Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Baby Steps


Ah yes, Mom, you've learned the first lesson of the cute little mini-phone: keeping track of the damn thing. I must say, I much prefer my PocketPC, which is the size of a pack of cigarettes (remember them?) -- and it has a keyboard and a screen big enough to browse the web, do email, and play games-- which I did in the dentist chair this morning. Sometimes a little bit bigger is a whole lot better. (And a whole lot more expensive and complicated, but that's another story...)

Good luck with the decluttering of your nest. You will like it a lot more if you're easily able to FIND things you keep handy there. Fifteen minutes a day. And a 5 minute hot spot drill will keep it from getting bad again. You can do this.

My day was dominated by the trip to the dentist-- replacing two ancient fillings on the bottom. Dentist commented they must have been put in when I was a child, judging from the composition and style. And, since we're about the same age, we commiserated about how dentists in those days didn't bother with novocaine for children. Today's procedure was quick and practically painless-- the TMJ is by far the worst of it.

Stopped by Border's and picked a few graphic novel things (their selection is much better than the more convenient B&N's) and then hit Fresh Market. I got the usual buzz off the place, but I must say that I was mildly disappointed in most of the stuff I bought. Just wasn't as good as expected, from the bland roasted garlic bread to the completely tasteless blueberries -- there seems to be a blueberry blight this year. Oh well, they had THE Olives, so that's worth a lot. And I haven't yet tried everything I picked up there.

Yesterday when hauling recycle stuff to the curb, I started counting steps: nearly 1500!! That got me thinking about exercise, a continuing problem with me. After dinner tonight I got Bill to help me program a pedometer we've had laying around, and I've worn it since: I've logged over 1/2 mile just walking back and forth in the house! My goal is 3 miles a day, but that doesn't seem so daunting when I realize that's just twice around the circle plus the usual walking around in this long house, and back and forth the long driveway. Interesting.

As for the aforementioned dinner, it was something with the unpromising name of "Herby Turkey Zucchini," and indeed while cooking it, I assumed it was a failure. Surprise! It was wonderful, and so easy to fix that we ate early. Another nice surprise for us low-carb types: Tofu Shirataki noodles are great, and incredibly easy to fix. What a great find.

I see it is officially August already (EDT). For us swamp dwellers, this is Hump Month. Make it through this, and the worse of the heat is over for the year. Not the worst of the hurricanes, though-- still keeping a close eye on that situation.

Need to get to bed, as I want to go in and work on comics tomorrow.

Making a start on my mess!

31.VII.09 - MoM

I haven't looked up what I wrote about the Dot telephone notation, but I think I remember typing Kathy but you are correct, it was Barb.

So far, I like my new mini telephone. My biggest problem is its tiny size. It is only 2" x 3 ¾" and I am having to train myself to keep it where I keep the TV control and pens and pencils. I lost it several times earlier in the day in the chaos around my chair. I began a serious campaign to get rid of the catchall tote box and the various piles around my chair. I must make some order out of the tables on either side of my chair, too. One side has 3 printers (my big Epson, the little Cannon and the HP Photo printer). It is large, low, and square, so Sandy put one of the old Kodak slide projectors on it to make it easier to lift my laptop to my lap. Whatever space not in use that minute immediately adds to pile of stuff. The lamp table on the other side is constantly full of an unbelievably amazing collection of small things. It has become even worse since the breaks as saves my having to get up every little bit to hobble around to get things I need.

Today, I did the washing and put it away, put away the stuff that had collected in the front bathroom from unpacking my suitcase but waiting to put it away until Chris and Kay were out of my "suite." Then, I put away about half of the stuff in the tote box by my chair in the living room. It was done in small bursts, with naps in between. Tomorrow morning I have an appointment with the surgeon in Stillwater, so have to be ready to go by 8:30 a.m.

Last night I FINALLY spent the entire night in my bed. I was able to do it a couple of nights in Lake City. I hope by taking some mini pillows to bed with me, I nay be able to use them to make my legs comfortable to be able to sleep on my side. I am not I don't seem to do well sleeping all night on my back.

I am trying to take back my kitchen from the carpenter ants! They eat up the poison sticky syrup as fast as I put it out. Charlie says that they take it back to their nest. They stagger drunkenly back to somewhere. He also says that they nest where it is damp. If they don't give up soon, we will have to put on a serious search.

Somehow, after a larger dinner than usual (potato salad, cole slaw, chopped pork (left from Sandy's dinner) and a big bowl of strawberry daiquiri sorbet) my gin doesn’t seem quite so inviting. I ate a lot more than I usually do. Will continue to sip on it, however.

Just realized I haven't played Freecell all day!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Bless This House and Garden


Today I Blessed the house, including the coffee table stack and with special attention to the TV room, being this week's Zone. Good Suze.

Also feeling good that I got the newspapers and catalogs recycled (hadn't been done in about 6 weeks), and a huge bag of stuff from the great room into the trash. This latter possible because they came much later than usual to pick it up.

Starting to work out a general outline for the day, in one hour blocks, kind of a one hour of work kinds of stuff, one hour relaxing, including an actual lunch hour. It seems to work pretty well.

Will be messed up tomorrow, as I have a dentist appt to replace two ancient fillings. The plan is to stop by Fresh Market on the way back. Been an age since I was there.

Finished the HP1 movie tonight. The DVD player is still acting up, but fortunately it didn't happen until the credits. Bill said it skipped around some when he was playing his latest Balkan nightmare music CD. We will have to get a new one.

Gonna go read some more JPod.

But first, some images of a family gathering. Here's Sandy's kitchen
and some humongo veggies from her garden, plus a group shot missing two important people: Julia and me!!

Love my new phone!

30.VII.07 - MoM

I am going to have to learn to shut down my computer during this hot weather when I am not using it. It is so hot I can hardly rest my hands on it.

Last night, I kept opening up stuff and finally found the blog on the desktop. I didn't want to take a chance moving it, so waited for Sandy to come by to do it. I finally went back to sleep from 5 to 6 a.m. I am determined to go to bed early. I think I am going to start to bed in the chair, but I have my bed ready for a change later. It is VERY hot still at almost 8:30 p.m., and I am just starting my drink. Hope I can stay awake long enough to finish it.

My dermatologist surgeon decided to numb my cheek and remove the big, scaly "thing." It felt strange as it included deadening my eyelid and brow. She did a biopsy that I will have results from in a week or so. She froze a couple of other spots on my face. I was pleased when she suggested checking my back. something that hadn't be done in quite a while. All was clear.

We had an early lunch at a relatively new little place -- what I call store front restaurants are all over the many shopping clusters around Woodsbury. My little ½ grilled chicken was quite good as were the mashed potatoes and green beans. With leftovers from Sandy's Saturday dinner and this, I won't have to cook for a while. I just have to make the effort to eat.

I got my current cell phone when Charlie and Sandy came down to Lake City where we were spending our 65th anniversary and had lunch with them in Red Wing. They had just signed up for new phones so I got one, too, to take the place of one of the original ones in a small "suitcase." After I made a call on Kay's this week, I decided it was time to get more up to date instead of seeing if I could still find a battery for my clunker. We stopped by my provider in their new quarters and I now have a real cutie. I have been with them for so long that it was no problem to sign a contract and get the phone discount. I already love it.

It is already 10 p.m., and the though of bed sounds so wonderful. Just finished a long chat with Kay -- they made it home today. No more Northwest for them!

Don't have to get up early tomorrow, but I always seem to. My Safari is back in place, so all's right with the world.

Way to tired to proof this -- just hope for the best!

Visibility Cloak


I'm here!! I Blog, so I Exist! Suggest the refresh button on your browser, Mom, to bring you up to date on my thrilling daily activities.

Ack-- Chris and Kay are having what seems to be the default airline experience these days-- cancelled flights. They are very lucky, though, that they were allowed to get off the plane, and stay in a motel. Have heard more than a few horror stories of people trapped for many hours in planes and/or airports. I have declared a moritorium on flying except for emergencies until they get this worked out.

Shopped. Bill went along and picked up a ridiculously smart keyboard at Best Buy. I completed my Northern Exposure collection (yay!) and picked up The Queen, a picture I've been wanting to see.

The Grilled Island Pork Salad was rather nice-- but the sushi, edamame and squid salad we picked up to go with proved overkill. Either would have a more than complete meal.

Happy birthday, Aunt Dotty, whever you are. Mom was it Kathy or Barbara that helped with the phone call? Or were they both there?

Was happy to see Bill was doing a load of his big whites tonight-- perfect excuse to park myself in front of the tube and watch the HP1 movie. I'm just about half way through. What fun to see them all as such cute little kids! Cute little kids who can't act their way out of a paper bag, of course, but all is forgiven because they're so earnest, and because the movie tries so very hard to capture all the wonder of Hogwarts. (The kids get better, as does the movie-making, as the series moves along.) I watched a little over half-- up to the Xmas gift of the invisibility cloak-- and will do the rest tomorrow.

Very glad to hear that Sandy's family meal extravaganza went off well-- wish I coulda been there, and I know Julia does too. Sandy sent me some nice images. I'd be glad to post them, unless she has plans to do so.

Hey, it's only 1:30 here-- maybe I can haz bedtime before 2? last few nights > 3.

Sounds like a Tweet to me. The plan is: post it, then crash.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Back to same ole same ole one of these days.

29.VII.07 - MoM,

Chris and Kay got off this morning within the time period that Chris had hoped for so guess they have made it home. He is hoping he can get their seat assignments changed -- they have seats on the aisle across from each other. With all the cancelled flights, they volunteered for being bumped from the planned flight for the perks offered on their flight here. Seems to be a popular thing to do these days.

As I said before, I am so glad that I thought of "The Willows" especially with the period of very hot weather. It worked out great that we each were able to choose our own temperature. The separate quarters are good, too, for individual bed and arising times. It was great that they could watch a "movie," while I had my own 2 TVs for my news shows.
I did miss MSNBC, however, but made do with CNN.

