Lotsa Flies

Soares Clan news and views; A continuation of Two Flies. Hoo Ha.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

30.IX.07 - MoM

With a day of off and on small storms necessitating unplugging the computer and more called for tonight, I guess I might as well start this in the late afternoon before I do something about some food. I think I am going to open a can of tamales, something I haven't had for a long time. My stomach isn't interested in anything I can think of. I don't think even hummingbird tongues would appeal to me tonight.

I made it through last night in my bed again. My current mantra is "No pain, no gain." I can only stand it for two or three hours without getting up to "mill" around for a little bit before going back for another stint. For as painful as it is in bed, I am always surprised and glad that my legs don't give me more trouble during the day. I really need to keep Advil handy and remember to take it.

Except for the Sunday hour Today Show and Tim Russert's hour this morning, I haven't had another news program on all day until the NBC hour news between 5 and 6 p.m., then i'ts back to the Home & Garden (HGTV) all day and tonight. Quite a shock to my political junky system.

Just a few more stickers this evening and I will have completed the month, except for the 3+ Iowa days. Really a flashy calendar. Usually, I would not try for any activity during the "Willows on the River" stay, but I just now decided that I am going to do whatever I can during that week. I always seem to give up after a month. This will be a real test of my will power if I can continue it for another month. I just have to be realistic and not give up if I have to miss a few things.

Late this afternoon, I had a call from Chris and Kay and they expect to arrive on Friday. Kay is interested in checking out the freezers for the food for the week rather than shopping for more. I think that is a great idea as it is hard for me to plow thru them, and a lot of the food is for more than one person. So much just sets in there getting further out of date and in need of tossing. With two apartments there we will have two good sized freezer tops in the Fridges so should be able to handle the frozen stuff.

I lost interest in the tamales and ended up instead making grilled French bread with cheddar and olives toasted in the oven. I made so much that I will be snacking on the rest tomorrow. With V8, orange juice and high protein Boost I think I can eat dumb sometimes and it did taste good. I ate it along with my drink. Now, I am falling asleep as I pause so time for bed and I am going to try sacking out.

Gator Gloom


Seems like I've been typing for hours, yet no blog is posted. Sometimes it just works out that way. Email, other stuff needed my fingers. With any luck, my brain was involved too, but who knows.

Gators went down to Auburn again today. What a perfect end to a dismal week. But then again, looks like most of the top ranked teams bit the dust today. At least we're in good company.

Talk about desperation dinners-- I resorted to a recipe on the label of a can of salmon! I happened to have a lot of romaine leaves, grape tomatoes, a nice Euro-cuke, half an onion, plenty 'a Feta, and everything needed for the dressing of a half decent Greek salad. I need to replenish the pantry and the freezer, though. This can't go on much longer.

My reaction to Magic will have to wait til later.

Good you were able to sleep most of the night in your bed, Mom. That's a good start. Keep at it. It's a necessary survival skill. I wish you a peaceful sleep. And one for myself, too.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Can't get to bed too soon -- asleep on my feet

29.IX.07 - MoM

Last night was my first full night in my bed since my latest broken hip -- a little over 4 months. Since my chair doesn't recling like it should, I decided to start the night in my bed. It was fine for a stint of several hours on my back. Once I got past that, I just could not stay on my back. I finally resorted to some sleeping on my side despite the pain managed a couple of spells of sleep on either side. I managed to get a little sleep each time and was able to last the night until 5:20 a.m.

While I am not as enamored as I used to be with the Today show, I usually turn on the Sat 2 hours that begin at 6 a.m. I managed to stay awake till time for it. I was really unhappy when they started showing :"paid" program stuff. Turned out they had golf starting at 7 a.m. I managed to stay awake by having CBS morning show for a while. I gave up on MSNBC as they were repeating so much crime stuff that I have already heard several times so went to HGTV. It served as back ground especially since I had already seen some of the stuff several times and it was purely background noise.

Just one more day to go on my stickered month on the calendar. Only missed our Iowa days, but I had durin the last 4 days in August -- my starting date.

I earned my little glittery parrot on the calendar today with the "Fridge Toss." Times like that I am exceedingly grateful for a garbage disposer dump. I cut up the cooked chicken (from this week's rotiss) for the chicken dish I want to have ready for Chris and Kay's arrival on Saturday.

Had my Thea call and she was able to hear and understand me well. She didn't stay on the phone long as she was "busy" sitting at the dining room window watching the exciting activities across the street leading up to the wedding there tonight. The weather has been nasty, but has cleared up and is supposed to be good. There is also a wake at the house next door (across the street, too?) for some one there who just died.

Early this week. I need to revise my "Willows" take/do/etc., list.

With my old age, like so many other women, my eyebrows have lost all color and lately, I have resorted to having to "enhance" them a little with a pencil, a drag, especially as the facial clean wipes away the day before's effort. I am trying very hard to keep this subtle, but it is a drag. I am kicking around ideas to make it easier. Currently, I am considering a little cutout that I could tape to the brow area and do my short "pencil" strokes within the cutout area. Have only been giving this any thought during the past few days. I'll keep you posted on this earth shaking idea as it develops. I wonder if there is something like it around?

Time for bed and to give my brain a rest.

Friday, September 28, 2007



Can't help but have a giggle that you have heard/seen a new Bruce tune before I have, Mom! I've been resisting bootleg sites, and tho I know the Today appearance is already on YouTube, I've so far resisted it too. Call me extremely old fashioned, but I'm waiting to hear the whole album (yes, I still think in those terms) when it's officially released Tuesday. Glad to hear you liked what you heard. From all accounts, this one seems to be a crowd pleaser, and I am so part of that crowd.

The past few days have been pretty forgettable, so I'm busy forgetting them. Let the record show that the plates I juggle called "weekly routines" landed pretty much on the floor. Only fresh towels are still in the air (i.e., folded and in the linen closet). But, Monday is Another Week, right?

Can only hope I'll be able to dig out from under the other heaps of plates, mostly of the paper variety cluttering up the physical space, but also the mounting middens of digital trash. Necessary to plow through them in order to rescue the rare gems buried there.

For my own record: I read Arthur C. Clarke's Songs of Distant Earth over the past few days. Just what I needed, just in time.

A call went out from the Library's pre-owned book store today for mass market paperbacks to resell. I quickly identified 10 that we own in hard cover. Will get them in next week. I'm sure there are many many others.

Hope you resolve your chair/bed problems, Mom. Bed is a good skill to have, especially if you want to travel. Good luck with that!

Tomorrow is a local Gator game day, but it's a night game. Which means it will be a bitch to shop any time during the day. I will give it a shot, but expect to encounter zoo-like conditions.

Bar is still open. Will make my last one, then try to stay awake for Bill's drinking pleasure. It's only 1:30! Which reminds me to note: Outback was virtually deserted last night. Great fun, as we arrived early, and had plenty of time to chat with Mel -- been ages since that had been possible.

No title, my brain is still asleep

28.IX.07 - MoM

As usual, last night I started the night in my chair even though it no longer leans back to almost flat but in between that and upright. It was later than I wanted my bedtime to be but I slept for about 3 hours. After about an hour of wide awake, I decided to see what the bed would feel like. The little bit of thunder and lightning had cleared out so didn't feel the need to drag my heavy radio out there but could use one of my little battery ones for noise. With an Advil, I went right to sleep and didn't wake up for another 3 hours and time to get up. I am giving serious consideration to starting out there tonight. I do need to get used to a bed as I won't have a recliner in Lake City.

Today was the first time I had really heard more than a song or two of a Bruce concert. I found the "Living in the Future" interesting enough to Google it, so I could perhaps really hear the words after his "prologue." It will take a several more "listens" yet to get all of them. Later I read several places that it was the favorite song on the new album.

The rest of my several orders (except for the lettuce seeds) came today. Even though it wasn't quite as humid as it has been, it is so great to be able to pick up a dry glass and one that isn't soaking the coasters under them. I am working on ways to add the ice that comes out violently from the ice machine. The system I used today seems to be very okay. I really loved being able to set a glass down anywhere and not having to center it on a coaster and hope it wouldn't flood it. I like them so well that I think I am going to order two more of each. I still have more Visa "rewards" I can use so they cost next to nothing.

The Phil Stong book also arrived. I did look up the two Dr. Bauman references. I had remembered a supposed connection to Queen Isabella of his curio but had forgotten the details. I have never read the book, but will do it now.

Another amazingly beautiful fall day with warm enough temps to have the doors open. Still, it was cool enough to have the fireplace feel good during the cool morning and evening enough to take off the chill.

The Box Elder bugs have begun their immigration to my sunroom. With my current slight handicap, I am not too anxious to try to suck them to their doom while awkwardly maneuvering the shop vac around the room. They are harmless but I don't like having them swimming in my water glass when I take a drink in the middle of the might or crawling over the food I am preparing in the kitchen. Charlie is going to get in touch with someone he knows to check on exterminators. They are very common around here and naturally, Sandy and Charlie have them in Spring Valley.

I keep falling asleep as I am typing this so I am going to give it a quick check then after I send it, it will be off to bed, if I last that long.

I didn't last and just woke up. Going to chance this and send it unread. My bed is calling and I hope the long "nap" doesn't keep me from sleeping.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

zzZzzzZzzz -- I give up

28.IX.07 - MoM

I do hope you are feeling so very much better, Suzy. Wouldn't it would be great if you could catch up on all that sleep that you have been missing.

It looks as if I will be able to send again, tonight. Thanks, Suzy I presume you took care of it even as bad as you felt as I forgot to tell Sandy about it when she was here for a little bit this afternoon. I kept her busy with things like finding my distance glasses that had fallen off the table by my chair*, a battery operated lamp switch and other little things. Now that I have my new system for my stuff on the table by my chair, I should not have that problem anymore. *Kay had found them in the tangles mess of cords on the other side of my chair once when they were here.

