), but they were not enough-- I had to press my two ramekins into service to take up the slack. And then clearing enough room in the fridge for them all. This very easy recipe took me about an hour, and I can already see many opportunities to screw it up. It will be interesting to see how many of said opportunities I actually took. There seemed to be so much undissolved gelatin in the bottom or the pan and in the strainer, I can't believe there was enough left in the panna to actually make it cotta. (Or vice versa, however it works.) I guess the truth will be told tomorrow.

No, wait! Three hours-- the truth could be just 15 minutes away! I think. "State tuned," as I used to think they were saying on the radio.

Okay, as promised, some tales from the journey home. The first one happened shortly after we left Spring Valley. I found I-90, no problem-- and then proceeded to tell Bill to turn WEST. D'oh! All I can say is that was a brain fart-- after heading west for so long, the old inner navigator didn't get the message we were headed back east. I was humiliated! Bill did not reproach me, but I could feel my face burning all the way to the first possible exit, and back to Menomine. (I will never learn to spell that world).

Adventure number two happened in the Menoma-whazzit, where I'd made a reservation at a "Best Western" which turned out not to exist. We drove up and down, nothing. Finally realized, with the help of the Nav system, that something called "Holiday Manor" had to be it-- sure enough, it had been a sub-chain of BW, but had now severed ties. Was probably an okay place in the '50's, but now on the seedy side-- the kind of place that in Gainesville we consider "hot sheets." The parking lot had a number of Harley-wannabes. The soap in sink and shower was already opened and partly used. The AC vents were stuck in a position that blew the cool air straight up, making the window curtains billow.

We coped. Bill jerry-rigged the vents and got the curtains out of the way. The towels and sheets were clean.And soap is soap, right? Once the place was cooled down, we slept like babes in the room's one bed, an old fashioned double, just like the one at home. We were inspired to be up and out early. What more can one ask for $55 a night? ... To be continued tomorrow.

I just checked the panna. It looks grim. Tops seem to be setting up a bit on some of them, but mostly still liquid. I may have to eat my mistake. Maybe I can turn it into some weird frozen granita-like concoction.

Currently Don't Need the Sprinklers

21.VIII.07 - MoM

I finally made it to sleep at a decent hour last night, only awake briefly at 3 a.m., and slept till 5:30. Had to unplug last night during a little thunder storm that only produced a little shower but it was enough to keep my sprinklers off.

Charlie came by after his appointment to get the garbage that I had ready down to the curb and Nate brought it up on his way home this afternoon. I appreciate the service. Someday, I should be able to do it myself, but not for a while.

I got off to a slow start for the day with a lot of napping and some Freecell, but in the afternoon I began a written list of things that I need to get done and also one for shopping tomorrow with Sandy. I already was able to "tick" off a couple of things, this afternoon. With my fading memory, I have to do more list making on the computer and in one place. I have a tendency to make a note of those things but on any little piece of paper or old envelope, etc., -- anything that is handy then ignoring or losing them.

I hope the brief thunder and sprinkle is it for tonight but really don't think so. The latest was that it would be in the middle of the night, again. I had pulled the plugs and I ate my "dinner" during this, but will continue to be on battery a little while longer.

Dinner was easy again -- the other half of the chicken pie and an ear of Sandy's corn, cooked and in the Fridge for a couple of days, reheated in the Mikro. I continue to be amazed at the combinations that you create, Suzy, and especially with Bill's dietary limitations.

By the way, is Bill missing any dark glasses? Sandy sent home a pair that I had found on the floor and put on her kitchen table, in my stuff thinking they were mine.

I think it is a kick that the CAT has new sounds. Didn't realize that could happen.

I was about to plug in my computer again, but I'm beginning to hear a storm in the distance, again. Guess it's time to check this and mail it.

Trip Aftermath


Not up to speed here either, by a long shot. Turns out it was a foolishly exhausting trip-- 7 days, 6 different hotels, 3K miles of driving. What WERE we thinking?

One thing I surely did right: put on clean sheets before leaving. Clean towels too-- so coming home did not have to be a sudden drop-off in creature comforts. One of my favorite FL testimonials was the one about one's own home being a swell B&B.