The beautiful temp, a period without the usual mosquitoes and the eagle and beaver nest builder show really capped off the visit and something we will never forget.

We got away from Lake City right at check out time, as I had hoped, so we had the afternoon for their packing. I emptied my suitcase, but left the stuff scattered for putting away after they were gone. (Tired today, Dr. appt tomorrow so will waith till Tuesday.) We were due at Sandy's at 5 p.m., and can you believe we made it, driving in the driveway immediately behind Nate, Marty and Ben.

I haven't been able to find the manual for my sewing machine. Sandy and I had both tried to guide the thread thru the necessary arrangement to the needle. Kay had told me some time ago that she was sure she could do it and wanted to take it on. After a little while, she decided she was going to need the manual that I have searched for all over. After she had tried to find it, she went back to try again. I lost track of the time but it was over an hour. Well, she persevered and managed to do it! She had worked for a while sewing pockets on clothes in a factory. I want to take my worn winter wool slacks apart and try to re-sew the seams deeper in the crotch to get rid of bad spots. And, I still have some Stretch and Sew slacks material to make up and I need them as my older ones complety wear out. (I hate to even wear them around the house in case I would hate to wearing them if I had to be taken to the hospital. I talked the nurse in Alameda out of cutting off one of my remaining roon pair. I was wearing a dress the last time and didn't mind having her cut off my underpants.

While Kay was working on the machine, Kathy and Dot called me for her birthday tomorrow. Kathy said that I had done all the calling so they decided to do it, this time. With Dot on a 2nd line, I talked for at least an hour. Dot absolutely loves it (as does Barb) and doesn't want me to stop. I slanted it toward "Infant" with details about her (limited) dating in high school, things in Iowa, etc. Barb has a good memory and can pass it on to the others. They loved the aftermath of Dot and Don's return from their marriage in Reno when they went by Don's family's place in Sacramento for a breakfast. You may remember that Dot could not eat out with a date without getting an upset stomach. It happened as usual she had to excuse herself to throw up and they all wondered if she was pregnant. Barb hadn't heard that before and Dot got a kick out of it. Don was on a short leave (one week) so didn't have time to wait the required time to get a license to marry in CA. before duty in Alaska. They had to borrow Pa and Dan's car.

I hadn't known before that the Mexican clay figures on my credenza were purchased in Mexico City on their honeymoon before they moved to Corpus Christi for duty. You can't imagine how I envied her being able to live somewhere besides California. I had also considered her lucky to live in Madison, later. However, I never could have managed to exist in their tiny flat there. Tomorrow is her 88th!

We enjoyed our time at Sandy and Charlie's. My "wheels" worked well on the uneven grass around the side of the house to the back deck. There are only two uneven stone "steps." With Chris and Charlie each steadying me on an arm it was easy. It was also not problem to go down the regular steps on the way out. Won't be long before I won't need support. This past week I have made some excellent progress. Once in a while I forget that I need the walker, from time to time, but only for a step or two.

The dinner was excellent (of course) with "chopped" roast pork sandwiches, potato salad, cole slaw and other goodies. We were able to eat very good watermelon on the back deck without any bug distractions.

Ben was in fine fettle sporting a voluminous black cape running all around the place. He has his own little world full of lots of stuff that he seems to have added to with things he has memorized from DVD's.

When I went to bed at mid-night last night, I was cold (I sleep only under your little "Blue") so I decided to put on the gas fireplace for a little bit. I woke up plenty warm a couple of hours later. It wasn't all that cold outside so I opened the doors and slept well until about 6 a.m.

Suzy, I hope your lack of communication is nor something physical but perhaps due to total immersion in some book or other. Look forward to hearing from you again!

When talking with Sandy, tonight, she didn't have my dermatology appointment in Woodbury at 9:30 tomorrow on her calendar, but she had my appointment on Wednesday in Stillwater with my surgeon from my hip on Wednesday that I didn't have.

8:00 p.m. Chris just called and they are still in Minneapolis. Northwest cancelled their flight after long waits on the plane. The airline is putting them up in a Day's Inn and springing $13.00 each for dinner. Big deal! They didn't get back their checked luggage. A warning for flying now days -- be sure to have some overnight necessities in one's carry on! They had laid off a lot of pilots and the current ones are refusing to work so many extra hours. They have the record for the most cancelled flights. We did anything we could to avoid flying them during the 1990's.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Rained Out


Rain! Finally this afternoon the skies darkened, the thunder boomed and... the skies opened. It rained and rained and rained for several hours. Glorious! At 6:00 it was so dark it was as if we'd suddenly been transported into early November.

I was moving slowly, very slowly, toward going out to shop, but the rain discouraged that. Which left me with a mealtime quandary. For some reason, this week we ran out of everything: all kinds of bread, fruit, tomatoes, salad greens, etc. The fridge is practically bare-- a good thing organizationally, but not so good for trying to pull a meal together out of nothing. I'd already used up all my back-up plans during the week, and we were even out of eggs-- that NEVER happens. I was planning to use the half+ spaghetti squash with a FC uncooked tomato sauce, but of course that requires fresh tomatoes. I ended up making a very simple clam sauce ( garlic briefly cooked in olive oil, 2 cans clams, a little white wine, some red pepper flakes and a handful of parsley) tossed with the squash, and it was amazingly quite good. I found one viable Roma tomato and one cuke, which I sliced thin and made into a very simple salad with rice vinegar. Sometimes I amaze myself with what I can dream up at the last minute to avoid having to send out for pizza.

Other than that, a quiet day. I always feel tired the day after spending any time at all working in the Lib. I read more of JPod, and struggled with today's 5* Sudoku in the Houston Chronicle.

And listened to it rain, accompanied by a loud glee club of happy frogs, and a somewhat quieter one of happy trees and shrubs drinking their fill. Very sweet music indeed.

The kitchen is clean, except for the Old Fashioned clutter (the bar is still open). Bill is deep in an "instance" of WoW with some of his guildies, and has now made his first drink last over two hours.

Wondering how the family dinner at Sandy's went. Someone send me a tweet!

Lucky Sandy and Julia, they have HP7 still ahead of them. I'm hoping to find time tomorrow to watch the first movie, having finished re-reading HP1. After that, I'll listen to HP1 before beginning the re-read of HP2. This strategy out to stretch out the experience to ridiculous lengths. A good thing. :-)

ComicCon is going on in San Diego. I'm 25% sad to be missing the "Geek's Prom," but 75% relieved to not have to endure the chaos and sheer insanity of the thing being half again as large than the one we were overwhelmed by three years ago. Many people I admire are there this year, but I know my chances of actually seeing any of them were less than nil.

Finally, the call for the second drink.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Mostly Batman


Thanks for the news from Lake Pepin-- was wondering how it was going. Sounds like a good adventure.

All's quiet here. Alas, no rain, although at least once each day, usually more often, it clouds up, gets dark, booms and glooms, but nary a drop. Lawn is once again reverting to straw, bushes beginning to flag. So disheartening.

Yesterday Scooba and I did our thing in the kitchen, and I did the bathroom floors on my own. Except for the coffee table heap, I did the full tilt Blessing thing for the week.

Made it in to the Lib this afternoon to start the serious de-duping. Jim was not there, so had to figure out on my own how to proceed. Once again, my brilliant scheme and awesome spreadsheet printouts ran into problems when faced with the reality of these 214 boxes of stuff. Looking for dups that I knew about, I ran into tons I did NOT know about while going through boxes of mostly Batman. Looks like there will be way more than 600 dups, and who knows how many copy 3+ (which we will get rid of). I am only up to Box 13, and I skipped a few, which I now realize I should go back and check for hidden dups. Sigh.

We tried to grab a quick lunch on the way in around 1:00, but weirdly, could not get into any of the usually quiet haunts. Tonight in the paper I see that the Jehovah's Witnesses are having their annual conference here again. The city gives them a big subsidy, as it helps the Local Economy during the slow season. Maybe so, but it makes it hard to have lunch in a hurry. We ended up grabbing some take out stuff from the Little Round Store on campus, happy they were not only open, but had real food; last summer, they had nothing but snacky stuff in noisy packaging.

Got the towels changed and done before leaving. A load of whites done after arriving back home. What I did NOT do is get the meals/shopping list done for next week. I know I want to make a FC pasta recipe adapted to the bunch of leftover spaghetti squash I have, but need to finalize details.

How nice that Sandy and Julia will be able to read HP7 at the same time. I wonder, in the history of the world, if ANY book has been read by so many people in such a short time span? "One World, One Book?" And what a very strange book for that record to fall upon?

And I predict that "Post Potter Depression" will become a catch-expression, if it hasn't already. You heard it here (well, not here, but in one of my recent tweets) first. And JKR will have the worst case of all.

I am currently reading JPod and Ambient Findability, in addition to picking up where I left off LoTR. It makes for a somewhat scattered inner life.

"Last call?" from the other room. Barmaid attends, glad to make use of complicated mis en place one more time. G'nite.

This life is not hard to take!

27.VII.07 - MoM

I think I am going to have to buy a printer ink company -- Chris has opened up a whole new world -- being able to transfer our old slides to the computer and print them. I want to print so many and as 8 x 10s. On this little trip I only have regular paper, but that hasn't stopped me. With the old style cameras that had so many settings to get the perfect color balance, etc., not all pictures are great, but so far I have been just printing as is. There is so much to learn to tweak them to their best and with some no way is possible, but I love them any old way. Chris is going to write up his good instructions on how to flip them, etc. I also need to learn how "blog" or e-mail them.

It is 12:30 and Chris and Kay are getting ready for today's adventures. We are going to Red Wing (15 miles north) to lunch, then do a small-shop tourist crawl. I love the new earrings I got yesterday in Pepin. I also got an attractive "pin." Each was only 50 cents!