I used my new indoor grill tonight and I am very pleased with it. I did a little beef tenderloin steak. It was nicely brown on the outside and amazingly evenly pink all through the inside. The recipe that came with suggested 6 minutes a side and I did 5 and it was just right for me. There was no fat on the little steak. Even if there had been, I don't think there would have been much smoke. It was so easy to clean up after. I think it is going to add some more variety to my meals, I hope I can clear out more of my freezer stuff. It is going to be great for chicken and might take the place of the Rotiss chickens.

It is 8 p.m., and I can't stay awake another minute without a very quick nap. zzZzzZzz!. Okay! Now I can get back on track for a little while longer although I am yawning. After I woke up, FL began to prod me to finish up the little bit of kitchen stuff that was left, and I gave in. It only took about 10 minutes. I am delighted at how easy the grill clean up was.

During last night, I had my usual wakeful time and I was ready to go to sleep again then when I tried to lean back in my recliner, it wouldn't go into the usual almost flat mode. I checked all around it as well as I could in my current condition and coulc not find anything stopping it. Then, I tried DoD's chair and that would not work either. I just didn't have the push to get all the things I seem to think I need around me transferred to my real bed for the short time that I am able to be comfortable there. After a little Freecell, I got sleepy enough to try it in semi-reclining position. Thank goodness, I was tired enough to get to sleep. It was not easy when the alarm went off, but it was my Paige cleaning day so I wanted to get my tea, cookies, banana and watermelon out of the way before she came.

I continued with a another day and a full compliment of stickers. That began the 5th week, with only the mini-vac missing. Just now I happened to touch my face and was pleased at how much smoother it feels instead of like a drying prune.

More unplanned zzZzzZzz. I that means I have to give in to sleep. Now, I suppose that I have taken the edge off, but I am going to sign off and try.



No blog from me tonight-- feeling poorly. Maybe tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Mom's Blog

26.IX.07 - MoM

I was surprised when I had 2 good nights in a row. I could not stay awake last evening so gave in early for me, expecting to pay for it with long wakeful times. I had to get up a couple of times, but was surprised that I went back to sleep so quickly. After resetting my alarm a couple of times, I finally got up about
6:30 a.m. Didn't get in any naps and it isn't even 8 p.m., and already I am getting sleepy. Dinner is out of the way and I am just starting my drinks so I am going to try to stay awake until a decent bedtime. I had the fireplace on this morning and now this evening, but just to take the chill off and will be opening the door before I go to bed unless it is raining in too hard.

I am going to have a full compliment of stickers tonight. The "parrot" (hot spot designated site) today was for getting all my checks written for the month. I had 7 to pay this month but usually only have 4 or 5 as the bank takes out the rest.

Today, I received a couple of the things I had ordered -- the tomato seeds for my AgroGarden and the other package was the smokeless indoor grill. I have a weak temporary doorbell so I guess I didn't hear them arrive so when I went to get the mail there were two packages on the porch. I will never forget Dan moving the desk/bookcase from her bedroom to one of the other ones in
Los Altos. If she could do that, I surely could figure out a way to get the grill out of the mailing box and into the house, even with my little hip infirmity. I got one of the Rubbermaid stepstools to the porch to get the shipping box off the ground a little bit so I could get it out of there. And, with other small steps I got it in and onto the bench in the foyer. You can bet I was extremely careful after the fiasco Sandy and I had with the BBQ Pit Slow Cooker as I got it out of the box with the tile floor. Since I had a rotiss chicken from yesterday that I hadn't started to eat yet, I can hardly wait till tomorrow when I am going to try it out. It should be easy to clean as there is only one piece to wash and that is the tray that has water in it to keep it from smoking.

I wish the "storm" would make up its mind. I was unplugged and realized a few minutes ago that all was quiet so I plugged in the computer. I had hardly done it when the thunder was back.

Can't think of anything else new to write about today. I am going to try to get to bed early tonight. When have you heard this before? I want to get an early start so as to be through with breakfast before Paige arrives to clean.

Now to hope for a 3rd night in a row of good sleep.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Not Half Bad


I remember, and care, about Bruce's Today show appearance, Mom, but wouldn't you know, I have a doctor appointment (routine annual maintenance) that morning. I was tempted to try and change it, but it's such a hassle and would involve a long delay. My current media capabilities are pathetic. I have no way to record the show in my absence. How the mighty have fallen. No doubt it will show up shortly on YouTube. And besides, I'll have the new album to enjoy next week. The whole album is widely (and illegally) available online, but I'm an old fashioned girl-- willing to wait for the sanctioned release. Just call me Relic.

Got to sleep hideously late last night, and slept ridiculously late this morning-- but still less than 8 hours. As predicted by the hypothesis, it was a day of spinning wheels with little to show other than ruts in the road. I did work on the editing project, and it (at least this phase) is very nearly done.

Had planned to do a shop today: B&N, ABC, and Publix for some salmon for tonight's meal. Didn't happen. I found some frozen raw shrimp in the freezer that looked viable, so adapted one of Nan's old recipes for Braised Rice with Shrimp & Tomatoes using cauli-rice. Didn't get it exactly right (a bit too goopy) but it was not half bad.

After driving myself (with the timer) into finishing the kitchen cleanup, I remembered that I was going to have to start thawing/marinating some flank steak for tomorrow night. I did it-- turned out to be just lime juice, chopped onion, chopped cilantro, salt and pepper. We'll see how it turns out tomorrow.

And ya know, for a day when it seemed I got nothing at all accomplished, I actually was fairly productive, now that I look back on it.

Not sure if I'll make it into the Lib tomorrow. I dearly wish I were able to get there under my own steam, but parking is the deal breaker. The longer the hiatus, the longer it takes to get back into the comics groove.

Fell asleep writing this

25.IX.07 - MoM

Last night seemed to continue my new sleep pattern -- a very good night followed by a not at all good one. Last night was one of the latter. There was no catching up with naps as I had a 1 p.m. appointment with Dr. Karlstadt. He was the surgeon who took care of my break. One of the offices he works out of is in Stillwater. Sandy had morning appointments with student teachers not too far a field so it worked out okay. No lunch out but a Kowalski's shopping. We were the first on the afternoon appointment list and arrived early. I was surprised that they took me in for my X-ray and almost instantly followed quickly for my visit with the doctor and we were out of there about 5 minutes after the time my appointment was supposed to start.

As I was going across the Kowalski's parking lot, a woman (attractive and about 45 to maybe 50) stopped her car and lowered her window. I was quite surprised when she wanted to tell me how nice I looked and how much she liked my outfit! (Have forgotten the exact quote.) I had on a pair of my Stretch and Sew brown slacks from the late 1970's, brown turtle neck, and the $12 white cotton jacket from Sears that I had removed the pockets from and had embroidered a design I had drawn and embroidered on the pockets and put back on. (It was in my recent hospital wardrobe as I had to get dressed every day and it was popular there.) When in Red Wing with Chris and Kay, I bought a sort of "Cleopatra" necklace for $10.00 that I thought would be good with this outfit and I love it. With my social life at the Woods or Sandy and Charlie's, I have been having fun putting together new combinations from clothes that I haven't worn for years. So much for throwing out anything you haven't worn in a year or so. That is an advantage of stretch material -- these were the same clothes I was wearing when I weighed 165 and now at 138. (I hate to admit that the waist and pot haven't changed all that much.)

In case you are interested and may have forgotten, Bruce and gang will be on the Today Show on Friday. Usually, the stars appear sometime after 8:30 and before 9 a.m. Sometimes, they appear several times in the 9 to 10 time slot. This month they have added yet another hour -- 4 hours -- ridiculous, but I doubt if any of it would spill over into that -- I have yet to have that on. Also, I seldom leave it on that channel for the 9 to 10 and have yet to listen to the 10 to 11 hour.

I could not stay awake so took what was to be a 15 minute nap. It lasted quite a while longer and I had a hard time waking up to finish this. I hope I can sleep this well later tonight.



Drinking the last drink and yawning the last yawn, probably. Monday Night Football, of course, followed by some editorial work I'd put off way too long. Was just about to bag it when I noticed you'd posted, Mom. Congrats on 28 days of sticker-worthy routines. I'm so proud of you.

Your friend Ann is a sad case. As I remember, she is addicted to cokes. That's what's killing her. If she could give up those things, she'd see the pounds melt away. Driving 42 miles just to get on a scale and see it has gone up again, plus she pays for this "service" (probably Weight Watchers) -- pathetic and self-destructive. She is a poster child for the so-called obesity epidemic.

Glad to hear even a political junkie like you has maxed out on the never-ending circus that is the modern election cycle. For a while I was watching through the humorous filter of Daily/Colbert, but even that has become too much. Wake me up when it's time to vote, and there's a selection for "None of the above."

Old habits die hard. My sleep experiment was disrupted this morning by a need to gopher Bill off after a mere 7:45 hours. An hour in the pm brings it up to nearly 9:00, after the fact. I did okay-- got the towels done, a load of whites, both bathrooms and their floors scrubbed and some rather detailed Zone work done in the master bath.

Not much quality reading time (besides the usual treading water in the swamp of email, blogs and social networking), but made a good dent in the latest load of magazines Bill brought home from the P.O. Box Friday. Problem is, it only gets checked every week or two, so it's feast or famine, periodically speaking.

Did the fried chicken breast and peppers thing I'd put off from last night. Discovered bugs in the cornmeal-- yikes! What to substitute for that part of the breading? Decided some instant grits might fill the bill, and indeed they did. Cauli-Rice and green beans with. Took a long time, but a good meal.

Still plenty hot down here, but today at least the sky was blue, the clouds well defined, puffy and white, and the air quite breathable. None of these conditions have been frequent lately. I'm not so naive to think it's a sign of autumn, however. Florida Fall-- the sweatshirt day-- it still far in the future, I'm afraid.