Nothing too nasty in the fridge for a change, so was able to put together a decent meal on the fly (so to speak) last night: chicken cutlets with BBQ spice and crushed pork rinds pressed into them to simulate a crust. And it worked! A tasty no-carb "breading" that fooled Bill. Had apples and the dregs of some celery, so made a passable waldorf type salad.

Shopped Publix today, a zoo with all the new and returning students clogging the aisles yakking with each other and on cell phones, vaguely shopping now and then. The Bacon and Potato Frittata-like thing I made was edible, but not great. I have a long way to go before hitting my cooking stride, especially after a few nights watching The Master at work in her Kitchen From Heaven.

Will relay some adventures from the trip home in the next post. Right now, just very very tired, very sleepy, and, just now, very sneezy. Sounds like I'm rounding up a dwarf reunion.

Wonder if I'll ever get caught up on email and tweets. Still working on unpacking and the attendant laundry and stashing stuff. Usually I'm done with this by now.

What a bummer to get back to reality of fresh produce in FL after Sandy's garden. I did luck out and find some blueberries that actually have some flavor, so I have hopes of duplicating pana cotta once I pick up the Knox gelatin I forgot today. We both loved it.

Bill is taking this week off too-- long overdue down-time. Today he devoted himself to getting TiVo to update himself again. After 5-6 hours, he got it to happen-- I lack such patience.

The cat continues to amaze us with her new operatic vocalizations. After following us around for a day and a half and sleeping with us last night, she's finally relaxed into some of her old haunts and slacked off with the blackmail demands to compensate for her pain and suffering while we were gone.

Impossible to hold my head up another minute. Miss everybody! Thanks for a great visit!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Still not up to speed

20.VIII.07 - MoM

This has been almost as close as possible to being a nothing day. There were just lots of niggly little frustrations. It was a grey, damp and cool day, the paper didn't arrive until after breakfast, the living room was too cool for comfort so I tried to turn on the fireplace to take the chill off but the remote wasn't working so had to make my way between the TV and fireplace to use the wall switch. Didn't feel like searching for the tiny screwdriver necessary to open it to see if I have the proper battery. But the worst part was the "sleepies" and lack of energy. I kept falling asleep every little bit in my chair at my computer. There are so many things I need to do but just could not get moving. I am determined to make tomorrow a lively and better day.

Last night and today I began to get rid of some of the pictures in IPhoto. I am not dumping all of them, because I enjoy them as a slide show.

Our rain has been moderate the past couple of days. It has come at a good time with the "rationing." Since they are calling for some rain every day this week, I wonder if they will cancel the local controls? I doubt it.

I am forcing myself to eat at least a half of a chicken pie for dinner tonight. Later - the half went down quite easily.

Really lucky for Florida that "Dean" went "souther". They just announced that it is now a "five."

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Back to Blogging!

19.VIII.07 - MoM

It's time to get back in the habit of blogging! I hope that you had good weather for your return trip. I haven't been following the weather that you have been traveling through and can't check right now as I am unplugged. We have been having an electrical storm. However, it wasn't bad enough to chase me into my shelter and seems to be clearing some.

I could not seem to get the show on the road today. Friday I made some progress with the stuff around my chair. Then, yesterday I decided to put a box of slides on the computer. I was able to get an efficient system going with little waste motion, and I was even able to read on my Mike Leonard book in short spurts each time it did its copying. It was fun trying to beat the clock. It was one of those days when everything worked out well.

Today was different. Of course, being Sunday I had a lot more paper to read and a crossword puzzle to do -- not the NY Times, but the easier one in the Sunday TV guide. I just realized that it is time to think about dinner and I haven't napped all day. Perhaps I'll get to bed at a reasonable time for the first time in a long time.

Just saw the new " Family Christmas" picture -- pretty good. Too bad Bill is almost hidden. At last, I remembered to smile with my mouth shut. So often lately, I look like Toothless Joe from Kokomo! By the way, did Bill lose a pair of glasses? When I was getting my stuff together, I found them on the floor near where I was sitting at the kitchen table and put them on the table. Sandy thought they were mine and put them in my stuff that I brought home.