I finally made it through the entire night sleeping in a bed! The first time since this latest break! I have to sleep on my back, which I hate, because my thighs hurt too much when I sleep on my side.

As we were leaving here after 1 p.m., I suggested a change of plan. The last time Sandy and I had eaten at the hotel in Red Wing, it had not been all that great and it was expensive. Kay was talking about having something like soup and salad as we are having a BBQed ribs tonight, so I suggested eating at the restaurant here at our condo, something we had planned but hadn't done yet. It turned out to be quite good and also not expensive, especially when Kay and I split one order of Fish and Chips. Chris still had my leftovers to add to his big Italian sandwich.

We didn't realize that the ribs were to be thawed before cooking so they are in cold water in a pan in my kitchen thawing. I have seen a steady stream of people going to the BBQ area, and a good number returning with their stuff. Of course, it is Friday night when owners arrive for the weekend getaway.

After lunch we went to the former Red Wing Pottery area that is now huge buildings of several floors filled with antique shops, and may other kinds. We "did" several antique stores in detail and an extra large Hush Puppy outlet where Kay found a pair of her favorite slippers and a purse like my John Dory. I am pleased at how great the seat that is part of my new walker is. I would have been looking for chairs for occasional rests.

Home tomorrow and the "Farm" for dinner tomorrow night. Chris and Kay's plane leaves Sunday afternoon. I have enjoyed being back here a lot and being waited on. It was a great idea to have separate quarters as I get up so early and can control my own room temperature.

We have just spent a couple of hours sitting outside our condos within feet of the lake with a really perfect temperature, watching a bald eagle arrive in a nearby tree, preen itself, and hang in for at least an hour. They have great binoculars for such things. We had started watching a beaver building a nest under a nearby dock, bringing things for it from the shore. Then a flock of ducks scattering when the beaver got near. We watched the almost full moon rise near by. It is huge. As it was getting dark and we saw the first mosquitoes arrive we decided it was time to go inside and start to think about starting dinner.

While I am finishing this, Chris and Kay are starting to do fried potatoes and fried onions, and will be broiling the ribs in the oven. The does not allow grilling on the patios or decks, so there has been lots of activity in the allotted location as many of the owners arrive for the weekend. To cap it off, there were fireworks over the water a few minutes ago.

We really have been lucky with the weather even with the extreme heat yesterday. There were severe storms last night as close as the cities while ours was minor.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

A continuing good time on this mini!

26.VII.07 - MoM

We just got home from a nice jaunt across the river to Pepin. Visited the Pepin Depot Museum -- mostly a collection of stuff for sale for next to nothing that helps support some of the Laura Ingalls museum, etc. And we went out to a replica of the house where she was born.

We passed up a very expensive with strange menu restaurant. I had eaten there several years ago with DoD and Sandy. Instead, we went to the nearby "Pickle Factory," where the overflow frequently ends up. I had not expected much but we were pleasantly surprised. A shared appetizer plate of breaded fried onions rings, cheese curds and chicken pieces was very good. Kay had some wild mushroom soup, that she said was wonderful, and a turkey and ham sandwich (I think), Chris had a taco salad in a tortilla shell that he said was extra good. They each ate half of their servings, the exchanged plates and finished off the rest. I was so full from the onions rings, etc., that I barely made a dent in my Chef's salad.

We wondered at the start about what was to come, when my house gin on the rocks arrived and was dark brown. It was gin in coke! Needless to say, that went back to the bar.

I had opted out of going with Chris and Kay to the restaurant in the building for dinner and had planned to eat on my barely touched salad. However, there were storm warnings for our area of possible bad storms. It had been at least 100° during the day but with gathering storms the temps had dropped some so they encouraged me to join them outside to enjoy the fresh cooler temperatures and breeze. When the rains came we moved to my little patio, drinks and all. By the time we had the a drink and the shrimp dip that Kay had made just before we left home, any plan to eat further disappeared. They were saving room for popcorn to go with an in room movie and I was going to have a little ice cream before doing the blog. The rain and storm was too minimal to do anything for our drought. I am having a hard time staying awake to finish this. Still a chance of further storms during the night. I have turned off the AC and will turn on the gas fireplace if I get as cold as I was last night.

I made a little progress with sleep and my leg. I was actually able to sleep for about 3 hours in A BED. No recliner chair for further sleeping, so with your blue throw, Suzy, I made my bed on the sofa for a couple of more hours of sleep before getting up about 5:30 p.m.

No serious plans plans yet for tomorrow. Probably will try to grill the frozen ribs from Schwan's on the public grill.

Too exhausted to write further and will just hope that what I have written makes some sense as I can't face even a quick proof.

Will try to go better tomorrow. This has been a nice break and vacation for me while been waited on hand and foot, as well as good food I haven't had to fix.
Can't believe this food things you put together, Suzy. More power to you. Will be glad when and if I ever get my routines going well enough to keep it up. We went to sleep during that sentence.

So THIS Century


Thanks for the tiny news post, Sandy. I'm glad to know that the Lake City Pilgrimage has started successfully. I'm assuming that either it's so primitive there that there's no network, let alone wireless. Or else, that a vacation from what we used to call The Wire is welcome for all concerned.

I finished the reread of HP1 tonight. I also rounded up my DVD's of the first four. The first two are still shrink-wrapped because I actually saw them on their respective opening days complete with expensive popcorn. (Thanks, Cynthia!) The second two have been opened, because that's how I saw them originally-- at home, on our awesome 26" TV.

Phoenix is still in theaters, I could still see it there, but ya know... the thrill is gone-- it's just so last century. Not really; if there were some way to have the 20th century popcorn experience with its gigantic screens and truly immersive experience, I'd be there, but the mini-plex just doesn't do it for me. Give me a DVD and headphones any day.

Back in RL: Got up in plenty of time to go in the the Libe with Bill, but realized I wasn't ready to crank up the speed to make it happen. I hadn't mentally prepared the night before, with the laying out of the clothes, etc, so I gophered him off instead. Made the most of the early morning by doing the carpets and dusting, and getting the towels done.

Dinner plan was an apple arugula salad, which I made (very nice, with a maple/ poppy seed dressing), but decided wasn't going to be enough. Found three skinless boneless chicken thighs in the freezer, and had stuff to make the FC #87 "Grilled Five-Spice Chicken Thighs with Soy-Vinegar Sauce & Cilantro" (p. 31). Did this on my grill pan. Yum! Only problem was, only three of them. Even the cat liked it. Need to do this one again, with more chicken.

If I just stop typing now, I can get to bed close to 2:00. Knowing the kitchen, it's counters and sink, are clean, and that Scooba is plugged in and feasting on the power grid for his 16-hour slow charge.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

tiny news

Everyone safely off to Lake City. Charlie saw C & K early afternoon, and I saw them a little later.

We'll get together here on Saturday night. Julia & Lucille won't be available, since Martin has planned a big send off for Lucille. But Marty, Nate and Ben will be of the party.

Last night, even though Julia'd told me they'd been eating a lot of chicken, I made chicken anyway. I had some leftover cx from the day before, a farm chicken of those we'd gotten from Dwight and K on Sunday. Also had some tarragon/rosemary/garlic drippings saved. Made creamed cx with it, served in patty shells (in French, vol au vent or bouchées à la reine). Cooked mushrooms separately (since Julia doesn't like them). Peas from the freezer. And roasted eggplant, as well as grilled zucchini and grilled slabs of onion (cut thick, turkey-trussing skewer slid in sideways). Plates were cleaned. Then crème brulée; not a great success. Cold torch and deficient custard, made in too much of a hurry. Best part was Julia's uncontrollable fit of giggles as Charlie criticised the dessert.

Good time. The girls ate most of a baguette for breakfast -- accompanied by butter and jam, also tea. Nice to have them here. Lucille was sturdy about speaking as much English as possible, but was glad to have a little French. Before going to bed, they watched "Amélie," one of Lucille's favorites, and which Julia'd never seen. Nice evening and morning.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Post Potter Post


Well, no one has any doubts about what I was doing last night instead of blogging. I read all night-- but then fell asleep at 5:00 AM, just 30 pages from the end! Slept til noon, did my normal "morning" routines, then read the last 30 pages at my leisure.

I am very very satisfied with the ending. Excellent job! I immediately went back to the first one and started reading it again, and was just astounded at how much of it was there from the very beginning, how many threads and characters she revisited and tied up at the end. What a tour de force. Going to be hard stopping myself from re-reading all seven of them. Plus listening to to the rest of them-- own the first three on tape and loved them. (Jim Dale is a wonderful reader.) I need to decide for the rest whether to borrow tapes from the library, buy CD's, or both!

And for the record, my guesses about the fates of Harry, his two pals, Snape, Dumbledore, Hagrid and You-Know-Who were correct. The details... not so much, so there was plenty of suspense and surprise.

Julia, re-reading #6 will definitely pay off. Wish I'd done it.

I'm still playing catch-up post-Potter. Last night I fixed a pork chop thing with capers and kalamatas that Bill liked, with spaghetti squash. Tonight, a rather strange tomato juice-based gazpacho with flaked canned salmon added, along with a spinach salad that had not nearly enough spinach to support the quantity of other stuff (minced red onion, chopped walnuts, bacon bits, basalmic vinaigrette) that I put into it.

Yesterday I changed and laundered towels and swiffered the floors. Nice to have routines that kick in almost without thinking, when caught up in a strange mania like this.

Hope the trip to Lake City goes well. Look forward to hearing a full report. Also looking forward to hear what Sandy created for Julia and Lucille.

The Old Fashioned craze continues, last night and tonight. I just figured out it takes a 14 item mis en place to create these babies. Not counting the ice.

Glad to have AC later in the day.