And so to bed.

Monday, September 24, 2007


24.IX.07 - MoM,

Last night, I was late again getting to bed -- 11:30. As usual, I woke up at about 1:30 a.m., but to my surprise, I was only awake for a few minutes and didn't stir again until I woke up at 7:30 a.m.!!! Amazing for me to get 8 hours.

Ann Jacobs came by about 11:00 on her way to a weekly check in St. Paul of her weigh in with I have forgotten which group. Unfortunately, she has gained back what she had lost when she came by shortly after I broke my hip plus maybe a little more. She expects to start to reverse this again when she gets back to Jax in a week or so. She admits that she has no will power and needs to go to meetings several times as week. Here she is 42 miles away so struggles to go to meetings even once a week but does better there as it is only 5 miles away. I have never seen her so heavy. I wonder how she gets behind the wheel of the car to drive. Her sisters worry about her as they are tall and naturally slim.

Tonight, whn I do my after dinner eye drops and pills, I will have completed another day of the routines. Tomorrow will be 28 days except for the 3 days I missed completely on the trip.

Today's "parrot" was for taking care of the birds in the patio, including cleaning out their bath and hauling water to it from the kitchen as the hose is turned off and I can't get to it. I got out the mini-vacuum to take care of the tracked in dirt and bird seeds and acorn bits and pieces in from the patio and across the living room carpet. It did a very good job. In my current state, I can’t handle the fun robot. Besides, Paige will be vacuuming on Thursday.

My TV dinner is ready but it is getting very dark and T-storm warnings are on the way with strong winds. May end up eating in my "shelter."

Time out to eat my Salisbury Steak TV dinner

I have the eating out of the way and am having my drinks. Still rumbling and I am using reserve battery. One walker load, including the computer and weather radio is about all I need to move. This is to last till mid-night. And, now a little later, all is quiet for now. I have the patio door open and the air is so good. I won't be unhappy when this nonsense gives way to winter and the storms are over. I guess I can't complain, as the season was quite late in starting this summer.

I wonder how many other political junkies are becoming jaded and feeling the effects of the ridiculous early start of the next election. I am watching more and more HGTV (Home & Garden TV).

Ann shares one of your traits, Suzy. She can't put a book down at night and ends up reading till 2 or 3 a.m. She no longer is comfortable sleeping in a bed so sleeps in a lounger and can keep her own schedule.

ZZZZZ -- so much for a 15 minute nap. I just woke up and it it 10:15 p.m.
I finished the day's routine so I can get my stickers. Now, I hope hope I can get back to sleep again. For some reason my stomach is hurting. I can't post this until I go and plug in to get back on line.

Football and More Football


Just out of a very late shower. Meta-football, football, football, football, more meta-football. That's my day in a nutshell.

In between that, I realized that the chicken dish I had scheduled would be redundant after last night's pre-fab thing, so switched to "Mexican Noodle-less Lasagna." My result is named Mexican Noodle-less Lasagna-like Glop. Recipe called for canned enchilada sauce-- none in store, and the two cans I found on my shelves were long past it, so had to make my own. Turned this "simple" recipe into a 3-hour marathon while trying to watch football. Plus a marathon clean-up afterwards.
I think my hair is dry enough now to go to bed. Clean sheets await. Perhaps tomorrow I'll have more of a handle on what happened today. If anything.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

More strange sleep time

23.IX.07 - MoM

I slept so little last night (mostly real sleep for a couple of hours in MY BED a little after mid-night, then from about 5 to 7:30 a.m.), so don't want to go to bed so early, but I just have to get in as little as 10 minutes. It turned into 20 minutes. Now, I am having my other drink and have Tim Russert and Hilary turned down because I saw it this morning.

Marty and Ben came by on their way to shop today. Usually, he is talking a mile a minute with much referencing to the space DVD stuff that I have a hard time following it. However, today when she got him started on school, he love talking about it and I was able to understand most of it. It is obvious that he thinks it is great. He was the first one named by the teacher to bring the "treats" to school as well as to show and tell. He hadn't been here for quite a while. Charlie had put his toy box in the garage and it was the first thing he looked for. Marty brought it back in and he was happy to see it. He played with his building blocks with much concentration so Marty and I could talk about her job. I enjoyed the visit.

Sandy just called and is going to call back because they are watching the new Ken Burns war epic. During our chasing MN State Parks getting our little "Passport" signed at something like 52 or so of the then 54, one of the towns we went through in Western MN was Luverne. I remember when Ken Burns was "shooting" his Civil War thing in Harpers Ferry. He and his wife were staying at the a little motel near Harpers Ferry. We used to eat lunch at the restaurant there from time to time. He was not real popular with the employees. I saw his interview on the Today Show this morning.

Ann and Dick Jacobs are getting ready to leave Spring Valley in a week or so for Jax for the winter, so she is coming by for a little visit tomorrow. Dick, being a MN native, would stay here all the time, but she has her mother there and a gorgeous house so they split the time. When I met her in German class and she was also taking Japanese at UWRF they were staying during winters. That's before her father's Alzheimer's took its toll and he died.

I was able to get all my stickers again today including my parrot. I gave me that that was getting my rain gauge and the bird bath on my bedroom deck cleaned out as well as the deck plants watered. Won't be long before the gauge will be put away for winter.

Going to see how well I can sleep tonight. I am more than ready right now!



Got up after a mere nine hours of sleep (i.e., 11:00 AM). Wanted to be sure to be ready for the big movie date.

Big movie date was a big disaster. I was disappointed in the movie, but Bill hated it. Not having read the book, he had no idea what was going on. And to top off the experience, during the final, climactic reel, the projector started to stutter, which went on for several minutes of blurry, jumpy film before the thing suddenly stopped. Only about 2 dozen of us, at most, in the postage stamp sized plex, and we were less than delighted when, to keep us entertained, they turned on the low lights and played audio commercials!!

As for the movie (Stardust): It's too bad that they took a charming story and distorted it to give more scenery chewing to two major stars in minor parts: Michelle Pfeiffer as a murderous witch who will do anything to look young again, and Robert DiNiro, as a captain of an airborne pirate ship who's secretly a cross-dressing queen. Not the finest hour for either of them. Plus, plot continuity clearly sacrificed to give more time to gratuitous special effects.

Shopped on the way home, picked up a prefab Chicken Cordon Bleu (Bill's choice). It required 45 minutes in the oven, so we ate rather late. Sushi and leftover Texas 2-Step slaw as sides.

Ah well. At least I have stuff on hand for next week's meals. No chance to continue the 11-hour sleep experiment tomorrow, as I like to be up in time to watch meta-football (ESPN's Sunday Countdown, or whatever they call it these days) which starts at 11.

Watched Georgia upset Alabama in overtime. Since Megan is now a freshman Bulldog, I found myself cheering for them, even though a 'Bama win would be better for the Gators.

Glad to hear you earned your little glitter parrot today, Mom. Good for you! Not sure what I earned today, except for the George Tirebiter "Not Insane" award. My daily allotment of clear stuff is drunk, I'm too bleary to read, but the bar is still open for last call. Perhaps I'll just rest my eyes for a bit...

zzzzzzzz... . . . . . . . . .

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Is it too early for "Indian Summer?"

22.IX.07 - MoM

Will be interested in hearing how the 11 hour sleep pattern is working out. I used to do 10+ hours when I was working at BH Nite School. While you add hours, I have been going the other direction. I had my 15-minute nap this afternoon and some awake time during last night with a late to bed and early to rise (the Today Show starts here at 6 a.m., on Saturday) today. I expect to have no trouble sleeping, tonight. I am going to try to go to bed as soon as possible after I finish this and my drinks, that I am just starting, at a decent hour. What a long convoluted sentence that was. Too tired to reformulate it.

Don't know where to day went, but I did spend some time getting most of the family and friends vitals for the rest of this year and all of 2008 on my FL calendar. I had my usual call to Thea (she mentioned that you had called, Suzy) and for my tiny glitter parrot "hot spot" addition to the calendar, I finished unpacking my suitcase and putting all of it away. Then, I was able to make my bed.

I also called my sister this afternoon. She was quite interested to hear about the house and wants to make plans to make the trip to see it. I can tell, however, that she is continuing to lose ground. I called Barb so she could pass on to the others about the Iowa house, but she wasn't home. I don't have Kathy's phone number but could have found it, but by then I was tired. I might try tomorrow. After all, it was their doing that the place was finally sold.

While you are having that lousy weather in Florida, our temp here was barely in the 70's -- really perfect temp. Thea likes to keep up with the weather, but she hadn't heard today about the heavy snow in the Sierras. It is frustrating to her that she can't read the papers so they have stopped them and she said they hadn't had the TV on as it is almost impossible for her to see or hear it,

Tonight, I had the first chicken pie in quite a while. It tasted pretty good for a change. The peach pie was quite good with it. I am having my gin after and hope I can finish it before I fall asleep at the computer.

One of these days, I will get back to the daily notes from Saalfelden. When I stopped, it was during a not so happy a time, but now that I can look back on it, 'All's well that ends well' and it did.

Good night!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Experimental Sleeping


Still in our rainy regime down here on the sand bar. It rained off and on all day yesterday and most of the night. This morning dawned bright and sunny, and was clear, if hot and sticky all day. Then after dark tonight, sudden thunderstorm and a truly torrential rain. Never know what's going to happen next. Such an exciting time of year.

Had a great day today. As I've always suspected, I need much more sleep than the average bear. Last night I got 11 hours-- and that's not counting the two-hour crash after we got home from Outback. Yeah, the day didn't start until after 11 AM, but I was, if not a ball of fire, at least a smoldering smidgen. Finished up all the daily routines and weekly Blessings, even have next week's menus and shopping list done. I asked Bill for a date late tomorrow afternoon to see Stardust, the well-received movie based on one of Neil's books. I'm amazed it's still in theaters after 4-5 weeks, and want to take advantage of a non-Game weekend. Been several years since we did the Popcorn Experience.