I increased my corn consumption and added a good sized cucumber to the menu tonight. After eating more than usual this week, my appetite is perking up. Who knows, I might have some meat, too, tomorrow night.

I am easing back into blogging gradually, and should be adding some more Saalfelden stuff again soon. It was a tense period.

a good time was had by all

Welcome home, Suzy and Bill. Thanks so much for coming. And, as requested, you did bring rain! It's raining right now, in fact, and the drought is over for us, at least.

More soon.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

A quickie Tonight!

12.VIII.07 - MoM

I got mesmerized when some of the Los Altos slides were on the computer. They are among the new ones Chris did.

Sandy and Charlie got a pretty good rain from last night's storm. I only had a splash. I'm just thankful we didn't get the wind that they did in one of the Twin Cities Burb -- some are not expected to get their power back until Tuesday, even with extra workers coming from as far away as Iowa! Many trees and power lines were blown over. For now, they are not expecting any further storms until tomorrow during the day.

I did a little more around my chair. I could not believe how much stuff I have accumulated on the table beside my chair. I put back the absolute necessities, but lots more than I need to bring back but already there is not enough room for it.

I think I am going to try to get to bed on the early side, tonight, for a change. Of course, lately that has meant being awake during the night. I had the AC on for a while this afternoon, but I think it may be a little cooler tonight. Last night, with the door open, it was well toward morning before I had any cover at all.

I didn't see any weather today, so don't know what you have been through today, weather-wise, Suzy. Will pay more attention tomorrow. HaPPY TRAVEL!

See you soon. Come on by, it you get here early.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Countdown in Progress


We're leaving tomorrow sometime in the morning, aiming for Chattanooga. Monday we plan as long a drive as we can stand, hoping to get near the Wisconsin / Illinois border. That should put us into River Falls at a reasonable hour on Tuesday. The hotel's check-in is 3:00, so if we get in before then, we may show up on somebody's doorstep, depending on the hour. We should have a better idea about that Monday night.

I'm all packed except for last minute stuff, which I have listed and/or laid out. Bill, not so much; he's a last-minute kinda guy

Here's an idea for your shelter, Ma-- compact florescent bulbs. They don't put out heat like regular bulbs do. We'll look into it when we're there.

I did indeed finish up Strangers in Paradise pocket 2. And then spent still more time going through the companion album, reading the author's interesting glosses on what I'd read, swooning over the full color stuff, and getting an idea about what's next. I'm not even halfway through the saga yet. I'll be reading Jane Mysteries on the trip.

Speaking of which, I'm glad Becoming Jane is getting decent reviews. I've always liked Anne Hathaway since seeing her in the short-lived but very good sitcom Get Real, but I fear she's much too pretty to be a convincing Jane, even as Kira Knightly was too pretty to be Elizabeth in the theatrical movie of P&P. Great to see the Jane-craze continue, though. And at least Hathaway will now get a chance to shine on her own without having to compete with Streep!

I cleaned out the fridge tonight, and we had whatever was edible for dinner. Pretty strange. But at least this time I won't come home to as many science experiments gone awry as I usually do. She said, hopefully, knocking on the nearest tree product.

Looking forward to getting this show on the road, the prospect of farm fresh produce a la Sandy, but especially seeing everyone!

Still unsettled weather with lots of alerts

After the Blog was sent on 10.VIII.07

Hi! I am sitting out a "rip snorter" of a storm in my snug little "shelter." I have decided on a "modification" for the future -- a plug in lamp that will take a lower volt bulb, especially in summer. The bright floods in here have really heated it up.

Due to things I have started keeping in that bathroom, getting ready made it a lot easier to get prepared this time.

I was already settled in when the weather station included us (and Spring Valley). River Falls is not the best about warning the towns people. This time the weather people said, "Siren activation is suggested." The locals took notice and we had our sirens. Only 10 minutes more to go. I'm not unhappy about that, but I don't think we got as much rain as we need to give us back our sprinklers. It was only a couple of 10th but better than nothing and it refreshed the plants on my bedroom deck. I expect to continue to

11.VIII.07 - MoM

It is now 6:30 p.m., and just now the weather channel issued a new alert for a "watch" that includes River Falls till 1 a.m. I have the major stuff still in there, so don't plan to retreat until its arrival sounds more eminent.