24.VII.07 - MoM

I have barely started getting my things together for our little mini-vacation -- just a couple of piles and my list. I should have shut off my computer when not in use today -- it is so hot that it is almost burning my wrists where they rest n it. I just turned on the AC again. I hope it cools down enough so I can shut it off and open the doors when I get ready to go to bed.

I didn't get the pictures printed that I wanted to send Aunt Dottie for her birthday on Tuesday. Guess I'll send some flowers. She loves them but I expect she will be inundated. Then, I'll send the picts later.

Just had some time out to research some stuff for Charlie. Julia has a French exchange student visiting. Sandy brought them by on their way for an overnight at the "Farm." Charlie remembered a TV program I used to watch in France every morning. (I was watching it when they visited us there in 1998.)

It was a sort of Today Show from 6:30 to 8:30 every morning during our time there in the 90s that I had to watch. It was in French, of course, but I loved the host. His facial expressions were a delight. I thought I had some copies with clues for names from the internet when we first came back, so I said I would look for them but didn't hold much hope. However, in a 3" thick file folder, I found one page that had a pict and name, the name of the show and a short biog. That gave them a clue to go on the net further.

I didn't get as much packing, etc., done as I would have liked to. My leg hurt yesterday, started out better this morning, but was quite uncomfortable later in the day. Hope my leg is better tomorrow

Ate some of the tamale pie left over that Kay had made. We also will be having it for a meal down there as we froze some.

Don't know if I'll be able to send from there. If not, should be sending again on Saturday or Sunday.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Still another quickie

23.VII.07 -

It is mid-afternoon and Chris just called. I guess they had some free time in Minneapolis, and in Spring Valley at Cady Cheese. They wanted to know if I would like to go out to eat with them. I never pass up a meal in a restaurant. I will probably be too tired to write by the time we get back here.

Well, I am back here and not too tired*. They are on their way back to their hotel. It was a nice time, but the food has really gone downhill at West Wind. Very weird mixtures. I was surprised that I had no trouble maneuvering the salad bar. For a while they had a good chef but he left to go to the Spring Valley Restaurant at the golf course.

Chris was able to get it thru my thick head the step I was missing to transfer the slides to iPhoto.

Today I did my general packing list for our mini-vacation. Using the walker will make me even slowing when it comes to packing. I don't take all that many clothes, but do like to have lots of strange things that I don't get around to using.

I guess you are finished with "THE BOOK." Were you happy or unhappy with the ending?

* I was more tired that I thought. I didn't get in any nap time at all today and got up about 5 this morning. I am going to get an early start for bed. I always say that but never seem to make it. Maybe tonight will be different.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

HP7, Part II


Page 284, only a little over 1/3 of the way in. Seemed like I hardly had any time to read today. Two more of my Twits have finished it. Poor Julia, has to wait for Marty to finish! I'm thankful that Bill is several volumes behind and so is not breathing down my neck! I do wish I'd gone back and re-read the last one, though. This one is not as forgiving about re-explaining everything. I guess she assumes if you've come this far, you KNOW what's what. Alas, some details have fallen out of the RAM cache.

Slept way late (after being up way late). Changed and laundered sheets, all the usual Sunday routines.

Fixed a pretty nice dinner, chicken topped with sliced large portabello caps in a rosemary cream sauce. Spanish cauli-rice and a simple salad.

Kitchen is in reasonably good shape, a few items need washing. Playing barmaid, yet again with the Old Fashioneds. The first one is a bitch, getting out all the stuff and tools. Subsequent iterations are a breeze. Cleaning up, bit of a bitch, of course.

Back to it!

Temp could mot be nicer

22.VII.07 - MoM

Might as well start the blog, even though it is 2:30 p.m. We are having a little storm so I had to unplug my wireless and go to battery power.

I was all excited about transferring some more slides today, but I ran into a little problem, first thing. I did not see any place to put in the identification and a place to save it. I wonder if the whole box I did yesterday saved. I did have a place to label it, however. I found the West Coast Family that Chris had done and it has all the classics. Will be fun to print some of them. There was another roll I did yesterday that had what I think was of stuff from around Paris but the pictures were mostly dark like dusk and I would have thought they might be black and white except once in a while a few bits of color. I must have done them as some of them were not properly "boxed." Another box I did yesterday was almost 100% snowy mountains from our first Swiss trip. They are pretty but not identified and soon all looked the same.

I have to get with it for getting my things together of Lake City. It's only for a few days, but there are so many little things that I miss if I don't have them. Since the units are individually owned, I will be surprised if they have internet connections. We were last there in Oct, 2004, and they didn't then.

I took it easy today and had one 15-minute nap. The above "storm" didn't amount to much with only a little noise and a few drops. I had just finished watering all the plants and the fountain on my bedroom deck. I don't know where the time went, but I guess I was ready for a quiet and more or less quiet day.

I had one of the two remaining chicken thighs with the sauce for dinner tonight. Still plenty of food in the reserve for me before we go.

The extremely hot weather didn't happen yet. I haven't listened to any weather on TV today, so I don't know if the earlier extreme heat is still in the plan.

I continue to be amazed at all you accomplish, Suzy, and find time to work and read, too.

Perhaps I'll have the poop to continue Austria tomorrow. I really do enjoy it.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Long Nights of HP7


Brief, must get back to The Book of the Hour, although the hour has become late, and I am still on call for building Old Fashioneds. (New sugar cubes... new club soda... huzzah!)

I made it to B&N about 3:30. Walked in, there were stacks of HP7 by the door, 20% off. It seemed way too easy. Turns out, I made it harder than it had to be-- stopping at our local Publix to food shop on the way back, I walk in and... THEY have them for 25% off! D'oh!

Whatever, I've got mine. Read just a few dozen pages before it was time to fix dinner: Old Bay steamed shrimp (which I then peeled for Bill's eating pleasure), a clementine/ avocado salad (which morphed into a clementine /cuke salad when I realized my both my avocados were marginally guac quality, but certainly NOT sliced salad-worthy). Fresh sourdough bread, Sushi. Pretty good meal.

Was glad to see your short post last night, Mom, and more so to have your longer post tonight. Good of Kay to leave you with lots of fine meals for the future, and how nice that Chris was able to get your pictures back in business.

And now I must get back to HP-Land. I'm on page 102, with 600+ to go. I'm in a race against spoilers, of course. I figure I'll finish sometime Monday. One of my twitter pals has finished already! (He was there at midnight with his daughter, and seems to have read non-stop since then.) Another is over halfway done. We all are pledged to not spoil each other.

The hobbits will just have to languish at Sarn Gebir for awhile.

Very excited about my new capability!

Hi! It's almost 8 p.m., and I hope I can stay awake long enough to write something before I fall asleep right here in my chair while drinking my drink. With my eyes closed who knows what is going to come from my fingers,

I continue to be amazed at how long Chris can sit (rocking) on the floor working on computers. He was able t get my Epson printer working again, then took on a project that was amazing to me. The little surprise I mentioned yesterday was getting our computers set up so I can transfer my seeming zillions of slides to my computer so I can print them!!!! I find it very exciting after the arm and a leg it cost to get those done just before we visited you, Suzy. I did a tray yesterday and one this afternoon. I have forgotten how many Chris did yesterday. Of course, they aren't labeled, but nice to have them available. I am totally amazed at the page of instructions that Chris whipped out for the program. Life would be so much easier if all of them were could be like that.

Margaret London just called as the nice woman that stays with Dot had told her about my hip -- I had called Dot last week. I had intended to call her this afternoon, but got too wrapped up in the "project"

and forgot, so just took time out to do it. Elizabeth has a new daughter to go with Thomas, and Annie has a baby girl on the way, too.

We ate well while Chris and Kay were here. I had the chicken thing casserole with artichoke hearts and Greek olives made and ready, the next night Chris grilled steaks on the little grill I had bought last year and hadn't used yet, and Kay made some excellent potatoes, that I need to have the recipe written out for me. Last night she made a huge amount of a Mexican recipe that I used to make a lot, but she did it without the recipe and her own additions. I actually had a good sized plate and seconds. She also put together the angel food, shaved chocolate and whipped cream dessert. I have several nights of food ready, now.

Sleep is beginning to catch up with me, lately just getting about 5 or so hours a night. We have been extremely lucky with comfortable weather during the past week, but the expect so really hot and steamy weather coming up soon. Will be good to have quiet and individual AC at The Willows.

I enjoyed hearing of your accomplishments, Suzy. I am amazed and think it is super. I did clear out the messy tote box and got a few things from it put away yesterday. Looking forward to to when I can jump in again. I have been emptying the DW and a little picking u[;

Keep falling asleep. I am going to live dangerously again and not proof this even tho some of it has been typed after I would fall asleep!

Getting ready to take the chill off ^ firepace

19.VII.09 - MoM

Just a short note -- I just looked at my watch and hadn't realized it was so late. Will bring you up to date tomorrow, except t say that it was a good day and Chris and I worked on our computers and may a good break through. Will tell you more about it in a few days. Chris also took me to get a haircut this morning. Kay spent all afternoon cooking and was pleased to see how much I ate. More tomorrow.

Can't even think straight .GOOD NIGHT to all!

Friday, July 20, 2007



Know I'm talking to myself, but here goes anyway.

Put a big push on yesterday and finished the comics duplicates-marking project. Sorted it by box, printed it out. Was already to go in to the Library this afternoon and start in earnest.

Usually on Friday Bill comes home at noon, we have lunch, then I go back in with him. Today, either I wasn't clear that I wanted to come in, or he forgot; doesn't matter which. I had gotten up fairly early, changed and washed towels (trying once again for a 3-times-per-week schedule, MWF), did a load of whites, and got the bathrooms and their floors cleaned. A full compliment of the Weekly Blessings finished up, even including lowering my coffee table stack to minimal levels. Even got the menus planned and shopping list made for a change. All by about 12:30. (The neighbors say, "She must be on dope." Remember dear Brother Dave?)