Bill thinks I should experiment with sleeping 11-13 hours a night and see how that goes. It's tempting, but I am held back by my family heritage: Maman, who feels guilty when she sleeps past 5:00 AM, my dear sister who is up with chickens, like her forebears, plus an entire culture based upon competition for worms, the earlier the better. Feh, worms, who needs 'em?

Will be interested to hear what you think of the Bodum glasses, Mom.

Okay, been up 15 hours. See you in 11. That would be... 1:00 PM tomorrow afternoon. Hmmm. Not sure this is going to work.

Slow and steady wins what race eventuallu, I hope!

21.IX.07 - MoM

No weather warnings tonight. On tonight's weather they said there was a touchdown of a tornado last night in Woodbury, but only a little one. The weather guy just said that there was nothing but "severe clear" this weekend. By Sunday, it is going to be quite warm again for a little while.

I continue to wake up during the night after a few hours sleep and it takes a while to get back to sleep then I don't wake up from till after 7 a.m. I guess, I am going to have to set an alarm as I don't like to get such a late start on the day.

As I think I said last night, the glasses you have are the same ones I was thinking about. After hearing how long you have had yours and that they have worked out well, I placed an order to Amazon for a pair of the 13 oz beer glasses ($19.95) and a special they had of two old fashions for an additional $14.95. Then I got the free postage and I used one of my $25.00 reward certificates so they only are costing me $9.95. I had been thinking about glasses with straight sides, but this morning, as I was drinking my tea from one of my new cups that flairs out, it didn't touch the sores on my lips that regular cups and glasses were irritating, and realized that I really liked them, so ordered the glasses that are like that. I should be okay with the fragileness of the glasses, presuming that they arrive unbroken, as I seldom break glasses or dinnerware. I didn't put fast delivery, so I hope they will get here before we go to Lake City. I got an e-mail today that even though the grill was backordered and wasn't to be delivered for a little while, now it is scheduled for next week. I have realized that being smokeless, it won't have the smoky flavor of a BBQ, but still expect to enjoy cooking on it.

I am still doing well with my stickers and calendar. I am much more likely to remember and/or be more motivated to do the routine for that sticker. Today, I added a new one -- for cleaning up a hot spot. Since I am still sleeping mostly in my chair, the table beside my chair has collected so much extra stuff, such a meds, etc., it was so junky and full of stuff that things were always falling off the table and sometimes, even with my grabber, it was not easy to retrieve them. I scouted around my messy bedroom for a couple of empty boxes to hold all the miscellaneous stuff and to keep the stuff under control. So, now one side of my chair is under control. With my sticker incentive, hopefully, I will find time to take on the other side with its computer and 3 printers plus stacks of paper stuff. I have enough hot incipient conflagrations to keep my busy so I can use my new tiny glitter parrot stickers for "job done."

It's only 7 p.m., (lots later now) but I haven't eaten yet let alone had my drinks, and I keep dozing off even with the a TV home restoration program louder than necessary and typing on this. Guess I'll turn down the sound a few decibels, and fix something to eat so I can have my gin and get to bed. Only had a 10-minute nap today so I should be able to sleep.

Enjoyed the interesting fried potatoes with a zap, the thin sliced pork, cold, and some cucumber, all thanks to Sandy, and some peach pie. Good, and quick dinner.

Sleep is going to feel good!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

"Stormy Weather"

20.07.07 - MoM

Looks like rock and roll time, again! Weather has been great all day, but storms are building up. So far, they are still a little north and west of us. I will keep my fingers crossed. Haven't started to move anything into my "nest" yet.

Dinner will be a reprise of last night -- nothing that needs heating. Pie will replace the excellent watermelon that I ate most of the rest of for breakfast. Just a little left for tomorrow. I am currently having a twinge of dizziness. That has slowed me down late this afternoon.

The glasses I had been looking at on Amazon are the ones you have, Suzy. I seldom have glass breakage problems, so since they have worked for you, I am going to order a couple after all. I want them for ice water and I am tired of having to continually mop up our coasters, although drier fall conditions are on the way, I hope.

For some reason, I had trouble sleeping last night. Finally, I got into a deep sleep at about 5 a.m., and could not believe it was 7:30 a.m., when I woke up. I haven't been setting an alarm to wake up early. That got me off to slow start. (There is the Pierce/St Croix watch and it lasts until 1 a.m., UGH! Winds of to 65 or more per hour. Already doing tree damage in Minnesota. I am beginning to hear distant thunder.)

I decided to start a little storm prep and the more I heard made me decide to do a real storm prep. Before long we were in a tornado warning and one was spotted "by a trained spotter" near River Falls. It was rather confusing as there were various watches and warnings on the weather radio for River Falls. We are still under a severe thunderstorm watch until 1 a.m. I have left the bare minimum in my "shelter," in case something develops from their watch.

I was so well prepared that I was able to take my cole slaw, pork and pie in with me and pass some of the time eating. I had just poured my evening drink after eating when it seemed to be okay to return to my chair. The warnings/watches for Spring Valley were just announced. They will probably ignore it, but there are two of them and they have a basement if it gets really bad. They have a hail warning, but her garden is done.

About the time our warning sirens were going off, my "Lifeline," (Rita) called to see that I was doing okay. I was unperturbed and calm and she was really nervous about it. She is about Sandy's age with a mother a couple of years older than I am, who is very frail, and a retired truck driver husband.

My upset stomach is better and I am actually awake enough write and hopefully proof a little, tonight. By the way, are you feeling better, I hope, Suzy?

Sandy just called to check on me, about 8:30 p.m.. They had some of the storm. The radio was calling for more of it in Elmwood and Plum City, a little south of them.



Rain off and on all day and into the evening, temps never got above 72. Tempting to imagine it's a sign of autumn to come, but a look at the Weather Channel reveals that it's a tropical system trying to form right over Florida. Will need to keep an eye on it, but current prognosis is that it will not get organized. And, it's supposed to get hot and steamy again by the weekend. Sigh.

Slept late after a mostly sleepless night. Moved very slowly through the day, grateful to have my routines to tell me what to do next. Remembering some FL dictum about staying in bed if you're sick, and if you're up, do routines as best you can. And so I did.

Didn't do the crock thing, but instead decided to use to the stew meat to make a single-portion of "Beef Stuff" (default is a triple batch) and immediately turn it into Tuscan Soup. The cool weather made a comfort food like soup feel right.

Sometime recently there was blog-talk about thermal glasses. The ones I saw at Sur le Table in the Ferry Building and later bought online were Bodum Pavina. I have two tumblers and two taller ones. We love them, and use them every day for drinks. Yes, they're fragile, but unless you're using them for wild parties or picnics at the beach, they are sturdy enough for daily use and are fine in the dishwasher. I'm drinking out of one as we speak.

Just finished The Ophiuchi Hotline, and it was wonderful. Fascinating to see the explosion of ideas that he would play out later in the unrelated Gaea Trilogy and to get some clue what was going on in Steel Beach. I also realize why I couldn't figure out what was going on in Golden Globe enough to get into it.

Mom, when things like CTRL-V start to seem confusing, remember the menus. The menu system is your friend, especially on a Mac! Pull down the Edit menu and just select what you want to do.

Fun with Facebook: Doug's daughter Megan has just started at the University of Georgia, and has added Bill and me as "friends." It has me thinking about my first few weeks at Cottey. I spent so much time handwriting letters to family and friends... if only I'd been able to have a blog, think of all the time I'd have saved!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Falling asleep again!

19.IX.07 - MoM

I hope I can get this done before I get as sleepy as I was last night. As I was finishing writing last night's blog I fell into a deep sleep in my chair with my computer on my lap. When I woke up, I was sort of foggy. I managed to highlight what I had written and get into the blog when my mind went blank and I could not get my brain together enough to remember how to get it copied. I kept telling my self "control - V" but could not remember which key was "control." I was ready to give up when I finally came to and remembered. I had only had my first drink but decided I was so tired that I didn't have the other one. I managed to do my eyes and take my Lipitor, then pulled on "your" blanket, went to sleep in my chair at once and hardly moved till morning. I think I got 8 hours. Except for my lip being quite swollen from a sore, I was fine. I put some anti-biotic ointment on my lip and the swelling is down tonight.

I am going to eat well tonight. When Sandy was in town today, we brought by some thinly sliced roast pork -- that meat slicer I bought a year or so ago was a good idea. I decided to park it out there as it was a drag to clean and I wasn't using it. DoD and I had worn out an older one, mostly slicing bread when I had a bread baker. She also brought some good cole slaw. There was also cut up watermelon. Sandy, it has been longer than I can remember since I have had such good watermelon. I had given up on it and had stopped buying it! I am looking forward to having more of it for breakfast tomorrow!

Earlier, Dave Wood had dropped on a big piece of peach pie. Some one at church had given them a batch of peaches so Ruth has been busy. He still had some other pie deliveries to make.

I finally got around to "creating" a new flower card this afternoon. This time it is daisies and, is that "firecracker" or some such, Sandy? I also wonder if that red flower I showed you. "Salvia?" I am going to do something with that tomorrow. While I expect to bring a lot of those plants into the sunroom, I want to be sure to do something with them for cards in case a freeze might sneak up on me.

Even though I only had one 10 minute nap this morning, I am not so very sleepy as I was yesterday. However, I am going to try to get to bed at a decent hour. Just getting ready to start my 2nd drink.

Funny, One of my favorite interior designers on HGTV just snipped some flowers from the yard and copied and blew them up to make pictures for the wall.

Is your local U of FL dust up dying down a little? It was still on the news this morning, but nothing tonight. Nothing like a few other scandals to dilute things like that. Thank goodness for the above HGTV for background noise to keep the house from being quiet as a morgue.