I have finished my funny dinner and just starting my drink. I boiled a couple of large yellow onions in beef broth (made with cubes) this afternoon. I ate the biggest one with a bite of butter on every bite. I had had my usual healthy stuff the rest of the day so finished dinner with a bowl of butter pecan ice cream.

This afternoon, I finally got rid of the tote box I had put by my chair a while before I broke the 2nd hip. I cleared most of the stuff out of it, but took it with the odds and ends left to add to the junk on the sofa in my bedroom. [Storm warning for 'large, damaging hail heading into Woodbury and Stillwater.]

I had a lot of trouble staying awake today. On Saturday, the Today Show runs from 6 to 8 a.m., so after my sleepless night, I had trouble being sharp and alert today and fell asleep a lot.

Sandy called to see if I was in my "shelter." A severe thunderstorm warning was out as thunderstorms were forming on the St. Croix and moving east. I only had a couple of things I was going to do, but that got me going on it. By the time I got in there, our local sirens were going. I have been in here about 15 minutes and am now just hearing thunder. My WA radio just mentioned RF again but sounds like it is going a few miles north of us. The watch is due to last till mid-night, but I'm not going to "sweat" in here that long. I had to turn off the lights as I was dying of the heat and have a camping lamp on -- two flies rubbing their legs together could make more light. Our local siren is going again. Now, I don't know if it is more or an all clear. Somehow, I don't think it is the later from some other storms developing just across the river from us.

That reprieve from the sweat box was short lived. The first thunder was close enough to send me back. By the way, the flashlight you (Coveys) gave us, is quite useful, too.

Called Thea as usual today, and she was able to hear me quite well on my mini-phone.

We are in a quiet time. I think I will plug in the wireless, send this, then try to sleep till something else happens.

I wonder if you are leaving tomorrow (Sunday) or Monday. Hope you have a good trip and miss some of the nasty weather around. See you soon!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Clueless Water Nazis


Obviously, the city fathers of River Falls have no experience with water rationing. The logical was it's done, as we in GNV have experienced numerous times, is to start with an every other day plan based on the last digit of your address. Then move to restricting those times to before 10:00 AM and after 4:00 PM. Then move to two days a week. As a last resort, allow only hand watering with automatic shut-off nozzles (i.e., you have to actually stand there and water). But you never try to turn the outside watering completely off. People will just ignore it, as it is obviously unreasonable. They need to buy a clue.

It's good we've finally had some long, soaking rains, and are just about caught up for the year. However, we've not had our daily afternoon showers return, and of course the humidity has now turned downright killer. Temps got to 99 here today, and with the humidity factored in, off the charts.

I had to venture out today, as we needed CD audio books and liquor for the trip. We now have Harry Potter 5-7, none of which Bill has read yet, and ample supplies of our preferred libations.

I'd rush ordered vol. 2 of the pocket ed of Strangers in Paradise, thinking I'd bring it on the trip to read. Hah! It arrived after 6:00 tonight, and I'm halfway through it! I'll probably bring it, along with vol. 1, and give them to Sandy. It's wonderful, wonderful stuff. I'll bring the next couple of Jane Austen mysteries for reading.

Bill is up for this trip. He so needs to get away from the office for awhile-- hasn't had a decent vacation in way too long, as he's on call 24/7 when he's in town. He's especially looking forward to his first visit to Emma's.

Mom, our room supposedly has a king-sized bed and Whirlpool-- I'm sure it will do us fine. I doubt if we'll be spending much time there, in any case.

Glad to hear Chris is out of the medical slammer. Bill says this kind of home treatment via shunt is fairly common. It was new to me, tho. Get completely well, Chris!

Really time to start thinking about packing! I have a basic list that I modify for each trip, but I haven't even looked at it yet. But hey, if I've got the books and the booze covered, the rest will take care of itself, right? And the highway's (mostly) free...

What a revolting development!