The end result was that I had a gloriously uncommitted and guilt-free afternoon all to myself! Ate a late lunch. Watched Stewart/Colbert. Finished the Houston Chronicle 4-star Sudoku. Read some comics (Lucifer) and some LoTR. (We're just now leaving Lothlorien.) Took a snooze. And... relaxed for a change. Nice.

Hope all's well with everyone-- that Chris & Kay are having a good visit, that Julia is enjoying her camping trip to Zumbro Falls (strangely, I've heard of this place, though I don't know why-- maybe from the La Crosse years?) and that Sandy and Charlie are enjoying their getaway.

Yesterday's mail brought the official reservation forms for my MVUHS 50th Year Reunion. I mentioned this to Bill and he was filled with revulsion! What possible good could come out of an event like this??!! Well, he may have a point. Yes, I'd love to see Carolyn and Mike again, since they are now good friends in my present life via email, but as he points out, it would be better to get together with them under less fraught circumstances. The three events are Golf/Dinner, All-Year Picnic, and Class of 57 Dinner. Do ANY of these sound like a good time under the best of circumstances? How about with people in their late 60's whom you haven't seen in 50 years? Okay, I'll have to admit, Bill is probably right. Unless there is some other compelling reason to go out there in early October, I think I'll pass.

Making Old Fashioneds again tonight. Bill has become mildly addicted to them. They are a bitch to make, but I consider it a labor of love. And just as I typed that, I hear, "Barmaid!" and I'm off.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Yay Me


Your headline sez "Welcome," but did C&K actually arrive?? Your post left it as something of a cliff-hanger, Mom. Hope all's well, and your dinner plans went off smoothly.

Got all the weekly Blessings done (even the coffee table heap) done, except for the kitchen and bathroom floors, which is scheduled for Thursday. Also experimenting again with doing towels 3 times a week. We'll have to see how that goes.

Interesting meal of Tuscan Stuffed Pork Chops (sun dried tomatoes, Fontina cheese, mustard, scallion, and crushed pork rinds). Braised asparagus tips and leftover cauli-rice. Served ON TIME-- yay me!

Put on a push to get the comics dup project finished by Friday. I'm up to S now, and the end is in sight. And after this long, I've got it down to a routine that goes pretty fast. I'm feeling good about the comics again, and plan to go in Friday afternoon to start the major physical de-duping.

Deep into Moria in my reading life. But just going to leave them there for the night. Want to get to bed by 1:30, up at 9:00 again. My latest attempt to join the rest of the human race in EDT, a few minutes at a time. A fight I can probably never win, but I keep trying. (I'm so noble.)

No rain again today.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Welcome Chris and Kay

18.VII.07 - MoM

I am writing this in the afternoon. Chris and Kay called from their hotel at the airport this morning. It had been late when they got in and got their car. They are coming here late this afternoon.

Paige cleaned this morning instead of tomorrow. I have put together the chicken dish and it is ready to go in the oven. Going to try adding the artichoke hearts and Greek Olives about halfway through the cooking time. (Changed my mind before putting it in. Didn't want to have to deal with messing with a hot pan so added them a little while ago during our storm -- see below.) I have the baking potatoes ready to put in, too. It is a little after three p.m. and I think I may go out and get the stuff ready to add to the romaine for a dinner salad.

It has cooled down to 80° from about 85° earlier today. I have the AC going in the "living area" but due to my infirmity, I can't get back in the bedroom corner to turn on that one, or up the stairs to put the one on in DoD's bedroom where Chris sometimes sleeps. Charlie and Sandy got the AC in the window earlier this week.

After that sleepless night I had, I got to bed early last night and slept like a log till about 4:30 a.m. Started my day then. I got in a couple of 15 minute back to back naps mid-day. I like to wake up long enough to reset the timer -- it keeps me from getting into a deep sleep, but it does refresh me.

It is 4:30 p.m. and I have shut off the AC so I can hear any local storm sirens if they happen. We are under a storm watch for a while and have been having some pretty good booms so I am unplugged. I also have the weather radio on. Seems as if that cell has passed us by. Hard to believe that as close as Dubuque had 10 inches of rain a couple a days go and we got only 1/10". Now sounds as if a new cell is approaching. Would be interesting if the power would go out when I have an oven dinner.

Chris just called so I wouldn't worry -- Kay is in a favorite "paper" store in St. Paul so it will be a while yet till they get here, especially as they will run into traffic. They said late afternoon and they meant it. I still haven't done the salad. My leg has been so good the past few days but decided to act up today. I took an Advil a little while ago and it is some better.

Since my very ancient large herb pot died last Sept while I was in CA, Sandy put together a beautiful one while I was in the hospital last month. It was spectacular. I could not believe it when I went out today for the daily watering on the deck to see that the center was mashed down and all that was left of the lush parsley were the STEMS! I am blaming the rabbit with a nest for years under the deck. I realize now that my previous herb pots did not have parsley. I grew it in a separate one in the sunroom. Guess I will have to grow my parsley in there again.

Oh Dear! I just found out that I have lost one of the lens from my reading glasses! I have no idea how long it has been gone or where I could have lost it. My glasses have a hard life with constant on and off all day, but I am not at all interested in bi-focals. I don't need them for the computer and can even read if I have to.

Oh! Oh! Severe thunderstorm warning over the Cities with possible nickel sized hail. Hope it misses Chris and Kay. Our thunder is back, too.

Thank goodness I had pulled all the computer plugs. I was standing in the kitchen doing some salad stuff when there was a major flash and clap almost simultaneous right overhead and all the power went off in the house, oven, TVs and all. Much to my surprise almost at once everything came back on, even the TV's. Amazing. Probably the mikro will need resetting, however. We only got a sprinkle and it seems to have moved on.

My neighbor, Rita, just called and they had that surprise loss of power, too, but when the lights came back on, it turned on one in the dining room that had been off.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Can Haz Tribble Troubles


This one may be even quicker. Much of the day in front of the monitor, trying to catch up with Bloglines and other things that arrived via email and tweets. There's just no way to keep up, yet I can't help trying. And sometimes, the effort results in gems like LOL Trek I keep going back to this one, and loving it more each time.

Offline time spent getting the carpets swept and actually finishing a book I've been reading on for months: Dork Decade, a compilation of "Dork Tower," a very funny comic about pre-Net D&D gaming. Also started reading vol. 1 of Lucifer, a Sandman spin-off from Vertigo. It's actually pretty good. May not sound like much, but on a day like this, I call it a win.

Realized we hadn't had red meat in about a week, so thawed out a couple of Porterhouse steaks and broiled 'em. Had an aging cauliflower head in the fridge I'd thought to turn into a FC curry, but it needed too much rescue for that. Made it into cauli-rice instead. Peeled and sliced up 5 of the clementines and half of a European cuke, served with rice vinegar and olive oil. A nice simple salad.

Wouldn't ya know, as soon as I acquire a brand new bag of beautiful fresh limes, Bill shifts into Old Fashioned mode; I get to use my ratty sugar cubes and my barely viable lemons. I don't really mind, as making Old Fashioneds always conjures up Dad in a nice way. I wonder if any bartender in town even knows what they are anymore. Certainly, none of them make them with Dad's 20-step procedure!

Hope Chris and Kay have an uneventful trip to MSP. Although from everything I hear lately, routine flights become less likely all the time. I do remember that Chris used to have remarkable luck when it comes to airline matters. Hope that luck still holds.

Bed time = time for bed. Read a bit. Brush teeth. Get to bed by 1:30. Suh-weet!

A Quickie Tonight!

17.VII.07 - MoM

Last night was one of the most sleepless that I can remember. I got to bed late (after mid-night) and had a little over an hours sleep then could not get to sleep until about 5 a.m., and then only only had about another hour till 6 a.m. A lot of the time I just semi-reclined in my chair and just sat. I did get in a couple of small naps during the day.

It was a lazy day, with my PT session in the middle of it, A couple of 15 minute naps didn't help much. Had my usual exercise routine and took a couple of quick naps.

I eaten reasonably but not a lot today. I keep dozing off while typing this so I am going to post it unread and go to bed NOW. Paige is coming early to clean then Chris and Kay are due some time after spending the night near the airport tonight.

Will get back to what ever normal is in a few weeks.

* * * * *

Daily Notes from Saalfelden, Austria, from our life there.

22.I.87 69.0 Kg Donnerstag

CHRIS' BIRTHDAY. Woke up with neck and general headache. A little better when on my back. Still not good when I get up about 5:30 a.m., so took a half Valium and two plain Tylenols after my cookies and tea. Helped after a little while. Had planned to make it by the dentists today for sure as my tooth gave me a bit of trouble yesterday afternoon, But by then my headache was really hurting. It had been 3 hours so I took one of the local Bayer aspirin and decided to wait until tomorrow for going to the dentist's. Funny, just as soon as I decided that, my headache was gone! It had been hurting down into my shoulder, so was more like the so called arthritis. Did wash my haiir in case I decided to gotomorrow.

Baked a bunch of my breakfast choc chip cookies, Got all of the stuff together ready to mix before DoD was out of bed. Got them into the oven as soon as he was out of the way with his breakfast preparations. Finally got the red and green quilted material sewed together at the edges so I could wash it prior to making another Kaftan yesterday, so got that washed this morning.

Well, so moods do swing on the plans for the future. When I got up this morning, I was ready to move back to WVA anytime and the 1 year, 4 months, plus the week or two seems like a long time. I am sure, I will change my feelings back and forth many times. Will be hard the day we leave here for the last time, I am sure. Like when the dollar lost the small gain it had made yesterday, I wondered how I could get thru the rest of the time with this yoyo exercise. Would be better if I just didn't hear it each day, ut since I like to listen to AFN, it is hard to avoid. Besides, we need to keep track so we can cash running epense checks on the better days. Yesterday's Herald Tribune had 5 articles on the mess of the dollar and further gloom and doom.