Back to a full compliment of stickers -- really helps to remind me of pills, etc.

I'll be sorry, but I just fell asleep in the middle of this so think I need to get posted before I go sto sleep again. Still sipping on that second drink. Not going to try to proof yet again. Sorry!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007



Feeling a bit wonky tonight, so this will be short (again). Drinking a coke -- yuk. They are horribly sweet, but good for settling down the innards.

Pretty stupid business on campus last night. On all sides. Why this should make national news is beyond me. Just another example of the news media desperate to sensationalize anything they can.

Got the bathrooms and their floors cleaned today, so at least that was something.

Cooking weird things continues. Last night I made something called a Bacon Cheeseburger Quiche. It had hamburger as the "crust!" Bill announced that I could cook that every other night -- the alternate nights being the pizza-quiche thing.

Tonight it was a spinach/ sun dried tomato/ feta frittata. It was good, but probably too many eggy things in a row, at least for me. Tomorrow will be a crock pot thing, with nary a cackleberry involved.

Probably won't go in to work tomorrow: Bill is uneasy about various situations there, and doesn't need worrying about me added to his burdens. My plan is to put some time into designing a real database for the comics.

I'm reading an old sci-fi thing I've had for awhile, a kind of prequel to some other stuff I liked: The Ophiuchi Hotline, by John Varley. I never know what's going to strike my fancy when or why.

Glad you are feeling better, Mom. I wish you felt more comfortable using your Lifeline for things like that, though. That's what it's for! It would have made a lot more sense to have a talk with a professional close at hand, who could actually take action if it were needed rather than have Sandy and Charlie drive all the way into town. This is for your own safety.

I'm happy to hear you played the organ today and are keeping your routines going. Wish I could get into the habit of playing my keyboard every once in awhile.

Uh oh. Just remembered I have a small load of laundry to fold before bed. Not like me to let that get away from me, at least not since FL.

Oh, and Happy Birthday, Billy, wherever you are.

18.IX.07 - MoM

Your University really made the news Big Time. Between that and OJ overkill, I didn't have news channels on all day like it used to. Now, I use HGTV (Home & Garden TV) for my background noise. I only have the Today Show on for the original 2 hours -- 4 hours is crazy. I changed channels for a lot of that this morning, too.

Hard to get back in the groove again, but I only have my before bed routines left to do, after my after dinner drinks. Sandy and Charlie were here a little after 7 a.m., this morning. Charlie had his early appointment for his Chiropractor. He came by here to put markers by my sprinklers as the people doing the yard treatment including reseeding some. I was surprised that the worker arrived so early. A rain shower didn't stop the operation. Later, Tom made a quick visit bringing me some more fish. Sandy or Charlie took down my garbage and Nate brought it back up this afternoon.

After my early rising (5:30), I needed my morning 15 minute nap. It's only 8 p.m., and I could fall asleep as I type this. Guess I'd better take a minute and pour my first drink.

My leg was giving me fits so I was taking it a little easy. I decided it was a good time to check in with Kay. And, I took an Advil. After our usual extended conversation, the Advil had taken effect, giving me a lot more relief than I thought possible. The swollen feet and ankles are back to normal today, thank goodness. I am sure that part of the blame could be from not having my feet much as I am used to.

I was checking some stuff on Amazon and came across some glass "thermal" glasses. They were expensive as 2 for $25. They sounded great, but I decided to read the owners comments. That really changed my mind. Even the people who had favorable comments mentioned how fragile they were and many of the letters told of having them arrive broken. When I told Sandy about it, she said that you have some glasses you like. Any further info about them would be appreciated.

I surprised myself this afternoon, when I gave into an urge to try the org. A few weeks ago, it had been a failure. Much to my surprise, "Lazy River" went pretty well for being out of practice. I am now determined to try to get in a little practice every day.

I took the pictures off my camera, most of them taken by Sandy. There are some just tolerable ones that Include me.

I am suddenly so very tired that I can't write any more tonight. Will do better tomorrow. I can't proof as I keep salling asleep and I didn't even have my other drinik.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Getting caught up - 15 mins at a time

17.IX.07 - MoM

I got started on proofing this, but suddenly, I am so tired I don't think I could force my system to do it. If some of it doesn't make sense or it is filled with errors, it is going to have to wait till some day when I can fill it in on line.

Not to worry about your blog. Since I had written at length the night before I was resting on that. Last night, I was so involved about what I was going to do about the major swelling in my feet and with what I should do about it. I remembered that after I had a little incident in the hospital here in the 90s, I had a little heart thing and they sent home a thing to put on the Fridge about taking instant action for swelling there and linked it to "cardiac arrest." I hadn't taken my water pill yesterday morning, but took it when we got home and it should have helped the swelling a little. I have done that from time to time in the past with no effect. I thought of the problem was having my legs down for long periods of time. I did try to move and wiggle them like you are supposed to do on the plane. I didn't want to call Rita, my Lifeline contact, to talk with her about it as she would have already been in bed as she goes to work at about 5 a.m. at the hospital. When Sandy called to see how I was doing and asked if I wanted them to come in, as much as I hated to say "yes," but I did.

Thanks to their being here, I was able to sleep without having to worry about what to do if I needed to go. I took the water pill this morning and skipped the one I take to stop it after I am "drained." My feet are still swollen but not quite as bad. Wouldn't you know that my doctor is away all week. Now, I want to go in and have a potassium lab test, but I have to see a doctor to get it. (I take 2 potass capsules every day and have always been perfect each time I have the test.) The only doctor I could see is the one I just left for this new one. It was so embarrassing when I have seen him around while I was in das Spital. I really hadn't seen him a lot before I made the change, however. I am using my will power and have not been eating many of the double batch of "salt" bombs till I get it checked. Lately, I have been cutting way down on salt, but I stuffed on the toast,yesterday, that Sandy and Charlie say was almost too salty for them to eat, at the Hungry Peddler yesterday at lunch. I am having the leftover chicken breast and hash browns from there, tonight. I ate a lot but there is still even more for tomorrow.

I tried to not sit so much today so about every hour I did something active for at least 15 minutes. I unpacked the suitcase, put most of it away, and did 2 loads of wash and dried and got it hung up or put away. I also got in several 15 minute naps. I think I did most of my routines today, now need to put the stickers on tonight. I also got a rather detailed e-mail sent to Bill Dwyer as he was interested when I talked with him, as one of the few remaining cousins. He was wishing he could be there, too.

We are in line for perhaps some pretty strong storms tonight and almost every day (or rather night) for the next 3 or so nights.

It was great to be back in my chair again last night after waking up every few hours aching so with every little movement in a bed, When I was in Lake City with the "kids" this summer, I slept pretty well in that bed with an occasional change of pace on the sofa.

I have the door open at almost 8:30 p.m., and I am sweating. Don't like to leave the front door open for cross ventilation. I guess that it will cool off enough with just the patio door open.

As soon as I finish my other drink, I am going to be more than ready for bed.

I continue to love to hear of your FL stuff and food -- it inspires me to keep on trying and that it is really worth it.

Just Another Football Sunday


I become a pretty dull girl on Football Sundays, especially when no one else blogs. Does anyone really care who won in Week 2, and which ones I watched? I didn't think so. Or our various AV problems? Nah.

Even my cooking was boring-- Bill's favorite No-Carb pizza. We ate it in front of the TV, since that's the only one that gets the big networks. \Yawn\ Not even reading anything interesting-- just catching up on magazines.

I want to hear about the rest of the Iowa jaunt!

Oh good grief. Just noticed there's now a button to add VIDEO to the blog! The mind boggles.

Saturday, September 15, 2007



Wow, you're not kidding about a full day, Mom. Lunch in the HyVee (not quite what you were expecting), getting to go into the old house (and meet a young man who loves it) and then getting to see Elizabeth too. Sounds like all bases were covered. You all are one spunky batch of cousins.

And you do indeed have the very best of tour guides. Or, as celebs call them now, "Tour Managers." Sandy, you could have a second career, you know. I'd hire you in a heartbeat, if I were going on a book tour -- ah, dream on...

The damage done by that blasted Bejeweled game last night continued: I could not fall asleep! Every time I closed my eyes I saw those sparkly gems dropping ever downward in random, pretty patterns... Finally went to bed at 4:30AM, but could not sleep. Dragged my sorry ass out of bed around 11, after less than 6 hours of sleep. Couldn't even nap this PM--- those frakkin' jewels still haunting my eyelids. Some hangover!

Today's game vs UT started at 3:30, so I made it my business to do the food shopping from 4 to 5:30. Roads were empty, and so was Publix, except for huge palettes of stuff in every aisle, for restocking the shelves. Still preferable to knots of oblivious kids clogging the aisles yakking on their cellphones.They were all at the game, yakking on their cellphones instead of watching football.

Watched various college games while fixing dinner-- I just put on ESPN and figure they'll show an interesting game and keep me updated on whatever else is happening. Dinner was a shrimp/ mushroom/ ginger stir-fry, fruit salad, sushi, and fresh from the bakery sunflower seed bread.

Since I knew Mom would be busy this afternoon, I called Thea. She wasn't hearing much I said, but she seemed in good spirits. Penny told me she was having a good day.

Still hotter'n' hooties down here on the sandbar, and it's the putative last week of summer. Well, not so hot actually (low 90's) but the humidity is killer since we've had some good rain recently. Impossible to draw a deep breath outside, and the trip across the blacktop parking lot of Publix is a safari requiring a hat and some sort of hydration system. Looking forward with longing to Sweatshirt Day -- loved hearing Sandy mention it recently!

Time for another assault on sleep. Enjoy your spectacular river view.

Homeward Bound

15.IX.07 - Saturday

My "Road Manager" for this show really outdid herself today. I am going to hate to leave tomorrow. We left Elizabeth's late in the afternoon with no reservation and hoping for a room overlooking the "Ole Miss" after a very full day.