10.VIII.07 - MoM

Suddenly today, with no prior notice, the city decided that as of this morning, no more watering of your yard until we have a real rain. Charlie and Sandy called to tell me. I would have expected the city to send everybody a notice. Except by word of mouth, one had to find it on the Internet if you happened to read the daily additions on line to the weekly paper. It wasn't in this weeks paper published last Wednesday. I am sure that many people don't go on line every morning to see what's new or even know that this exists. I called my neighbor, Rita. They have only had their sprinkler system for a few weeks. It was a surprise to her, too. Of course, one seldom sees many people sprinkling their yards here. Supposedly, this is to last until we have a soaking rain. Showers are called for perhaps tomorrow but they have been saying that for quite a while with nothing.

Chris was sprung yesterday. Even the nurses are having a problem getting the fixed shunt far enough into his vein to deliver the continuing antibiotic. He is a patient tutor -- he worked with me some more on the phone on the slides.

Since Chris and Kay are interested in a return visit to "the Willows" this fall, I made reservations for a week this time early in October. It can be tweaked -- but during fall leaf time, you never know availability. (CHRIS: I'll be calling Saturday with further discussion about the Willows.)

Last night was a little better than it has been lately. I actually had to have the AC on for a while. I still didn't have a lot of energy today. Finally, this afternoon, I did get around to making a little progress toward getting the overstuffed tote box by my chair under control.

Even tho I slept some better last night, I am tired tonight, so the
"Daily Notes" will have to wait till tomorrow.

I had the AC on this afternoon, till I got cold, shut it off, and now time to put it on again. Think I will at least start the night with it on.

Only a few more days!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Won't be long now!

9.VIII.07 - MoM

I had one of my most sleepless nights in a very long time. I wasn't really uncomfortable, but just could not sleep, read, or do anything but lay there wide awake. I did write an e-mail to you, Suzy, then a little later, your blog had come through. I finally fell asleep from 5 a.m. to 6.

I fell asleep a couple of times this afternoon sitting upright and once almost fell off on the edge of my chair. I tried to keep naps to a minimum, hoping to save sleep for tonight. I am going to put on the AC and hope hum will help.

Chris was probably coming home today. Kay called this morning. Someone will be coming by the house for a week or so to continue his treatment before he goes back to work.

Nothing to write about as I didn't do anything much today. Tonight I made a good finely chopped chicken, celery, onion, dill pickle salad with Mayo that made a filling salad. The rest of day I had my various health food things.

While looking for the missing page (tomorrows), I got caught up in the "drama" and had to skim ahead. I was surprised at the details I had forgotten. It was a very traumatic time.

I thought the short haircuts that you girls had in the pict were cute. I liked that pict of DoD, too. He looked so young. I guess you saw that he was reading funnies.

Looking forward to seeing you here Tuesday!

* * * * *

The declining dollar continued to mess up our dream life in Saalfelden.

29.I.87 69.0 KG Donnerstag

Woke up about 4:30 a.m. and tried to sleep again, but gave up a little after 5 but did not clean or dust, until I dusted the floors mid-morning. Woke DoD at his usual 6:30 a.m. but he had not had a good night for sleeping. No matter what he says about not worrying during the night, I am sure his mind is churning about what we are going to do. He did get up soon after. Still worry about putting so much stress on him.

According to the 6 a.m. news the dollar will be dropping further today. DoD called Herr Wontroba to see about talking to him about what we might expect when we talk to Frau Manhardt about quitting our lease. He did not tell him why we wanted to see him. He is tied up today but will call back about when he can talk to us tomorrow. He mentioned the dollar and did not help with the prediction he has heard in Munchen, that the dollar will go down till it is one on one with the dollar but that it would only be for a little while then would go up again. I am afraid that by that time the whole monetary system would be in complete chaos, instead of just a mess like it is now. And we could not handle that. Our rent would take the whole month's salary!

I am not getting much done these days. Did a little computering, a bit on Sandy's letter and Bill Harrison's, too, but sort of holding off on finishing them till we know what the Frau is going to say. Since we might want to leave 1 May we want to get it out in the open with a 3 months notice, although I am sure that is not going to cut any ice.


OK, you guys. Without googling it, how many lyrics can you remember from the song that begins:

Dear Okie, if you see Arkie . . .