In the afternoon, I made an apple pie. I had been lulled into how easy it was to make a pie by using the small casserole lid that takes only one crust recipe to make a top and bottom by just pouring in the already prepared apricots. Did manage to use up about 10 more apples from the basement. They are keeping well. Just the skins drying a little. By the time I finished the pie it was time to start dinner, So yesterday was a lot of tie spent in the kitchen. I did not have any chest or back pains which makes me wonder further about the arthritis bit.

Made veal schnitzel and did potatoes in the Micro. Tried one of the Igloo vegetable mixes in a sauce pan, slowly with butter. Very good. Crust great.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Strategic Retreats


The hobbits, along with their five companions, have been struggling up Mt. Caradhras in a vicious snowstorm. They've finally had to give up and go back down again the way they came.

That's kind of the way I feel today. I worked and worked, and somehow there is more to do than when I started.

Another meal tonight that will amaze you, Mom: turkey tenders dipped in egg, then "almond flour" (which I created by putting plain almonds in the mini-Cuisinart), sauteed in oil, then set aside and sprinkled with tarragon and basil and kept warm while making a sauce of white wine and butter. Topped with sliced avocados and the sauce-- weird! But actually, rather successful, and zippo carbs.

Sunday I picked up a bag of clementines-- usually we only see these in cute little wooden boxes, which makes them very expensive. I wasn't exactly sure what they were, but trying them today, I discover they are smaller than tangerines, very easy to peel, and very tasty. I need to use they up quickly, though, as I know they won't last long in this heat. Maybe have them with some of the leftover avocados.

The Superhero book continues to make good reading, and is especially interesting in terms of defining comics genres. I have a lingering interest in writing something about the "funny annimal" genre, and this, along with Rusty Witek's chapter on Maus in Comic Books as History, makes a great starting point.

And speaking of comics, I did put in 15 minutes into marking dups. Almost done with the G's. If the clock weren't so firmly fixed into the AM hours, I'd be tempted to finish them right now. However, I suspect that work would have to be redone anyway.

Marty, I hope you are feeling better now that you're home and can relax a bit. I all too vividly remember what it's like to be stuck at work feeling lousy. Nice part about retirement: can lie down for 20-30 minutes when needed, often a miraculous cure. Take good care of yourself, please. And keep on twittering! :-)

Having the final swig here, a bit more mellow than when I started this post. Trying to decide if the descent of hobbits & friends into the mines Moria, or a deeper investigation into Seventeen magazine and the invention of the Teenage Girl would be more conducive to restful sleep.

No contest: MORIA here I come!

Improving daily!

16.VII.07 - MoM

You are correct about the incorrect date -- thanks for finding and fixing. The wrong year was on the original, too. I guess as it was so early in a new year that I slipped back.

Again, I accomplished very little. I am always slow to get going on Monday's as I like to do the NYTimes x-word puzzle and I'm still not done.

My leg continues to improve. I can get around the kitchen supporting myself on the counters or around most of the kitchen with the large walker. Charlie was able to reattach the knife holder panel back to the chopping block in the center of the kitchen now that I don't need that little bit of extra room. Today, while Sandy was in my "office," for some reason, I found that without thinking, I had left my walker behind and had taken about a half dozen steps without it. Oopps! I won't do that again for a while yet as to return there were no supports on the side that I needed them. I was glad Sandy was near to get the walker. Maybe the surgeon was not so far wrong when in passing he mentioned something about my walking unaided in a few weeks. We had both thought, "Ha, ha." I am not going to push it especially as this new walker is so much easier to use. I used the old one for that first break for most of 8 months,

The drought in the southwest and the southeast (including FL) looks scary. Of course, we are dry here, but nothing like that, According to the stuff I see on TV. We did get a few 10th this week, but the one due from western MN tonight has turned south into Iowa. It was a nice cool spell we enjoyed last week, but I'm sure we'll make up for it before too long. I haven't had he AC on today, but it seems to be warming up. I may sleep without any "covers" tonight -- still in my chair.

* * * * *

Saalfelden, Austria, notes.

21.I.87 69.0 Kg Mittwoch

Started the dishwasher at 5:15 a.m., then got back in bed till DoD got up at 5.45. I was having some trouble by then with headache, but trying to pass it off as yesterday's tears that can give me an "emotional hangover." Was better tho when I got up so can't be all that. Then the side of the head, etc., came back again mid-morning. Could not go to see about a dentist appointment as my eyes are still a mess. Can't call for one as the girls do not speak English and it is so much harder to do things like that by phone. Still hoping to have my head clear up again as it did for a few days so I don't have to try to get involved with a doctor. Had some pain after lunch but a couple of Tylenols helped that.

Feeling better about the whole moving thing but will miss a lot of things -- especially the good snow, the mountains and walking. DoD says we will find places to walk, but it would not be very often as it would have to be in town away from bugs. Can go back to "deck walking" like I used to. I came up with an idea for DoD that was new and appeals to him. Since he has never liked the flat roof above the dining room, why not put in circular stairs up to a new room above the dining room for his "study" or whatever. He even decided that the stairs could go up the tree hole.

Also, he is giving some thought to what appliances we could take home and convert or get a little generator to use. That is if we could not get a decent price for them here. Do hope the shipping/moving cost is not beyond our reach as we have brought over so many things that I want back there as well as some of our new things.

It was such a beautiful, clear day that we went for a walk in the afternoon. The "ice clips" on the bottom of our boots makes it possible. I kept thinking about how much I would miss the mountains then DoD said we could possibly "tough it out" and stay on more years. I found that at once I was coming up with many excuses of why it would not be good to, and reasons for returning to the States. What a mixed up feeling it gives one. I guess part is the fun of a change. Also, DoD spent a lot of time yesterday working on the plan of the room I suggested. Possible to make a master bedroom of it with perhaps even a toilet and basin in it. Always fun to have new plans in the works.

Sauteed the 2 trout filets in clarified butter with just flour on them and they were quite good. They were from the same company as the excellent whole trout we had found at Billa. As usual, these good items, but I guess expensive for the people here, do not reappear in the stores. I am crushed that they all seem to have dropped the Igloo Frozen Mexican Chili. It was not much like chili as it was loaded with red and green bell peppers but was a good dish. Used up the rest of the cauliflower and Hollandaise sauce. DoD had the rest of the mashed potatoes while I had a micro baked potato with sour cream. The only thing I had to use the stove for was the brief frying of the fish.

Enjoying rereading "The Immigrant," so rather than take a chance on getting a headache from reading in bed, and since DoD had nothing on TV to watch, I read in my chair. I had the headache anyhow, even worse than usual by the time I went to bed (about 21.00), so took Tylenol ^ Codeine. That helped.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Next Day...


Everything today was an aftermath of yesterday.

Now if only I had the guts to stop there, it would make the perfect blog post. Or a good first line to a piece of fiction. Alas, I'm a bit short in the guts department.

More thunderstorms, more not enough rain. Only two today, but the third was still rumbling around in nearby quarters of the sky when we went out late to shop, but never actually made an appearance.

Picked up some nice bay scallops, did a very simple treatment with butter, jalapenos, lime juice and cilantro. 'Nuff said. Last week's blueberries were so splendid I picked up some more. However, these were the very opposite-- pretty, but tasteless. Too late, I saw they weren't local-- blueberries from New Jersey?! Fageddaboudit. The Rainier cherries and cantaloupe were fine, though.

Bill asked for an Old Fashioned again tonight. Forgot to get sugar cubes, so making do with the sad ones. It all went much easier tonight, since I remembered all the details from last night. It's a real "cocktail," i.e., a combo of many ingredients put together in a detailed way that borders on fetish. Meanwhile, the bartender drinks Tanq on the rocks.

I think your transcribed jottings from yesterday should be dated 1987, not 1984, Mom. I'd be glad to fix it for you, or you can do it yourself. How nice of Dave Wood to pay you a call. He sounds like a good person.

Still thinking about Sue Wright. Here is an article about her in the local paper. Just so sad.

The sheets are clean, but I am not. Gonna go remedy that now. G'night.

15.VII.07 - MoM

I finally started on the rat's nest around my chair. I managed to get the tote box by my chair sorted through. Got rid of a lot of stuff but still the box looks full, and a stack of stuff, but at least both are neater. I am going to have to start doing the blog earlier. I guess I am not up to where I was, strength-wise. I had written this Saalfelden stuff yesterday.

I had trouble getting to sleep last night and was awake until about 1:30 a.m. The had the speakers at the dance turned this direction and I could here every word the on their PA system and the music was cranked up to vibrate the ear drums, so I was awake till 1:30. The fireworks are tonight but take place around 10.00 p.m.

I was quite surprised yesterday afternoon when Dave Wood appeared with a bowl of tuna salad. He (and they when they both come) always stay for a nice little visit. There was one of their friends that I had especially enjoyed seeing at their parties as we always had a lot to talk about. I may have mentioned that when I first talked with him again this last Easter he had seemed a little strange, almost like he had never met me. He was probably mid-70, but it turned out he had developed Alzheimer's. He was recently in the hospital having some surgery when he picked up an infection and died suddenly yesterday.

Glad to have the Hack book title. I am going to include it in my next Amazon order. I am very interested in the Ladora stuff. Of course, I don't remember my life there.

I guess I am going to give up and go to bed early tonight. We may be having storms tonight. I have gradually built up the supplies in my "shelter" so will wait for warnings before taking refuge.