Sandy and Charlie spent last night in Iowa City and I was at Margaret's south of there in Washington. We managed to all meet up with Fred and Fran at HyVee in Fairfield at 11:00. Somehow, all sitting around a table in the grocery store buffet area, it was decided to eat there instead of a restaurant. Don't have the energy to go into too much detail, but it was an experience. I had a chance to talk with Fred even with his hearing problems, Fran was a little overpowering, and Margaret is delightful. (I was fresh off my overnight with her and almost loosing my voice -- both of us inherited the Bauman gift of gab.

Margaret was going back home and F&F left to visit Elizabeth. We made a detour there to drive by the old house. We paused to look at it and the young man on a riding mower cutting the grass rode over to see if we were lost and he could help. He was quite excited to find our link to the house and asked if we would like to see what he has been doing over since he bought it. Will go into more detail about him and the fantastic work he has done on it. He is passionate about the work on the house and it sounds as if that has played a part in the recent breakup of his marriage. I could not believe that such a young man would be so dedicated to this. The barn is gone and that lot is carefully cut so it looks like an extension of the lawn of the house. He wanted to keep the front the same and added on to the house at the back including an attached 2-car garage. I hope you get a chance to see it some day, Suzy. He loves to show it off. I was able to make it up the front steps and even upstairs with help from Charlie. However, I didn't try to do the steps down to the basement.

We went on to see Elizabeth and George. It was good timing as we met F&F leaving on the road not far from the house, so we had time with just us with them. She is 95 and using a walker from her hip accident. She is recovering from a blood clot in her leg that had put her in the shospital earlier in the week, but she is as sharp as ever -- better hearing that Fred and still her old self.

We started north a little late in the afternoon, still will no 3-A book or reservations. Sandy's aim was a place where we could see the water. In Davenport, we stumbled on a high rise Raddison Hotel that looked like it would fill the bill. My "manager" (or perhaps I should call her our tour guide) went in and made the arrangements for a spectacular "suite" for me, and a large room with the same glass and big bed for them.

As we frequently do, they went down to the restaurant to eat, while I enjoy my room service. I can hardly keep my eyes open and can hardly wait to get into that king sized bed. It isn't going to be easy to sleep with one eye open to enjoy the river, but I am going to try.




Great to hear from both Sandy and Mom from the road. Sounds like a swell trip down the Miss. Where exactly is Hwy 52, Sandy? The description of it reminded me of a road near La Crosse. One went up a steep twisty road to the top of the bluff that overlooks the town, then off on just such a ridge road with spectacular views. I was lucky enough to do this a couple of times on a motorcycle with a knowledgeable friend. Such beautiful country along the river.

I did some minimal Blessings today, after sleeping way too late-- floors and towels. Mostly piddled online, getting familar if not exactly friendly with Facebook. There's a "Library 2.0" initiative afoot that kind of forced me into paying more attention to it. This is a subset of "Web 2.0," meaning interactive stuff. Causing quite a schism in the Library world-- the Twopointopians vs the Olde Guarde. Not sure what I am. As usual.

Tonight I sat down to a brief session of my latest time-waster game, Bejeweled 2. I was hoping to break my previous high score, 29,000. THREE HOURS later, I hit 118,000! It was a relief to finally lose, as my head was aching, eyes burning and mouse hand starting to seize up. It's such a brainless game, but so addicting. I'm convinced that the ST:Next Gen episode "The Game" was an accurate prediction of it. Do not, whatever you do, download and play this stupid game! You will be sorry. You have been warned.


Friday, September 14, 2007

Mom here

13.IX.07 - MoM

I am sitting in a really nice room with windows that are open on a balmy night with Ole Man River below. There are paddle boats below -- Iowa's arrangement to have casinos floating around.

When we got here, we didn't see anyway to go on line so decided that they didn't have access, but since I have read the room information and they are wireless. Perhaps, this will be sent tonight or maybe not.

We left RF mid-day and below LaCrosse we ran through rain and hail. The weather is perfect here. I opted to have room service that I am waiting for -- I should have had a Boost that I have in the fridge. Sandy and Charlie went to the restaurant to eat.

I talked to Fred's wife, Fran, and Elizabeth is home, but Fred is in the hospital! Yesterday, he was feeling strange and dizzy and fainted. When he came to, Fran drove him to the hospital. They have been doing tests all day and he should be out tomorrow -- no diagnosis yet.

The next morning. Sandy and Charlie were a little longer than usual as there was some soon music, so we didn't figure persue further getting me on line.

This morning, Sandy came by as they are going out so Charlie can get a haircut and it had dawned on her that all we had to do was pull down under the "fan" and connect to their wireless.

I had room service last night, by choice. I am not all that used to bed yet but after the 1st hour when I woke up very uncomfortable. I was a little cool when I went to bed so I had doubled the bedspread when I pulled it down, but the weight made my leg hurt bad. There was no position I could find that was comfortable. So, I was plenty warm, so I remade the bed and had a wonderful nights sleep.

Off soon to meet Margaret, Won't be able to send tonight, and probably even

I'm on reserve battery. Not going to proof.

checking in

Dubuque, beautiful morning on the Mississippi. We thought there was no 'net access in these rooms. Found it this morning, and now it's time to go.

Don't know if Mom's posting as we speak, but anyway, we had a lovely drive down the Mississippi yesterday. Wisconsin side to Nelson, crossed to Wabasha, crossed again at La Crosse (thought of Suzy), Wisconsin side to Prairie du Chien, then over to the Iowa side to Dubuque. Actually, the most amazing scenery was inland, on Hwy 52, a high ridge extending for about five miles with spectacular views of hills and farmlands down below on both sides. I highlighted it on the map.

Might have stayed at a nice old riverfront inn in Guttenburg, but couldn't raise anyone there, and it looked like it was full. To remember.

Now we'll get back on the road. The reunion continues to deteriorate. Fred went to the hospital yesterday feeling dizzy. Hope he's o.k. and that Elizabeth is o.k.!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Salad Day


Original meal plan for tonight was a crock pot thing called "Portuguese Soupas" (how could I resist with a name like that?). However, since I didn't go into the Lib today, I forgot to get it started until it was already too late. Decided to create something with the leftover fried chicken instead -- just the two breasts were left. Bill loves main dish salads, so started from there.

The thing I came up with was very well received, so much so Bill said I should write it down. And what better place to write it down than the blog?

I made a dressing in the bottom of the bowl, adapting one from a book: diced avocados, lime juice, yogurt, olive oil, hot sauce and salt. The recipe called for putting it all in a blender, but I just skipped that; the avocado was ripe enough that a lot of it colored and flavored the dressing, but there were still nice chunks in the finished salad. Chopped up some parsley, dill and basil into it.

Then I added about 5 cups of stuff I had around: diced English cucumber, two small Kirby cukes peeled and sliced, sliced celery, red pepper in small thin strips, cherry tomatoes quartered, green grapes cut in half. Mixed that up, then added half a bag of butter lettuce and radicchio and the chicken sliced and diced. (Was going to add some of the mozzarella balls, but decided that was overkill.) Pretty good! However, there is a ton of it leftover. Not sure how it will keep.

Got daily routines done, some laundry of Bill's folded, and the towels changed/laundered. Three times per week is working out well. We're getting spoiled.

Watched the hapless Orioles get clobbered by the Angels tonight. They are going through such a bad patch, and tonight's 16-6 debacle was just one more dismal pearl in their string of woe. Not as bad as the recent "Boston Massacre," or the no hitter they gave up to a rookie pitcher making his second start in the Bigs, but bad enough. Having Rick Dempsey as one of the announcers eases some of the pain, because he is so funny, and he is from my era of Orioles glory.

Okay, Mom. If you promise to be good and not peek until morning, I'll continue my current posting schedule, such as it is. I hope you have an enjoyable jaunt down to Iowa. I look forward to hearing about it.

Back to the reading chair. I'm nearly finished with Jane & His Lordship's Legacy, the last one of the series that I have on hand. Either must hie me to B&N or Amazon and get more, more more... or, God forbid I have to fall back on the real thing. I realized today that actually, I've only read two of them: P&P (several times) and Emma. Most of my Austen experience is on film! How embarrassing.

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Serious packing day

12.IX.07 - MoM

Please don't change your blog sending time, Suzy. Last night I didn't read it during the night. I only do that after I have been awake for several hours. Before long I expect to be sleeping in my bed and I don't get out of bed to come to the front room to the computer. Last night, I managed to go to sleep as a reasonable hour, was only awake for a short time then another good sleep -- 6+ hours.

I don't know how cold we got last night. The towels I had put over the plants were soaking wet this morning, but it didn't rain. I haven't talked with Sandy yet today so don't know how cold they got.

I spent the day puttering at packing, including too much time spent looking for things that I misplace. I have the major things packed, but have a lot of small stuff to collect and pack.

I wasted a lot of time ordering the electric grill and still don't know if I got through. From now on, when I order from Hammerschlam, I will do it by phone. I got messed up and can only hope it went through or that I didn't double order. After I e-mailed them to ask about it and haven't heard from them. They had my e-mail as a .com instead of a .net. I was doing fine till I went back to correct that. I also talked to customer service and they said it went through. By the way, it you had happened to look it up on Amazon, the one I saw there was a real cheapie. Mine is $125.00 or so -- it has more watts and heats to 450°.

I really enjoy hearing of the things you are creating, Suzy. I think it is great that Bill enjoys the variety. I'm impressed with his weight loss, too.

I haven't been able to get in touch with Fran about Elizabeth yet today. I called by she was not home yet. She was have a lot of dental stuff with her plate, today.