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Hair Cuts


Travel plans beginning to come together. We now have a reservation at the RF Country Inn & Suites, and plan to arrive sometime in the afternoon on Tuesday. Bill, too, has a new short hair cut. What do you mean, the tomatoes are slow, Sandy? Tell them to hurry the hell up-- we need them next week!

Got the house partially blessed today (floors and carpets) and the towels changed and laundered. Scooba is plugged in and doing his 16-hour slow charge in preparation for tomorrow's date with the kitchen floor.

Had been up nearly and hour this morning before I remembered I needed to start a crock pot if we going to eat tonight. Chicken drumsticks in a thick BBQ-type sauce went together in about 15 minutes, and were done at exactly the right time. Really good, and so nice to not have to do any actual cooking. Had leftover cauli-rice salad and green beans with it. I froze the remaining sauce, as it could be used for any quick recipe calling for the bottled stuff.

Got your nice anniversary card today, Mom. It's very sweet of you to remember-- thanks. And loved the pictures! I had forgotten that "built-in" mixer that wasn't. Nice image of Sandy perched on the dishwasher, and Chris looking amused. Also like the one of Sandy and me looking over Dad's shoulder-- I can date it exactly because of my hair cut: Christmas 1957. (Here's a shout-out to Carol Joynt, who inspired it, and Ruth Olsen, who cut it.) I was such a butterball in those days. Funny, but I don't remember whatever it was I was wearing, but I remember Sandy's dress. Probably because I've seen it in other photos. Bill has a theory that we don't really remember what people look like-- we only remember what they look like in pictures. Could be.

It's still hideously hot here. I'm in tank top, shorts, bare feet, AC on, but still too warm for comfort. The cat has the right idea-- she's spread out on the terrazzo, on her side, looking like she's running, only horizontally and very very slowly. Or maybe she's dreaming of running.

When we were in Cali last winter, I was fascinated by a large format slick magazine named San Francisco. I finally mailed in the subscription card I brought back, and the first issue arrived yesterday. Fascinating it is, but like a dinner composed entirely of rich deserts. Just too much. I can only look at it for short periods of time. One feature I really loved was on Murphys, the Gold Country town we girls visited several times with Pa and Dan. Like all that area, it has become cute/ boutiqued-out, but they also have an interesting little wine culture going there that might be fun to check out. I'd really love to visit the Gold Country again someday.

Today I saw some email about early plans for a comics in libraries panel for next year's Comic-Con in San Diego next July. (What a sentence!) Maybe it would be worth just one more try to return there, as I know the people organizing it... But then too, I see that the PCA is having their annual next March in SF-- I presented at this one when it was in Atlanta last year.... DAMN! I wish flying weren't so bloody impossible these days! I'd love to do both.

I'll bet I dream of Cottey tonight. Trying to recall Ruth's last name, I took an extended look at the Sphinx 1958 yearbook. I almost never look at that one, since the second year was by far the more memorable one, so it brought back many people and associated memories long buried.

Okay, I have a chance to get to bed early-- 1:00! Let's see if I can actually manage it.

A slow day

8.VIII.07 - MoM

I could not seem to get started at anything today. I slept well last night again in my chair. Don't know why I was so "logy" all day. It made for a day with little getting done.

I called Kay this morning and found that Chris' fever was still down and no headache this morning and that perhaps he could leave the hospital in the next day or two. And, it sounds as if he will be back at work soon, but he has to have a daily test at his doctor's office for a little while.

Pleased to hear from you, Suzy that you do not have to be so rushed with your visit next week. Sounds as if it is going to be a repeat of this weeks hot weather. Another rain event seems to be missing us tonight, even though it is getting dark a little early tonight. I was going to empty the -4/10th today but didn't feel quite steady enough - on my usual good days, it is not a problem.

My new sticky bug traps are already doing their thing. I have 3 big crickets on the one in the closet and 3 on the one in the front room. I hate it when they challenge me in the bathroom. It isn't as easy to stomp on them when I am broken. The traps have helped a lot.

It was surprised that I only needed the AC on for a short time this afternoon. Again tonight, I do not expect to need much in the way of a cover.