* * * * *

20.I.87 -69,0 Kg Dienstag

Woke up about 4:39 after a pretty good night and got up after the 5 to 5.05 news. Finished a book I was rereading, meanwhile having on the 6 to 6.05 news with my tea and cookies, then the 7 to 7:20 a.m. news. Had a little of my headache in skull at ear level. Had a lot of problems with 3 fingers going to "sleep" frequently and having to be rubbed back to life several times. I was hoping that my head things wouldn't get worse so I could last till the Calif trip that DoD was talking about for April.

Well, we sat down and talked about some of the contingency plans and I found out that he does not want to do the States bit this spring as it would be very expensive for airfare, car rentals at both places (CA & WVA), etc., etc. I could not help tears of disappointment as I had been counting on getting this problem of my head checked out with perhaps a CAT scan and a good doctor who could speak English. He had not realized that it could be something worrisome and now will be putting pressure on me to go to a local doctor. I had been better for a while, but not happy to have it back again this morning, Had some double vision while watching TV last night, and again this morning while trying to read. (Today I think it was from too many tears still in my eyes). I was going to get the dentist appointment this morning, but I am too cracked up and can't stop crying. I was so looking forward to getting something going on the California house and looking forward to the trip. I had started the day with a ½ Valium and 2 Tylenol for the head, but then about 10 a.m., took a whole Valium. He figures it could cost $8 to 10,000 as well as losing time here that we would be paying expensive rent for. Also, we will have great expense to move things back from here, hopefully not before our lease runs out, then expenses to move things from WVA to Iowa. He even talks now about being able to keep WVA and Iowa and split our time until we are ready to decide on yet another retirement place we would like. Still keep thinking of Flagstaff, but need to check it out further.

Have lost interest in making curtains or further fixing up of the downstairs since we don't know for how long it would be but are pretty well decided that we hope to stay only until our lease runs out. (Even if the dollar improves, the hotel prices that have doubled will not go down so that takes much of the joy from traveling and makes it impractical.) May just settle for some area rugs that we could take with us. Do have the material for my office curtains which I may or may not make up now. Did solve one thing I had wanted to do. I had wanted drapes for the "guest sitting room" to shut out the daytime and street light so we could set up the slide projector in one place and not have to rearrange everything for sometimes just one set of slides. Since the guest bedroom does have some of the Frau's drapes, we arranged a table there so we can leave it in place all the time. Our main thing now is just to keep our health and enjoy the time we have left here. We still have no real crisis, but just some change of plans. Of course, there could be a miracle and the dollar might swing up -- but nothing points to the possibility of that happening. Besides, in another year I might be looking forward to moving back as I do like change from time to time. Wish there was someway we could take back the electrical things, too. Also, as we get older, it would be an impossible task for me to take on if anything happened to DoD.

Just could not seem to get interested in anything and even with the pills would have crying spells, so finally just read. Made my lunch out of popcorn and tangerines. So much for dieting. Napped with my head on my desk for a little then tried to take a nap in my chair, but that made the pains in my neck and head. Later in the day we began to talk of trying West Virginia again instead of trying to sell it and move to Iowa. Would have to put up with driving every place, bugs (perhaps with air conditioning we could keep them out), and perhaps could ask neighbors to pick up mail in winter, etc. Well, we have a year plus to decide. Iowa would be much expense to make comfortable and there is no resale there with depressed farm prices. Even in good times, prices are nothing there. I was looking forward to getting something going on it to get it out of Aunt Dottie's and our hair.

Made the macaroni, beef and canned tomato stuff using the large Spice Cookbook instead of cooking the macaroni first as in "Sponsler dinner." As I only was using 200 g of meat, I only made ½ the recipe and we finished it all. Tasted good. Called the tomatoes in it our vegetable. That's a lazy way out.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Joy List


Three, count 'em, three thunderstorms today, and just a few sprinkles to show for it. The first one caused a power blip sufficient to make my desktop machine reboot-- very annoying. I NEED to replace that UPS instead of just talking about it. Need a new scanner too.

Finished Girl Sleuth today-- sorry about the title/subtitle confusion, Sandy-- I'd mentioned the author and full title in earlier posts, but should now have assumed anyone remembered. Anyway, wonderful read, and has quite a nice ending. Mildred Wirt of Ladora was quite a character.

Was planning to get back to Rivendell tonight, but picked up another book I bought last week, written by a guy I know from the CAC at San Diego, where I presented. It's about superheroes, a topic that doesn't particularly interest me, but I was happy to see it at Borders, and wanted to support him by buying it. Surprise! It's really very interesting and very well written! I'm going to have to read it next, I'm afraid. It's Peter Coogan, The Secret Origins of the Superhero, for those keeping score at home.

Didn't get out to shop today, letting the rotten weather deter me. I found a swell Plan B in the freezer: Chicken Skillet Alfredo (using frozen stir fry veg and refrigerated store-bought Alfredo). Pretty good! I've done some work on the menus, but still have two that need nailing down.

Bill surprised the barmaid tonight by requesting an Old Fashioned. Fortunately, I'd just run across the Ur-recipe in Dad's handwriting (well, a xerox of it) a few days ago and knew right were it was. Even more fortunately, I had everything needed, even an ancient, unopened bottle of club soda. I do need some new sugar cubes, though; the box was covered with dust (on top of the fridge) and there are only a few rather ratty looking ones left. My "muddler" (a tiny wooden spoon that Williams Sonoma used to use as a decoration on their gift wrap) is showing some signs of wear also-- a notch is broken out of its tiny bowl. Still, the results are apparently still more than satisfactory.

How different life would have been, had you decided to take up residence in Iowa instead of RF, Mom. I'm sure you've thought about this many times.

Just now learned of the death of a friend-- not someone I was close to, but part of a loose circle of UF computer people. She was just 49, way too young by any standard. Another reminder: each day is precious. We all need to do something, anything, every day that brings us joy.

Here is my little Joy list:
  • Finished an online 5-star Sudoku same day it appeared, first time through.
  • Fixed a good dinner that everyone liked.
  • Finished a good book that made me smile at the end.
  • Made a complicated drink that reminded me of Dad's unique sense of humor.
  • Discovered that Pete's book is wonderful.
I'd call this a Good Day by any standard, despite the sadness. Sail On, Sue...

Yesterday's Blog sent today

13.VII.07 - MoM

River Falls Day parade is underway downtown with much noise from many bands from all over the area, cars hooting, etc. Before long the outdoor dancing with loud music will begin and will last until late. Some fireworks just started even though it is still very light outside. It really sounded as if some fireworks were just shot off that sounded as if they were on the trail that runs just above our house. As dry as things are, I am not too thrilled about that. Later, I am sure they will have them down by the lake but since the trees have grown so tall, we can no longer see them from our house. We have only watched the parade once and that was only long enough to see Julia march by.

Had my PT today about noon. Sandy and Charlie had been running errands and had eaten at Subway, so they brought me by a sandwich. I hadn't had anything from there for quite a while and ended up eating a all of it.

They have been storing some of Jane's stuff in my garage, but they cleared in out to make room for Chris to park when they get here next week.

I got this far (including the daily stuff) and suddenly got so tired I could not face checking it and even transferring it to send, so I gave up and went to "bed" still in my chair and was asleep instantly.

* * * * *

More from the daily notes from our time of living in Saalfelden, Austria.

19.I.87 69.0 Kg Montag

I had yet another good night, but won't try to get away with sleeping on my right side again as I woke up with the bad headache. I was kind of keeping time on it as I had gotten away with it the night before for about an hour. I think this time it was only 45 minutes and there it was. I am certainly going to have that checked when we get back to the States. Had to close the one window I had opened at abut 3 a.m., as the room was down to 2 C and I didn't want to have to keep watching. Ungortunately, the thermometer is on the right side so have to wake up enough to turn over to keep track. If I could only sleep on my right side, or if we could move all the probes to the other side of the room that would not be a problem. Took no pills again last night.

Took the Christmas cards down from the glass entry doors and put any new family information on my computer file, then filed the ones with notes. It should make it easier for next year. Have given up on trying to codense the ifo and put it into the address additional sheets, then print it out as I did the first year. While that was a great ides, it was getting too volumnist and took too much time to do. The filling and bringing the computer up-to-date along with a Sepp Berka shopping pretty well took care of the day.

With the fast falling dollar we are having to rethink our plan for spending the rest of our lives here. we could codense back to one floor (when out lease runs out in 1 year, 4 months) which would take some adjustment with all the new stuff or perhaps, if she made the price right, get along just fine with giving up downstairs for the "Dacht Wohnung" However, DoD is thinking of the way the hotel prices, etc., are not only gaining in price due to the dollar, but the way the hotels have raisaied their prices all out of reason making it too expensive to travel.

So, it was a bit of a shock to me when he suggested that I try to buy out Aunt Dottie for both Iowa housesm live in one while we fixed the other, then move into it. I am not too interested in spending some of my inheritance for two houses that will never have much market value. Also, the thought of living in Birmingham after living here in this lovely, large house and with the views of the mountains and the snow took quite a shift in gears. Also, will mean trying to sell our appliances and some stuff here, shipping a lot, etc. At leastm, we still have a lot of good things in WVA. Also, would sell WVA as it is too hard to get around in during winter and the gnats are terrible for me. There are bugs in Iowa, but the gnats are not so bad.

Well, it gives me plenty to think about. Might consider living in the so called "New House" rent free, paying the utilities, acting as caretaker, making it comfortable, but sharing major expenses on a 50/50 basis until we could get the so called "Old House" ready to live in, then let that be her house. Many plus and minus things to think about.

Made Swiss Steak in the pressure cooker from y Micromatic recipe plus a few changes that I have written in and it was excellent, Just takes 15 minutes after browning it. Then, another 5 minutes does the potatoes in with the meat and gravy Had cauliflower with packaged Hollandaise, Good dinner.

Friday, July 13, 2007

When Harry Met Nancy...


Scooba and I did indeed keep our date yesterday, and had the kitchen floor done by 1:00 PM, thanks to my being out and about early. I drove Bill to work in time for his early meeting, so I could drive in and PARK for the 5:00 retirement party without having to be on campus all day.