OHHH -- I just woke up to the fact that I finished my so called dinner about an hour ago and have forgotten to start my drinks! Nothing more to write about. Besides, I am actually watching something besides politics on TV. I read a pre-review about a special on Public TV featuring Tony Bennett with a rave review. I don't usually listen to the shows with music from the "past." For some reason, I have a tendency to get depressed. I wasn't a Tony Bennett fan and his music (especially "I left my heart in SF) doesn't awaken old memories. I just began to enjoy him lately during his appearances on the Today Show. Tonight's show is fun as they are mixing old clips of other stars into it. This was part of the Master's Series.

Doing this and proofing this while having TV on , I can only hope it isn't too bad. I should be able to at least check in tomorrow night, but not at Margaret's on Friday night.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Adventures in the Future


You can make that "simple and stupid scarf" for me, Ma-- I need one. Although it is still plenty hot here, I have faith that someday in the next few months it will get cold again.

There was an article in the paper yesterday about how all these electronic devices are ruining sleep patterns for college students. Seems sleeping in short bursts is not as restful as a full night's sleep. I think you're letting your computer ruin your sleep as well-- I notice you are waking up in the night to check for blogs and email. We must break you of this habit in the interest of sleeping all night! So I think for awhile I will not post to the blog until morning so you won't be tempted to check in the wee hours.

Sorry your cousin reunion plans have been derailed, but glad to hear you're going ahead with the trip anyway. It's such a pleasant drive down there.

Needless to say, I didn't post last night because I was mired in football-- a Monday Night double header, the late game being San Fran. I fell asleep before the end of it (don't even know who won), so headed straight for bed.

Dinner last night was a glotch (skillet meal) we like-- leftover ham strips, mushrooms, onions, sour cream, served over cauli-rice. Easy and good. I'd also turned the rest of the terrible green beans into a 4-bean salad-- also not very good because the basalmic vinegar I used just wasn't sour enough. I corrected it with some wine vinegar for its rerun tonight.

Had some errands across town this morning (you will see two of your checks deposited finally) and so was able to shop at Fresh Market. Besides picking up a jar of Magic Olives, I got some nice raspberries and avocados. Found some of those little fresh mozzarella balls Sandy used with grape tomatoes, so of course had to get some good looking grape tomatoes and fresh basil.

Original plan was to pick up scallops, which Bill dearly loves, but I was seduced by some crab cakes (made w/lump crab) which he also loves. They were lovely, fried briefly in some butter. Also picked up some nice olive bread, and some amazing sushi-- made with real crab and brown rice. Along with the tomato/mozz/basil things, a very nice late summer supper.

Also reiterated yesterday: his love of Pizza/Quiche. "What's the point of you retiring if you don't make P/Q for me every day?" What, indeed?

My FlyLady calendar came today! Yay! I'm now good to plan through December 2008!

Not going into the comics tomorrow. Spot of bother going on in the area, which I would do well to miss.

And speaking of comics, our friend, the beautiful sci-fi geek Cynthia just announced she finally has a chance to go to the San Diego Comic Con next year. "How come WE can't go?" asks Bill. Well, no reason at all, as long as we're willing to accept accommodations miles away from the actual con... Problem has been that we were so spoiled by our dumb luck the first year, being able to walk to and from, we were unwilling to settle for less. So we are now saving our pennies and energies toward a crazy adventure next July. And I actually have a calendar up on the wall that will allow me to mark it down right now. (Uh, just as soon as I research exactly when it is next July...)

Frost warnings! Can't freaking believe it. Let's hope the previous patterns prevail, and our weather follows yours by a few days. We could use the break from endless tropical summer.

Just call me "Sleepy Time Gal."

11.IX.07 - MoM

At least, I got a start on laying out the stuff for the suitcase for Thursday and my list is printed and partly checked off. This weather, if the coolish continues, is most helpful. Slack weather with a couple of turtlenecks, and shirt/jackets are easy and will only take one dress incase it gets quite hot.

Sadly, our reunion plans have had to change. Margaret called this morning to tell me that Fred had called her to let her know that Elizabeth had been in the hospital with a blood clot. That means we will not be having a get together there. I tried to call Fred late this afternoon. He was at work but I talked with Fran. Sandy, Charlie and I will still go to Birmingham to see the house, but I wanted to find out if we could have a short visit with Elizabeth. Fran is going to call Elizabeth's daughter to see what is happening and I'll check back with her tomorrow night.

Just took time out to go out after dark to sort of cover my deck plants after the nightly check in with Sandy. I had heard all day that it was going to be 38° with frost north of the Cities. She said she was covering things as it was going to freeze there. That prompted me to check the weather online and we are under a frost advisory. I finally struggled out to the deck and with scads of dish towels, got the stuff covered, It doesn't look as if it is going to be nearly this cold thru the rest of the week. Of course, that can change, but we'll hope for the best. Expect to bring the plants into the sunroom before I go to Lake Pepin in Oct.

To continue my sleep saga. Last night, I made it to bed by 10:30 and broke the hour rut -- I actually slept for 3 hours. Checked the e-mail and blog -- nothing -- then went back to sleep again by 2 a.m. and actually slept for 4 more hours! I didn't get around to any naps today, so hope I can sleep like that again tonight. It's 9 and I will do well to last till 10 tonight.

Just took time out to cast on some stitches to start a simple and stupid scarf, I needed to get something started to do in the car, I dozed off a couple times while knitting. I must get wrap this up and stretch out in the chair -- I fell asleep again while typing this sentence. Good Night.

Marty: Thank Nate for bringing up my garbage can!

Monday, September 10, 2007

An early autumn?

10.IX.07 - MoM

The weather is really crazy. Today it was 65° and calling for 40° tonight and 63° high and 38° low tomorrow night. I don't think I will open the door to the patio very far unless I get an additional blanket to add to your Bean blanket. So far that is all I have needed. Last night, I made it to bed by 11:30 and slept till 12:30. I read your blog, Suzy, and made it back to sleep by 1:30. I slept well until 6:30 -- the best in quite a while. I decided to stay with in my chair rather than move even the few things I would need. I may try the bed tonight if I don't go right back to sleep in my chair.

I had a really good letter from Bill Dwyer's wife, Annie, today -- a first. He had said she would write and send the brochure with info about her paintings. I was amazed! She paints animal portraits from your photos and they are terrific. So is the price -- they start at $499.00. She does them from clients' photos. In various stages she sends photos to clients to check with them and make changes as necessary. She is an Illinois girl and I have a feeling she is somewhat younger than he is, but not sure.

Kay called for a chat this morning. Chris is doing well, but still gets quite tired. That and getting some of my mag subscriptions sorted out from all the early and often billing they send took too long this morning.

Chris C cut the grass, used the weed whip and gave the gutters a first cleaning. Plans to do it again before winter sets in. He says the roof has a heavy cover of more and larger than usual acorns. I know the patio is covered. It reminded me of one of our fall visits at Bayfield. I had to sweep the deck each day before we could use it. I really loved that house. He is leaving this weekend for the annual elk hunting week plus in Wyoming. He suggested that if the grass got too tall, I should call his father to cut it. He had to retire from city maintenance due to his health, but he says he would be happy to do it. With the cooler weather, I don't think it will grow quite so fast.

Somehow, I didn't get around to any naps today. I will see if that makes a difference during the night. Oh, I just remembered that I did drop off a couple of times around 8 a.m. this morning when I was eating breakfast and reading the paper. That doesn't count as the incidents are so brief. Perhaps I really will make it to bed at a better hour tonight.

I had the fireplace on this morning to take the chill off, and as little while ago I put it on again after closing up the house this evening.

Tomorrow is the anniversary of the day I had eye surgery to tighten my lower eyelids to cut down chance of infections. I wasn't completely knocked out and had barely been wheeled into the operating room. They had a little TV on but not where I could see it but did hear the entire 9/11 mess. Oh Boy! I'll have a chance to see it all tomorrow. The Today Show is going to rebroadcast it tomorrow morning! Thank goodness, I can find other stuff to have on then. I still have the original first 2 hours on, but have never watched the added hour that they started several years ago (the regulars are not on that and as of today, they added a fourth hour hosted by 3 females that I'm still won't be having on.

Only 8 p.m. Somehow, I must stay awake a while longer. It is going to be a struggle.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Pretty Good Sunday


Day of non-stop football and meta-football since I woke up until now. This wretched excess always happens at the start of the season. Various problems with the satellite and TiVo just added interest to the logistics of keeping track of the whole scene. Of course, it isn't quite over yet: Monday Night Football will be a double header-- one game at 7:00, another at 10:15.

Did not get it together to make shrimp dip, but did fry chicken. I used Sandy's hand-written recipe from 1973 (which she learned from Pa), but was rather unhappy with the already cut-up chicken I got from Publix-- the back was all one piece, the breast pieces were very uneven, and it all was messy with clumps of fat, which I didn't take time to properly trim. I used the large rectangular electric skillet, so there probably was insufficient butter/oil for that size surface. I did tend it faithfully, though, so it got deeply browned and pretty well cooked. There was lots of time to let it cool off, as Bill was engaged online until later than usual.

The string beans I hand-snapped were terrible-- had to cook them to death to make them any kind of tender-- guess they were too old. Made a tomato/cuke salad, and also put some leftover stuff on the table, kind of picnic-like. I was thinking the chicken was not all that great, but Bill pronounced it "well fried!" and "one of your better efforts." Oooookay. I'll take it.

Got the sheets changed and two loads of laundry done. Pretty good Sunday, all things considered.

Mom, I thought you knew anything in green in the blog is a live link! I hate to think how many things you've missed not knowing that-- sorry I didn't make it clear before! Glad you enjoyed the Johnston article. I tend to forget that everyone doesn't know as much as I do about her. I've read and re-read all the collected strips many times, and that includes all the biographical materials that come with the publications.

Hope you get some better sleep tonight. And I wish the same for myself. 2:00 AM - 10:00 AM seems to be my natural sleep cycle. The problem comes when RL demands things be done in this twilight zone they call "morning." None of those tomorrow, except for a desire to gopher Bill off to work. The least I can do.