Sandy did a little local grocery shopping for me. I don't have to make detailed lists as they are frequently the same old same old. She did call to see if I was in the mood again for a rotiss chicken -- a very good suggestion. That with cucumbers and grape tomatoes made a good dinner.

* * * * *

Daily notes from Saalfelden during a a period when we were living under a cloud due to the dollar's bad fall in 1987.

28.I.87 69.0 Kg Mittwoch

DoD's # 75! He liked having his favorite wool shirt fixed so he could wear it again -- my birthday present to him. Had a rather sleepless night with the radio on almost all night. Dozed more than I slept for some reason. No pain, however, taking a Tylenol ^ codeine for the usual bedtime pain.

Our champagne and crab breakfast was fun. Due to not sleeping much last night and probably the Champagne, I took a nap in my chair after breakfast. Then it was time to start cooking. Made an apricot pie (the easiest to make and DoD can eat it with ice cream). By then it was lunch time but we decided to have an early dinner as we were not all that hungry after the late breakfast. So I did not have to stop for that but could go on making the chicken stuffing. I put a nice little 2 ½ pound roaster in the convection at 160C (325 F) at 15 minutes before 2:00 p.m. Shortly after we got the bad news about the big drop in the dollar -- down tomorrow from 12.60 - 13.20 t0 12.30 - 12.90. Decided we could put in $1,000 today toward next month's expenses. Well! This time they gave us tomorrow's rate instead of what is quoted for today. I guess they did not want to get stuck for that much. That really frosted us and DoD came home saying he had had it. So, as of now we are going to make plans to leave in May or June. I am sure it will cost us dearly, but nothing compared to paying what the rent has become. This new rate makes it something like $1500.00 per month and that does not include the electricity and telephone. Still no bottom in sight. The military are going to get a COLA raise starting this week so won't be so bad for them.

(Booming fireworks outside again. Have no idea what the occasion is!)

I know all of this is putting a lot of stress on DoD. I have to be careful about any negative thoughts when talking to him, such as about how I expect her to stick it to us, etc. Yesterday he said that my idea for the new room above the dining room there had given him a whole new incentive for wanting to get back there and get some tools in his hands. I am ready to go too, as I hate waiting for 2:00 p.m., to get further bad dollar news. I frequently am thinking of the plus things as I am cooking, etc., but once in a while I remember the hassle of driving places in traffic and the heat and humidity. A small air-conditioner unit until we can do the whole house should help with the sleeping. Perhaps we can find more things we need in Winchester, Charles Town, or Martinsburg without having to go to Tysons and D.C. area.

Had a letter from Jan and Bill. Lots of snow there. They think they could cope with the dollar for travel in Europe but are scared to death of flying with the terrorists that surface from time to time.

Well, I had to slow down the chicken a bit while DoD did the bank bit. I was using turkey broth that had a very sweet taste and was about to give up on the gravy. However, once it got mixed with the drippings it became wonderful. The chicken was fantastic. The breast was so very juicy and the most tender I think I ever remember. Mashed potatoes and peas rounded out the meal.

Of course, finishing eating about 3:30 p.m., really messes up ones body schedule. It was too late to take a walk or start a project. We both took short naps in our chairs trying not to sleep long so as to make it hard to sleep tonight. I lasted till 8:00 p.m. when I went to bed to read.

He Did It.


Barry did it, and I got to see it! Hurrah! I was disappointed that they pulled him from the lineup, though-- all he had to do was hit a triple to go for a cycle on the same night! :-)

Of course, I'm worrying about Chris now. Knew nothing about any medical problems until tonight. Thinking of him and holding him in the Light. Please keep us informed.

Our travel plans are in flux. We now have some flexibility with Carrot's reservations, so driving should be less of an ordeal. One way or another, we should be up there this time next week. Details to follow

I got at least a few of my countdown items done: gassed up Blue, got a haircut (pretty drastic!) and did a quick Publix shop for bread and an alternative to the oven-intensive meal I'd foolishly scheduled: some lovely lamb chops, which I broiled.