After dropping him off, I went on a Football quest-- our preferred brand of antioxident vitamins are only available at select stores we don't routinely frequent. (We call them Footballs because of their shape.) Victory! We're now stocked up for several months.

Also got bathrooms, towels and floors done yesterday, and today feather-dusted the house (blessing the world afterward, of course), which gave me a complete series of Blessings EXCEPT for the dangerous looking pile at my end of the coffee table. It is a data-slide waiting to happen.

Must confess I've not been able to plan next week's meals yet. Nothing in Leanne's weekly mailer inspired me, and I have a ton of stuff in fridge and freezer I know I need to use. Just need to sit myself down and make a list of what I have, then translate it into five days of meals. Oughta be easy, oughta be simple enough. Why is it so hard to actually DO?

Let the record show that I'm now up to the "G's" in my comics dup project.

Hope you continued progressing with your walking, Mom. And I'm sure you'll feel better after next week's haircut. I can't imagine you going that long-- and your hair that long! I continue to enjoy my shorter hair. So much easier to wash, and it poofs out enough to hide my elf-ears most of the time. The second a single strand touches my shoulders, I'm back to have Beth hack it back to my jawline again.

Understand about the second camera now. It's one of those things it's better to buy in person, so you can get a feel for it and what the viewfinder arrangement is like. If you end up not using the first one, maybe you can find a good home for it.

I continue enjoying the Melanie Hack book about the creation of Nancy Drew. I'm not finished yet (three chapters to go), but I recommend it Mom, because of the Ladora connection, and to Sandy in general. Not sure Marty got in on the book craze, and surely Julia missed it. Nancy Drew was not quite the Harry Potter of the olden days, but something close to it.

Which reminds me, enjoyed exchanging tweets with both Marty and Julia today! Makes me feel a bit less isolated from Family Central up there in faraway Wisconsin.

Time to get some shut-eye. This time of year, the nights are short. Grab ye sleep while ye may.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Making some progress walking.

12.VII.07 - MoM

I am keeping my fingers crossed that I have made it over the hump with the leg pain. Yesterday afternoon and again today I was able to put more weight on it and walk more normally, using the walker, of course. I only took 1 Advil and that was first thing this morning. I was also able to get around my small kitchen without the walker by using the counters to take some of the weight off of it. That is a big help as the kitchen is so small, it really slowed things down maneuvering the walker in such tight space.

My hair is the longest it has been in years. It just stops growing at this point. It is only long enough to pull it back and make a little pigtail -- never grows long enough for a ponytail! I have an appointment for a haircut next week. It was a couple of months overdue before my most recent fracture.

About my 2 new cameras -- I love the 1st little one (Olympus FE) but it presents me with a big problem -- there is no view finder and you are expected to see what you want to shoot looking at a cute little (about 2" square) "screen." However, especially in bright sunlight there is no way to see anything on the screen so one is shooting in the general direction and taking your chances. It came from Amazon just a few days before I broke my hip, so I had no chance to give it a good trial and perhaps return it. Even Sandy says it is not good in sunlight outside. The new Cannon not only has the screen that is moveable but it also has a view finder. The Olympus also has a little flat battery that has to removed and put in a special little charger from time to time instead of having replaceable batteries. I had purchased my original Olympus through a catalog but it was just an upgrade of one I had had for a long time. So for the newest one, I made sure to go to a store, hold it, ask questions about it, etc., and I like it very much. It is heavier, but I don't have to carry things all day like I used to when we were doing European "carless" travel so weight isn't much of a factor. I think that also helps me hold it steadier.

Every day, I am taking on more things around here. I filled the bird feeders in the patio today. Tomorrow, I think I'll take on the ones out in front. My new walker makes it possible for me to go on the bricks there without having to lift the entire old one due to such tiny wheels and in front only on the rough brick surface.

* * * * *

Continuing daily notes from Saalfelden, Austria.

18.VII.87 18.I.87 Sonntag

Nice to have yet another good night. Woke up a lot as usual, but no headache. Had one window wide, but had to put it back to a crack when the room got into the 30's F, as I did not want to have to keep watching it. Had taken the French cough syrup at bedtime again as I was coughing a lot. Slept in till after the 6.00 news (5 minutes).

Let the dusting and polishing slide and started early down stairs on my office stuff. Finally finished my new file folders and got the stuff refilled. Looks nice. Was charged for 50 folders, but turned out to be only 49. About 75 cents each and a lot of them had been cut short and crooked on the sides. But the good part is that they are out of very heavy stock and are mostly folded straight at the top. Quite a job to get all my "tabs" cut and put on evenly. The expensive paper cutter was wonderful for that. Also, got some disks cleaned and rearranged. Kept busy all day. Had some chest and back pain by the end of the day, but not as bad as lately.

DoD had a big day as he could watch skiing in the morning and early afternoon, then football highlights later in the afternoon. The games are some weeks behind but are a joy to him. His exercise lately, with all the TV watching keeping him in, has been walking inside like we used to do in winter in WVA. It would be good if he did upstairs and down, too, but the hallway is quite cold. Also, there is a goodly amount of room for good walking in our upstairs.

Marinated a 200 g pork tenderloin in olive oil, white wine, onions, garlic and thyme. Put garlic slivers in it, covered it with Rama and baked it till it was not too dry. Really turned out great. Put some of the leftover washed potatoes in the Micro with butter on them (really are good reheated) and had carrot and raisin salad. Went to bed early and read for just a little bit as I had not heated my room.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

As Time Goes By


Thinking about the movie Casablanca tonight. Trying to remember the exact wording of a particular quote-- the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world-- and found it at once on the net. However, I'm left with the musical residue in my head.

Thanks to Marty and another Twitter pal, I now have an idea of what "Business Attire" means. Maybe I can start shopping tomorrow when I drop Bill off at work. This is so I can come to a retirement party at 5:00 and not have to spend all day on campus, when the real work that needs doing on comics is better done at home.

I blessed the floors today, both the terrazzo and the carpets. Yay me. Still have the dusting to go. And of course, Scooba and I are scheduled to tackle the kitchen floor tomorrow.

Girl Sleuth is wonderful! It has extended the stay in Rivendell, and that's always a good thing for the hobbits and me!

Okay, Mom, I'll bite: Why DO you need one camera for indoors and another for outdoors? Do you plan to leave the new one outside?

Just remembered sink is half shined. Need to go attend to that.

And just did. I wrote this post from bottom to top. Can you tell?

Nothing like spending money!

11.VII.07 - MoM

I had a busy and spendy shopping day. We went to Target in Hudson for an additional camera -- doesn't everyone have one for indoors and one for outdoors? I ended up with a Canon that has a little view finder or you can use it with the little "screen." Too lazy to lift computer off my lat to get the the accompanying book that came with it to get the proper names of its features. I need a little radio that I can listen to a couple of stations in the Cities during the night when sleeping in my recliner. When I get back in my bed, I will plug in my combo weather and network radio out there. Meanwhile, there is no place near my chair left to plug it in and I hate to use its large, expensive batteries. Since my other little one gave up a couple of nights ago, so now I need one for travel and in between like to have one in the bathroom during the night. It needs to be small so I can pop it in my suitcase for travel. Target didn't have anything like it so decided to go on line to order one from Amazon. It is due here tomorrow.

I have gone to sleep a couple of times while writing this and what I typed in my sleep didn't make much sense, Had lunch at red Lobster and I ate like a horse while Sandy (fast eater) got the new camera picture ready. We also shopped Kowalskis. Going to end this rather abruptly so I can get

* * * * *

Copying daily notes from Saalfelden, Austria.

16.I.87 69.0 Kg Freitag

Woke up a little before 5 a.m. so got up. Had a good night with no neck ache. DoD woke up too, and, as I thought he was up so I spoke to him, and wonder of wonders, he got up then, too. Made waffles for breakfast. The waffle iron works great, even tho it does not let them rise as much as our irons do. Did a couple of quick things on the computer before 7 a.m., while he was finishing breakfast.

He was down in his office and at it before 8 a.m., as he had a couple of things to finish. I used the time to work on the end of the French (still have one mounted box of Italy to label), then since he got into something else on Apple, I got the color prints numbered and put in little books, Also, have the ones I want reprinted right now ready to take down. Well, that shot the morning. Somewhere along the line we lost our AFN cable. TV still okay and checked the radio cable and seems to be working,

After lunch I checked my Sunset Magazines and found I had not received any since July. Wrote to them. and, finished my French slide labels. Back and neck hurting from sitting and using my arms, but even the neck is more like the arthritis (as the doctor calls it) pain. Susie and family arrived upstairs for the weekend.

Made spaghetti for dinner, with tossed salad and French Bread. Still not reading in bed but going to bed shortly after 20.00 Uhr.

17.I.87 69.5 Kg Samstag

Had a good night with my pills, after I took the Quintopan cough syrup at bedtime for a trickle. Tried to listen to the radio a couple of times for news but a basketball game was on. It was an extremely long one and messed up the 6 a.m. news. Was in tears when I found the AFN on cable was still not working as my little radio does not get the station during the day. Do hope it is a weather related problem, instead of no longer being available. At least, it has gotten me used to having something on, even tho most of the time I can't stand the music. Perhaps, having to listen to German, if I listen to anything, will exercise my German.

Spent the day at my desk. Worked on the files and made 20 more file folders as well as sorting the old correspondence alphabetically. Don't know why I hang on to a lot of the old stuff. Not going to have too many file folders.

Felt okay with just a little shoulder and back pain. Great glee, when late in the afternoon I found AFN back!!! Had fried chicken, mashed potatoes with some "wet sauce" (It could hardly be classed as gravy but did not try really to make gravy) and peas. Must start the diet again so I can be ready for California.