Another lazy day

9.IX.07 - MoM

I'm glad you told me about clicking to get the excellent Lynn article. It answered a lot of my questions and it's nice to know that she will be around a while longer. I hadn't realized the strip was somewhat autobiographical. And thanks, Sandy, for your FBoFW finding, too. I found your e-mail late this afternoon so have only read a little of it. I will go back to it after I finish this.

Last night, I went to bed about 11 and woke up after about an hour as I have been doing lately. However, It was 4:30 before I got back to sleep again. I was not in pain and could find no reason for my sleeplessness. I always sleep with the radio on low and last night was no different, except I just didn't go to sleep. This pattern is something new since my broken hips. I finally put on the computer and found your blog and the FBoFW material, so that helped pass some time, after which I got to sleep for a couple of hours. I finally got sleepy mid-afternoon so tried to do one of my 15-minute naps, but for once, I could not fall asleep. During the night I was comfortable in my chair and the temp was perfect for sleep. However, tonight I have my bed ready with the comforter (it is going to be cool with the door open, so I am going try it for at least part of the night. I am not sweating the sleeplessness, as I know that eventually I'll get so tired I'll have to sleep. I want to get to bed a little earlier tonight with hopes of that better night's sleep.

A little while ago I was surprised to see Dave Wood come by with food. They had a church group today. I have never known people who do so much entertaining. He brought red beans, some chopped meat on a bun, a dill pickle and a crunchy apple dessert. It's sort of like my private "Meals on Wheels."

I operate so slowly these days, so tomorrow I must start to serious up about getting ready for our Iowa jaunt on Thursday.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Return of REAL Football


Thanks for the garden update, complete with pictures, Sandy! I had a shock when I realized that one of your tomato baskets was actually the thing I use for laundry! It's heavy, even when loaded with just dirty jeans and t-shirts; I can't imagine three of them filled with tomatoes-- no wonder you needed help to drag it up the hill! (And since I've been there recently, I can appreciate what a trip it is from the garden to your house.)

Mom, the link in my post yesterday ("Story here") explains the situation with For Better or For Worse -- it's not really ending. Lynn's going to try recycling old strips, mixed with some current stuff, so she doesn't have to work quite so hard. Since lots of people have never seen the old ones, it just may work out for her.

Got the shopping done at a reasonable hour to avoid the game craziness. Fixed a really nice dinner of broiled tilapia over spinach topped with a cucumber dill sauce. Easy, and really good. A Gator fruit salad (nectarines, cantaloupe and blueberries) and a green salad.

Had baby football on the tube while cooking, eating, and aftermath. Gator game is PPV, so who needs it. If they can't beat Troy-Whoozit, I don't want to see it, let alone pay for the privilege. Guess I only bleed orange and blue from surface wounds and fruit salads.

Tomorrow REAL football starts! Huzzah! Thinking about making shrimp dip to celebrate. Going to fry (yes, fry) some chicken in honor of the occasion. Somewhere along the line, popcorn will be involved.

A nice but mostly a nothing day

8.IX.07 - MoM

When Sandy told me her prediction last Spring that Liz was going to get back with Anthony, I was quite pleased with the idea. I thought that Lynn would gradually make him look more attractive and she seems to be. I'm really going to miss that strip. I always save it for the last one to read. I find the strips with the grandfather painful, however, even though he is making some progress. When is the strip scheduled to end?

I finally decided to make Shrimp Dip this afternoon. As I was afraid of -- the Orleans shrimp I used to use are no more but their name is on another brand and they are tasteless. I made it up anyhow and ate a lot, then added a little jar of pimentos. Tomorrow, I think I'll add some chopped green chilies. Of course, part of it could be blamed on my fading taste buds. It was late in the day when I got it done, so that is my food for tonight. I stuffed on it, so I am having my drinks tonight with a few salt bombs.

My calendar stickers continue to keep me on track. Won't have a complete month with our little jaunt coming up this week, but will have some even during it.

I had my usual call to Thea today. Only had to rely on Gracie once. Have told her that I may not be able to call next week on Saturday. Will try to make it some other day.

I need to start getting my stuff to take lists done. It is not as easy as I used to be when I didn't have to use a walker. September and October are hard months to pack for with hot and cold weather. Oops! Just upset the last few swallows of my drink! It mopped up pretty easily.

Can't believe it is only 8:30 (now 9:15 -- I am so sleepy. After an uninspiring day, nothing really to write about.

late summer

Thanks for the Lynn Johnston update, Suzy. Sad that her marriage has broken up, particularly at this juncture. Very interesting article! I've really been enjoying the hybrid strips.

I, too, was devastated by the end of Netley. Only I listened to it in the car, and I had to keep driving!

Ben did not run screaming from kindergarten. Finally on Thursday night I called for news. He was in the tub when I called, so I first talked to Marty. She said he really liked it, but that it was making him very tired at the end of the day. They'd been out to dinner, and he was too tired to deal with it. Then Ben called me back, and said, "When you play outside, they blow a whistle and then you have to line up!" Made me smile, since lining up is a big part of elementary school that I see often. Teachers are judged by their ability to walk their students down the hall in a neat, orderly line (I was terrible at it). He also talked about hot and cold lunch, but I didn't get that part. Although he talks quite clearly in person, he mumbles on the phone; he always has. Anyway, I hope to see him soon and get more news. I stopped by at 4 yesterday afternoon, but he and Nate weren't home yet.

The world has turned to tomatoes here. I have 32 bags of diced tomatoes in juice in the freezer and don't plan to stop until I have that many more. Also making sauce out of Romas, using Mom's great tomato grinder. I've now also borrowed her giant crockpot for that purpose.

We've been eating well, tons of vegetable things punctuated with small meat items. Example: Thursday night: mashed potatoes with sage and white cheddar, tomates à la provençale (JC Mastering I), cucumbers & onions, and a grilled hamburger. Delish. Last night, since Charlie'd had me buy a very nice bottle of wine when I was in Stillwater yesterday, I bought part of a rack of lamb, which I served with local wild rice, fresh canellinni beans (a first) and fresh green beans. (French people always serve beans with lamb.) Dessert: panna cotta with the last of our blueberries and a Colorado peach. We've been eating outside on the deck for the last few days, Charlie's idea. No bugs, really, and very pleasant. Beautiful weather here, made more glorious by recent rain. We are appreciating the green while it lasts.

This photo is only partially posed. I'd finished picking all of those tomatoes and was waiting for Charlie to come back from a few holes of golf (before going to work) to help me pull the too-heavy cart up the hill. I took rare advantage of the chair in the garden to read a little (we're rereading Pullman), and I took a camera down so he could take a picture of this unusual scene.

Fall crops of spinach and lettuce small but giving some hope. Fall sprouting of the dill/arugula/cilantro (and weed) bed coming along nicely, though minimal cilantro. Leeks still not harvested, and the edamame is ready to pick and freeze, too. Still lots of green beans, though I'm through freezing them (32 packages). Very, very few peppers this year. Ground too fertile, so the plants are all leaves. We planted them on the south side of the garden, and since they are also at the bottom of the slope, much of the new manure's nutrients must have leached down. Too bad. Pretty plants, though.

O.K. Tomato time, and it's nearly time to hang up the first load of laundry.

One last photo:

Kids feeding cows at the pique-nique:

Friday, September 07, 2007

Fictional Bummers


I am so bummed. Just heard the news that Lynn Johnston's husband left her in April! (Story here.) I have been involved with that strip, and by extension, with her, for so many years, it is like learning of the breakup of close friends who seemed perfectly happy. Shattering. And just as she was winding down the strip and stepping back from it, trying something different with it. Just last night Bill and I were discussing it, and how April was the one totally fictional character -- a midlife baby she decided not to have in RL. He thought it was creepy. Maybe he was right.

Yeah, I was pissed about Liz ending up with Anthony, but never would wish this misery on anyone. And how much worse for her, to have to continue drawing "Rod" as a character. I can't help remembering a storyline maybe 15 years ago where Elly thought Rod was having an midlife crisis affair -- and it turned out he just lusted after a new sports car. This is always the problem with autobiographical comics -- even when they're semi-autobiographical, they can suddenly come back to bite bigtime.

And as if this weren't enough semi-fictional angst, I had to go and finish Ghosts of Netley this afternoon. I cried! I haven't boo-hoo'ed out loud at a book in a long while, even though I knew perfectly well it was coming, and that, of course, it never happened. Total fabrication, set amid such an array of historical fact that it's easy to lose track of that. Well done, Stephanie Barron!

Meanwhile, back in RL... (pauses, tries to remember) ... I'm sure something happened yesterday worth noting, but I'm not sure what. Today (aside from reading) I was up early to do some transactions with the Publix pharm before the weekend. Bill couldn't get away from meetings early enough to make an afternoon trip into the Library worthwhile. I actually was glad for a chance to get caught up on a few minimal Blessings: kitchen floor with Scooba, rest of the floors/rugs with Swiffer/carpet sweeper. Bathroom floors still need attention.

Need to get to Publix again tomorrow morning-- another Gator football day, when it's best to have one's business done well before the game starts. I have meals/shopping list ready. Now all I have to do is get myself out of bed early enough to make it happen. Always the problem.

Need to get that new UPS plugged in! Woke up this morning with the computer shut down once again, due to a brief power outage.

Congrats on keeping those stickers on the calendar, Mom. I know exactly what that is about. I finally ordered the new calendar today. I still have 3 more months on the old one, but already need to plan things for January. I have only minimal stickers on this month, knowing I'll want to transfer them.

Sandy, you'll remember John Ronan from the conference. He and Jana have been wanting to adopt for some time, and now they have-- however, two of their irons in the fire became available at once, and they took them both! They are suddenly parents of TWO babies! What kind of fun is that going to be?!

So, I guess we can assume that Ben didn't run screaming from kindergarten? That's a good sign.