I adapted an old favorite recipe I stumbled on this weekend for a Basmati rice/ black bean salad using cauli-rice. It worked great! It's a lot of work, but worth it, and we were both blown away by it. Also found time to snap a pound of good looking green beans and get them blanched. Bill was late getting home, but had everything ready to go T-15 minutes.

Whoa, pretty late now, must get to bed. At least the Giants game vigil is at an end.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Looking forward to next week!

7.VIII.07 - MoM

I woke up about 2 a.m, and since my computer is beside me, I checked my blog and there was one from you with the great news that you are headed this direction. I am delighted that I (we) will be having a visit from you two. It didn't take long to get some plans underway with e-mail and phone between Sandy and I.

From a call with Kay last Friday or Saturday that Chris was having some problems after a bladder "procedure" last week. I called today when I could not find the garage door opener we had used last week in the drawer where I usually kept it. (It was in the adjoining drawer.) It turned out that Chris had gone to the hospital last Sunday and was still there. He has a bladder infection with frequent high fever and horrendous headaches. She had stayed there round the clock till this afternoon. The room has a sofa bed, etc. Chris had stayed in her room during her recent back surgery.

They have been trying all kinds of antibiotics and pain medicine and I guess he is out of it part of it. Kay said it was okay to call him. I was lucky as he was in a period with his fever down and no pain. Hopefully, they may have found medicines that is helping the infection and the headache and he might be out of the woods. However, he has had these ups and downs during the past few days.

With several hours on the phone with Kay this afternoon, I am tired tonight. To add to the now daily food routine, instead of chicken pie tonight, I had Aunt Jemima pancakes and sausage for dinner. Probably not the best things, but it was filling. I am going to make a real effort to go to bed early. I did sleep in this morning until 6:45 -- late for me.

Too tired to proof. Looking forward to your visit!!!

Monday, August 06, 2007



Watching the Giants game-- didn't happen tonight, but I"ll keep watching until it happens. Well, at least for next six days...

We'll be hitting the road for the great white north next Sunday, expect to be there Tuesday morning at the latest. Looking to seeing everyone, and being part of an official family dinner photo on the blog.

Did the shopping, finally. Fascinating fruit salad, salmon pinwheels with artichoke/ spinach/ cheese stuffing for dinner.

Changed and laundered towels, but didn't even start the weekly Blessings. Need to start a countdown.

Hideously hot today. Note to self: don't go to Publix mid-afternoon when it's August and in the 90s. It's no fun at all. Especially when you need to make four trips across the blacktop desert.

SF game is now in the 11th inning, and ESPN is stuck with broadcasting it, even tho Barry was pulled in the 8th after striking out. Bill is asleep in front of the tube. The cat has been from one lap to the other, and now is ensconced in her tube. Gotta change computers.
Okay, now I'm back again on the desktop. Craig send me this today, from today's Baltimore Sun. What a hoot that this thing just goes on and on:

Springstone still rocks

Here's another anniversary I've just become aware of: 25 years since Bruce Springstone!

That was a Springsteen parody that came out of Baltimore in 1982, the clever creation of musicians/songwriters/artists Tom Chalkley and Craig Hankin. Springstone's single, "Bruce Springstone: Live at Bedrock," was released by Clean Cuts Records. The A-side featured "Bedrock Rap/Meet the Flintstones," a spoof of Springsteen singing the Flintstones theme. The B-side was a Springsteen-esque arrangement of "Take Me Out to the Ballgame." Chalkley did the vocals and, along with Hankin, the other musicians were John Ebersberger (drums), Ron Holloway (saxophone), Tommy Keene (lead guitar), Suzy Shaw (keyboards) and Gabor Lutor (bass).

Says Hankin: "'Live at Bedrock' has been played on hundreds of radio stations in the U.S. and 14 foreign countries. The two tracks have aired on network, cable and syndicated television programs. Both tracks are still in print on Rhino Records: 'Bedrock Rap/Flintstones' on 'Dr. Demento's Greatest Novelty Records of All Time' and 'Ballgame' on 'Baseball's Greatest Hits.'" Hankin believes the Springstone "Ballgame" has been played at nearly every ballpark in the country. Sounds like it's about time for a re-release party.
Oh yeah.